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extract [ɪks'trækt] V.
Allg. 引き抜く ichi1; 引抜く io ichi1; 引きぬく; 吸い上げる news2 nf37; 吸上げる; 書き出す news2 nf37; 書き抜く (e.g. a passage from a book); 書抜く (e.g. a passage from a book); 切り抜く; 切りぬく; 切抜く; 抜き出す news2 nf42; ぬき出す; 抜く ichi1 (ぬく); 絞る ichi1 news1 nf12; 搾る esp. 絞る ichi1; 引っこ抜く; 抽出エキス Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 抽出液 (ちゅうしゅつえき) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
Math. 開く ichi1 (root, hiraku)
micr. 抽出 (In programming, to derive one set of characters from another by using a mask (pattern) that determines which characters to remove, chūshutsu); 抽出する (To build a DAC package file that contains the definitions of all the objects in an existing database, as well as instance objects that are associated with the database); 展開する (To decompress, or pull out, files from a compressed form. When you extract a file, an uncompressed copy of the file is placed in the folder you specify. The original file remains in the compressed folder. Compressed files frequently have a .zip file name extension)
Recht. 抄本 (しょうほん) Japanese Law Translation Database System
n extract | n [ɪks'trækt] V.
Allg. エッセンス gai1 (essensu); 書き抜き; 書抜き; 抽出物 (from, chūshutsubutsu); エキス剤; エキストラクト (ekisutorakuto)
veralt. ;
n vs extract | n vs [ɪks'trækt] V.
Allg. 抜き書き; 抜書き; 抜書
n vs adj-no extract | n vs adj-no [ɪks'trækt] V.
Allg. 抜粋 ichi1 news2 nf32; 抜萃; 抜枠 ik
n uk abbr extract | n uk abbr [ɪks'trækt] V.
Allg. 越幾斯 ateji (esp. of food, fruit, etc.)
 Englisch Thesaurus
extract ['ekstrækt] Abk.
Abkürz. ex; ext
Abkürz., Polym. ext.
Tech., Abkürz. extr