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bad guyBetonungen
Allg. плохиш (SergeiAstrashevsky); злодей (segu); негодяй (ParanoIDioteque)
Inf.Sich. злоумышленник
Milit. Jargon противник (MichaelBurov)
umg. преступник (Taras)
bad guys
Allg. преступники (sever_korrespondent); враги (sever_korrespondent)
umg. преступники ("Unfortunately for us, the bad guys don't have that problem. They have unrestricted resources of cash that they can use to fund all different kinds of things, whether it is technology for drug smuggling, whatever they want. That's why law enforcement needs this kind of technology – to keep ahead of the bad guys.' " ("Beep-boop, you're under arrest", Allen Abel, Maclean's Magazine) ART Vancouver)
Bad Guy
sich., Jar. злоумышленник (противной стороны); криптоаналитик (противной стороны); перехватчик
bad guy: 5 Phrasen in 1 Thematik
Allgemeine Lexik5