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APB Abk.Betonungen
Allg. Ориентировка (all points bulletin Lavrov); словесный портрет
Buchhalt. Комитет принципов бухгалтерского учёта (до 1973 г. – орган Американского общества дипломированных бухгалтеров, Accounting Principles Board)
E.öl. повышение давления в затрубном пространстве (annular pressure build-up twinkie)
Gruzovik, Wirtsch. бюро разработки норм учёта (accounting principles board)
kardiol. преждевременные сокращения предсердий (atrial premature beats mazurov)
Med. ПЭ (преждевременная экстрасистола mazurov)
Metkunde antiphase boundary, межфазная граница (Журнал Intermetallics 8 (2000) 1257-1268 авторы Keith J.Leonard, Vijay K. Vasudevan Название Phase equilibria and solid state transformations in Nb-rich Nb-Ti-Al intermetallic alloys Efigenia)
Notar. комитет по вопросам назначения и продвижения (Appointments and Promotions Board Interex)
Poliz. приметы (в знач. "ориентировка"; от "all-points bulletin": They sent an APB on the terrorist. VLZ_58)
apb Abk.
Wirtsch. банковская гарантия на возврат авансового платежаAdvance payment bond (Al Bar)
 Englisch Thesaurus
APB Abk.
Abkürz. Accounting Principles Board; All Parishioners Beware; Accounting Prianciples Board (dimock); Advanced Peripheral Bus (AMBA, ARM); Air Priority Board; Aircraft Production Board; Army Packaging Board; Self-Propelled Barracks Ship
Abkürz., Buchhalt. Auditing Practices Board
Abkürz., Börse. Asia Pacific Fund, Inc.
Abkürz., E.öl. acid-producing bacteria; antiphase boundary
Abkürz., Eisnbnw. absolute permissive block
Abkürz., el. advanced PCI bridge; application program block; passband attenuation
Abkürz., el., Wissensch. Anti Phase Boundary
Abkürz., el.Tech. All Ports Blocked (Yuriy83)
Abkürz., IT advance peripheral bus (MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., Kommunik. Absolute Permissive Block system
Abkürz., Luftf. auxiliary power breaker; APU breaker
Abkürz., Med. Association Parole-Bégaiement; atrial premature beat; abductor pollicis brevis (13.05)
Abkürz., Mil. Acquisition Program Baseline; All Purpose Bulletin; Advanced Processor Build
Abkürz., Mil., Luftf. Accounting Principle Board
Abkürz., Physiol. Atrial Premature Beat
Abkürz., Physiol., Med. Atrial premature beat
Abkürz., Poliz. all-points bulletin (Val_Ships)
Abkürz., Polym. atactic polybutene-1
Abkürz., Recht. All Points Bulletin; Alpha Phi Beta; Asia Pacific Breweries
Abkürz., Rel. All Prayer Bulletin
Abkürz., SachalA authorisation for expenditure
Abkürz., Schott. Analysing Printer Base; Self-propelled barracks ship (USA)
Abkürz., sich. anti-passback; Access Point Board (Alex_Odeychuk); Alarm Panel Board (Alex_Odeychuk); Arming and Disarming Panel Board (Alex_Odeychuk)
Abkürz., Sport. All Purpose Bicycle
Abkürz., Tech. active power balance
Abkürz., Wirtsch. accounting principle board
comp. all position busy
Mil. air portable bridge; aircraft practice bomb; antipersonnel bomb; antipersonnel bomblet; avionics planning baseline
APB: 12 Phrasen in 6 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik4
Öffentliches Recht1