
Einträge für die Thematik Technik enthaltend 淤泥 | alle Formen | nur in der angegebenen Reihenfolge
人工挖除淤泥manual mucking out
人工挖除淤泥manual mucking
低温淤泥low-temperature sludge
凝结淤泥coagulated silt
固结淤泥consolidated silt
坝区泥沙淤积sedimentation at dam vicinity
堤后淤泥backland deposit
塑性淤泥plastic silt
多尔清除淤泥Dorr clarifier
奶牛场淤泥dairy-farm slurry
尼科尔斯淤泥焚化炉Nichols sludge incinerator
工业淤泥industrial silt
工地淤泥site mud
年泥沙淤积量annual sediment deposition
年泥沙淤积量annual accumulation of sediment
开式叶轮淤泥open impeller sludge pump
悬浮淤泥suspended mud
新淤积泥沙newly-accumulated sediment
新淤积泥沙modern sediment
新淤积泥沙modern deposit
无机淤泥inorganic silt
有机淤泥organic slime
有机淤泥organic silt
未回结淤泥unconsolidated mud
淤泥water slurry
淤泥water sludge
水库泥沙淤积速率reservoir sediment accumulation rate
污泥淤积accumulation of sludge
污泥淤积量sludge storage
河底淤泥bed silt
沼泽淤泥boglime lake marl
泥沙冲淤平衡scour sedimentation equilibrium
泥沙淤塞deposition of silt
泥沙淤塞blocking up with silt
泥沙淤积sand accretion
泥沙淤积sediment deposit
泥沙淤积filling up
泥沙淤积剖面图sediment profile
泥沙淤积垫底库容dead storage of sedimentation
泥沙淤积形成的死库容dead storage of sedimentation
泥沙淤积物inwashed sediment
泥浆淤积mud filling
泥浆淤积accumulation of mud
泻湖淤泥lagoon mud
活动淤泥质床moveable muddy bed
活性淤泥activated sludge
活性淤泥activated silt
流人淤泥glowed-in mud
流入淤泥flowed in soil
流入淤泥flowed in mud
海底淤泥bottom silt
海洋淤泥ocean ooze
海滨淤泥sea mud
涡流沉积淤泥eddy-deposited silt
淤泥mud (浆)
淤泥mud accumulation
淤泥silt mud
淤泥bottom mud
淤泥deposited silt
淤泥bottom clay
淤泥免除removal of silt
淤泥压力silt pressure
淤泥厚度等值线图mud thickness contour map
淤泥吊桶muck kibble
淤泥喷吸器silt elevator
淤泥muddy soil
淤泥mud ground
淤泥silt soil
淤泥muck soil
淤泥muddy ground
淤泥silt jetty
淤泥sludge lagoon
淤泥填塞mud filling
淤泥处置silt deposit
淤泥夹层seam of silt
淤泥密度指数silt density index
淤泥muck stage
淤泥silt bank
淤泥silt stratification
淤泥slime layer
淤泥silt deposit
淤泥mud lump
淤泥mire layer
淤泥dirt bed
淤泥mud foreshore
淤泥mud belt
淤泥干燥场sludge drying area
淤泥muddy ground
淤泥muck bottom
淤泥sludge discharge pipe
淤泥控制silt control
淤泥提升机sludge lifting machine
淤泥提升机silt elevator
淤泥收集器silt collector
淤泥栓塞sludge plug
淤泥样品muck sample
淤泥muck stage
淤泥silt water
淤泥silt basin
淤泥沉淀lagoon for holding sludge
淤泥沉淀silt deposit
淤泥沉淀sludge settling
淤泥沉淀deposition of silt
淤泥沉积mud silting
淤泥沉积mud filling
淤泥沉积地silt trap
淤泥沉积物sludge deposit
淤泥沉积物sludge bank
淤泥沉积物sludge sediment
淤泥沉积物silt deposit
淤泥沉积箱silt box
淤泥沉降sludge settling
淤泥沙洲silt bar
淤泥沙洲silt bank
淤泥河岸gumbo bank
淤泥泄出口silt drain
淤泥slush pump
淤泥sludge pump
淤泥泻湖lagoon for holding sludge
淤泥流槽冲洗silt sluicing
淤泥silt slurry
淤泥浓度指数sludge density index
淤泥浓缩器slurry concentrator
淤泥海滩sludge beach
淤泥sludge liquor
淤泥清理孔mud hole
淤泥清除silt displacement
淤泥mud lump
淤泥滩群落mud-flat community
淤泥漂移mud drift
淤泥silt coal
淤泥熔化法sludge melting process
淤泥silty sand
淤泥离心脱水机sludge centrifuge
淤泥移动mud transport
淤泥移动movement of mud
淤泥mud socket
淤泥slush tube
淤泥slush pipe
淤泥slush conduit
淤泥粒度silt size
淤泥累积mud accumulation
淤泥耙头silt draghead
淤泥耙头mud draghead
淤泥sludge boat
淤泥表面mud surface
淤泥表面muck surface
淤泥调质剂mud conditioner
淤泥质亚黏土muddy loam
淤泥质亚黏土mucky loam
淤泥质土puddly soil (壤)
淤泥质土muddy soil (壤)
淤泥质土mucky soil (壤)
淤泥质平原海岸muddy plain coast
淤泥质河口muddy estuary
淤泥质河床silt bed
淤泥质河床mud bed
淤泥质海岸li coast
淤泥质黏土mucky clay
淤泥软化sludge softening
淤泥输运silt transport
淤泥输送槽sludge trough
淤泥运动mud movement
淤泥透镜lens of silt
淤泥采样器ooze sampler
淤泥quantity sludge
淤泥铲斗silt bucket
淤泥馈给器slurry feeder
淤泥silt trap
淤积污泥accumulation of mud
淤积泥沙deposited sediment
淤积泥沙accretion deposit
深水淤泥质波痕abyssal mud ripple
深海淤泥radiolarian ooze
潮区淤泥沉积tidal mud deposit
灰绿色淤泥grey-green mud
灰绿色淤泥gray-green mud
灰色淤泥grey silt mud
灰色淤泥gray silt mud
灰色淤积泥gray warp soil
淤泥coal sludge
瓶式淤泥取样器bottle silt sampler
石灰质淤泥calcareous ooze
砂泥淤积sand silting
砂质淤泥sandy silt
硅质淤泥siliceous silt mud
硫化氢淤泥hydrogen sulfide mud
粉砂一淤泥silt-sludge beach
淤泥fine silt
耕地前施上淤泥put the sludge on before cultivate
肥料淤泥manure slurry
腐殖淤泥sapropel putrid ooze (沼池)
薄层淤泥shallow muck
防淤帘范围以内污泥dredging took place within a silt screen
陆源淤泥terrigenous mud
饱和淤泥saturated silt
高腐殖质淤泥cumulose soil
黏土质淤泥clayey mud