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relative costsBetonungen
Allg. относительные затраты (How to Distinguish Between Controllable Costs & Relative Costs by Lauren Treadwell, Demand Media Google Controllable costs are expenses that a business has the power to change. Many business costs are controllable to some extent, such as payroll and materials. Relative costs are expenses that change depending on where the company does business, such as the costs of transporting goods. Although controllable cost and relative costs may seem like different concepts, a cost can be both controllable and relative. Alexander Demidov); связанные затраты (world-nuclear.org Butterfly812)
Fin. сравнительные издержки производства
Wirtsch. относительные издержки (A.Rezvov); удельные издержки (A.Rezvov)
relative cost
Wirtsch. относительная стоимость; относительные издержки (A.Rezvov); удельные издержки (A.Rezvov)
relative costs: 3 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken