
Einträge für die Thematik Unternehmensführung enthaltend 职位 | alle Formen | nur in der angegebenen Reihenfolge
下属职位subordinate post
专业职位的任命career service appointment
低类别职位baby post
冻结职位frozen post
名誉职位honourary post
基本职位core post
实地职位空缺公告field vacancy announcement
常设职位established post
平行职位parallel post
延迟填补职位delay in filling posts
文书职位clerical post
文书职位clerical job
未定职等的职位ungraded post
毛空缺职位crude vacancy rate
派生职位baby post
理事会主席的职位Chair of the Council
理事会主席的职位Chairpersonship of the Council
申请空缺职位application for vacancy
职业岗位career post
职位冻结freezing of posts
职位分类grading of posts
职位分类post classification
职位分类请求request for classification
职位分配allocation of posts
职位升降系统career path
职位叙级grading of posts
职位叙级post classification
职位和职工的分类classification of posts and staff
职位提升upgrading of post
职位的撤消abolition of post
职位空缺公告vacancy notice
职位空缺公告vacancy announcement
职位管理position management
职位类别post category
职位紧缩post reduction
职位紧缩post retrenchment
职位结构career pattern
职位编号codification of posts
职位解冻unfreezing of post
职位设置establishment of post
职位调整transfer of posts
调高职位upgrading of post
轮换职位rotational post
部级级别的职位调整fractional post adjustment classes
部级级别的职位调整fractional classes of post adjustment
长期职位permanent position
长期职位core post
附属职位subordinate post
预算外职位extrabudgetary post