
Einträge für die Thematik Technik enthaltend 票 据 | alle Formen | nur in der angegebenen Reihenfolge
一流商业票据prime commercial paper
一等商业票据first-class commercial paper
三方签署的票据three-name paper
不利的票据交换adverse clearing
不可转让的背书票据non-negotiable endorsement
不合格票据ineligible bills
不抬头的银行票据banker's clean bill
不的票据inchoate instrument
不能贴现票据non-discountable bill
不计名票据paper to bearer
不记名承兑票据blank acceptance
交换中票据bill in process of clearing
交换中的本行票据in clearing
付讫票据discharged bill
代收票据collection fee
代收票据charges for collection
保证票据guaranteed bill
保证票据backed bill
信用票据clean bil
信用票据credit note
信用票据blank credit
借方票据debit note
债券式票据bond note
先付票据通知advice of bill accepted
兑汇票据exchange draft
公开市场票据open market paper
再贴现票据rediscounted bill
准备支付到期票据meet a bill
凭票付款票据note to bearer
出口贸易票据export trade bill
分期付款票据balloon note
参加票据交换的银行clearing bank
票据double name paper
发通融票据fly a kite
可再贴现票据eligible bill for rediscounting
可按票据面值收取的制度par collection
可流通票据negotiable paper
可流通票据negotiable note
可流通票据negotiable bill
可转让票据stock warrant
可通过银行承兑的票据bankable bill
同城票据交换local clearing
向国外托收出口票据foreign collections
呆账和票据doubtful notes and accounts
商业票据commercial draft
商业票据交易所commercial paper exchange
商品票据commodity paper (指银行本票和跟票提单)
国内票据domestic bill
国际联运旅客乘车票据international through traffic passenger shipping documents
国际联运货运票据shipping documents for international goods through transport
票据上背书backing a bill
填早日期票据foredated bill
境内票据inland bill
境外待付票据made bill
外国银行票据foreign bank bill
外币支付票据foreign payment instrument
头等票据first-class paper
定期票据time draft
定期票据fixture note
定期付款票据bill payable at fixed date
定期见票即付票据bill payable at sight after a fixed period
实质票据real bill
客运票据the receipt of passenger transport
已付讫票据take-up bill
已付讫票据retired bill
已发出通融票据accommodation bills issued
已承兑票据accepted bill (draft)
已拒付的票据note dishonored
已拒付的应收票据note receivable protested
已清偿票据bills retired
已被拒付的应收票据notes receivable protested
已贴现票据discounted bill
已贴现票据discounted note
已贴现票据bill discounted
库付票据账户bills payable account
应东票据notes receivable from stockholder
应付票据贴现discount on note payable
应付承兑票据acceptance payable
应收票据与承兑汇票的贴现discounting notes and acceptance receivable
应收票据审计bill receivable audit
应收承兑票据acceptance receivable
延期票据deferred sight
开出票据drawn bill
开发票的根据basis for invoicing
托收票据collect a draft
承兑票据分类账acceptance ledger
承兑票据到期记录acceptance maturity record
承兑票据登记簿acceptance register
抵押票据bill of security
抵押贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
拒付票据bill dishonored
拒付票据分录entry of notes dishonored
指示票据order paper
收据票据collecting note
无息票据non-interest-bearing note
无法收现的应收票据uncollectible note receivable
日均已收票据差额average daily collected balance
日期提前票据antedated bill
未偿票据unpaid note
未到期票据undue bill
未到期票据bill undue
未签收的票据unreceipted note
架桥票据bridging over bill (指临时过渡性票据)
根据期票领取现款cash a bill
注明无追索权票据drawing without resource clause
浮动利率本票浮动利率票据floating rate note
清洁票据clean bil
清理逾期票据clean-up past due bill
现金管理票据cash management bills
电动票据打日期机electrical ticket date marker
电动票据打日期机electric ticket date marker
电子票据交换electronic document interchange
电子票据交换electronic document exchange
相互开发抵用票据cross drawing
票据negotiable instrument
票据dishonored note
票据交换clearing of checks
票据交换clearing of bills
票据交换业务clearing business
票据交换协会clearing house association
票据交换后银行借差debit bank balance
票据交换后银行贷差credit bank balance
票据交换工clearing labor
票据交换差额clearing house balance
票据交换市场market for bill exchange
票据交换所banker's clearing house
票据交换所会员银行clearing member
票据交换所决算表clearing house proof
票据交换所报表clearing house statement
票据交换所清单clearing house statement
票据交换所清算表clearing house settlement sheet
票据交换所贷借决算表clearing sheet
票据交换所贷款证券clearing house loan certificate
票据交换所资金clearing house funds
票据交换贷方传票clearing house credit ticket
票据交换轧差银行debtor bank
票据交货所clearing house
票据付款行drawee bank
票据付款通知advice of bill collected
票据传送设备classification list conveyor system
票据保证guarantee of bills
票据保证guarantee of a bill
票据分配员delivery clerk
票据到期bill to mature
票据到期bill to fall due
票据到期日due date
票据到期通知书note notice
票据副页bill duplicate
票据bill merchant
票据回收账簿collection book for bills
票据bill fold
票据委托书drawing advice
票据委托书draft advice
票据当事人parties to a bill
票据托收instrument collection
票据托收bill collection
票据承兑bill acceptance
票据承兑acceptance of checks
票据承兑acceptance rate
票据承兑信贷acceptance credit
票据承兑所acceptance house
票据承兑所协会Accepting Houses Committee
票据承兑银行acceptance bank
票据抵押贷款loans on bills
票据抵补cover for draft
票据拒付证书protest of bill
票据checking law
票据清算bill clearing
票据登记簿bills book
票据的流回circuity of action
票据管理员bill clerk
票据管理审计note management audit
票据账目bill amount
票据贴现discounting a bill
票据贷款bill loan
税收共付票据tax anticipation bills
空头票据kite bill
空头票据fictitious bill
空头票据accommodation bill
空白票据blank bond
空白信用票据blank credit
简化票据生效程序summary bill enforcement procedure
经更改的票据altered bill
经过票据所的票据交换总额in clearing
背书票据转让他人endorse over a bill to another one
背书的应付票据账户endorsed notes payable a-c
营业票据business paper
补足票据deficiency bills
见票即付票据sight draft
见票即付票据note at sight
见票即付票据demand note
见票即付票据见票即付汇票draft on demand
议付票据negotiated bills
记名票据bill to order
负责兑换票据back a bill
货运票据the receipt of freight transport
购入票据bill bought
购入票据得贴现discount on bill bought
贴现票据discount paper
贴现票据discounted note
贴现票据bill discounted
贴现票据及汇票note and bill discounted
贴现票据日记账bills discounted daily list
贴现票据账簿discount cash book
贸易票据commercial draft
贸易票据commercial bill
运输收入票据receipt of transport income
返还票据surrender of bills
进口票据的承受与清算acceptance and settlement of import bills
远期票据date bill
远期票据贴现time bill discount
退回的拒付票据return item
退期票据bill at sight
退款票据refund check
适当的票据eligible paper
通用票据passable bill
通融票据accommodation paper
通融票据accommodation note
通融票据关系人accommodation party
通融票据出票人accommodation maker
金融票据finance bill
银行票据bank draft
银行票据bank bill
银行承兑的票据bank paper
银行承兑的票据bank note
附利息票据interest bill
附利息条款票据interest clause bill
附单据的汇票bill accompanied by document
附属票据supporting vouchers
附有回购条件票据的贴现discount on bill sold on condition of repurchase
附有回购条件的售出票据bill sold on condition of repurchase
附有条件的票据claused bill
限期票据demand bill
须签字照付的票据bill to order