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GTC Abk.
Abkürz. Gas Transportation Company; Good Till Cancelled; good til cancelled order (Alexander Matytsin); General Teaching Council (ABelonogov); Government Training Center; Grand Theft Chicken; General Technologies Corp.; Government's telegram code; glyceryl trichloride; good till canceled
Abkürz., Astron. Gran Telescopio Canarias (в Ла-Пальме MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., Ausbild. Gifted Talented And Creative
Abkürz., Autoind. grand touring car
Abkürz., brit. engl. government training centre; group training command
Abkürz., comp. General terms and conditions (beserg)
Abkürz., Comp., Netzw., IT Generic Token Card
Abkürz., E.öl. generalized transmission coefficient; Green Tag Centers
Abkürz., el. Gate Commutated Thyristor (тиристор с управляемым затвором romea); gas temperature controller; General Transistor Corp.; give token confirm; grating transmission curve; ground test command; gyrotropic crystal
Abkürz., el.Tech. gas-turbine compressor
Abkürz., Fin. good-till-cancelled order
Abkürz., gasaufb. Gas Turbine driving Compressors (Газотурбинный компрессор andreche)
Abkürz., geow. General Technology Corporation
Abkürz., Geschäftsvokab. general technical council; good till counter-mended; government trade commission
Abkürz., Luftf. Green Turtle, Bahamas; ground terminal computer; general tool contract; General Transistor Corporation; government test centers; ground test conductor
Abkürz., Marke. General Telephone Company; General Transport Company
Abkürz., Med. guanidinium thiocyanate
Abkürz., Metall. galvanized threaded and coupled (труба с резьбой, муфтой и гальваническим покрытием Филимонов)
Abkürz., Opt. gain time constant
Abkürz., Recht. General Terms of Contract (Vadim Rouminsky)
Abkürz., Schott. Gain Time Control; Greene, Tweed & Co (Ltd (UK))
Abkürz., Sport. Game Tool Chest; Global Touring Challenge
Abkürz., Tech. on speed
Abkürz., weltraum geocoded terrain corrected; gyro time constant
Abkürz., Wirtsch. good-till-cancelled
Abkürz., Öl&Gas Gasification Technologies Council (olga garkovik)
Invest. good till cancelled
Tech. gamma transmission compensation; glass trimmer capacitor; good till cancelled order
Wärmetech. gas turbine compressor
GtC Abk.
Abkürz., klim. giga tonne of carbon