
Einträge für die Thematik Internationaler Handel enthaltend | alle Formen
人造及合成纤纺织业artificial and synthetic fibres textile products
人造合成纤及其制品artificial and synthetic fibres and manufactures there of
人造纤rayon fibre
仅能持生存的经济subsistence economy
价格持协定price maintenance agreement
固定设备修费plant maintenance
基本持原状virtual standstill
多种纤协定Multi-Fibre agreement
天然聚合纤natural polymer fibres
年关于国际商法的蒙得的亚条约Treaty on International Commercial Law Montevideo, 12 February, 1889 1889
1940 年关于国际诉讼程序法的蒙得的亚条约Treaty on International Procedural Law (Montevideo, 19 March, 1940)
年关于国际陆地贸易的蒙得的亚条约Treaty on International Commercial Territorial Law Montevideo, 19 March, 1940 1940
1960 年蒙得的亚贸易条约Montevideo Trade Treaty of 1960
房屋和设备maintenance of premises and equipment
斯堪的纳亚航空公司Scandinavian Airlines System
法国里他斯船级社Bureau Veritas
特别护条款entrenched provisions
特别护的条款specially entrenched provision
玻利亚比索货币名称Bolivian peso
生命life conservation
JAPAN禁止私人垄断与持自由贸易法1947年日本Act Concerning Prohibition of Private Monopolies and Maintenance of Free Trade 1947
租金和修费rental and maintenance
板箱fibre board box
素醋酸酷cellulose acetate
胶合板集装箱plywood container
也纳惯例rules of Vienna
repair and maintenance
修合同maintenance contracts
修和运营maintenance and operations
修定单maintenance order
修设备servicing facilities
修费准备maintenance reserve
修车间maintenance shop
regulate the market
持价格maintenance price
持你方的报价keep your quotation for
持关税preserving duties
持再售价格resale price maintenance
持原状in statu quo
持市场regulate the market
持市场maintain market
持市面regulate the market
持折旧depreciation maintenance
持汇价support the exchange rate
持现状的预算neutral budget
持转售价格resale price maintenance
持转售价格协定resale price maintenance agreement
斯比规则布鲁塞尔议定书Visby Rules Brussels Protocol
Brussels Protocol斯比规则Visby Rules
特芬贷款Witteveen Facility
聚丙婦氰纤acrylic fiber
设备修费maintenance of equipment
财产持费carrying cost
递延持费deferred maintenance
采取某种持商品或证券价格的措施如大量抛售或购进jack up
马拉开发公司Malawi Development Corporation
马拉计划Malawi program
鲮璃纤fiber-glass reinforced plastic