
Einträge für die Thematik Projektmanagement enthaltend | alle Formen
凭借着市场富有竞争力的价格、灵活的支付手法和一流的服务、我们期待着美好的With the most competitive price, promptly delivery and first-level service, we wish for a prospective and brilliant future
可口可乐也意识到、 本次收购会给来几年的收入拖后腿Coca-Cola has acknowledged that the acquisition will be a drag on its earnings for the next couple of years
如果输入实际工期、则实际成本将放置在任务的开始If no actual duration has been entered, the actual cost is placed at the beginning of the task
如果托管堆中的所有对象均被回收、 则不需要压缩内存If all the objects in the managed heap survive a collectio then there is no need for memory compaction
发行的股份unissued share
平仓的衍生工具合约outstanding derivatives contract
支付且未化作本金的利息outstanding uncapitalized interest
支付的存款unclaimed deposit
支付的承担额outstanding commitment
清还的贷款outstanding loan
已经在磁盘上更改了书签、 您想放弃保存的更改、 然后重新载入吗?Bookmarks have changed on disk. Discard your unsaved changes and reload?
注册为法团的企业unincorporated business
应拨拨的款项outstanding allocation
收购后分配储备undistributed post-acquisition reserve
显示所有保存的文件、并允许用户有选择地保存特定文件Displays all unsaved files, and allows the user to optionally save specific files
中标者unsuccessful bidder
了责任outstanding liabilities
交付订单back order
交定货outstanding order
交收合约unsettled contract
付债务outstanding liabilities
付款unpaid moneys
付的应付款outstanding due
付薪金unpaid wages and salaries
付赔款outstanding losses
偿付票据outstanding bill
偿付费用unreimbursed charges
偿债务unpaid liabilities
偿损失outstanding losses
偿还的数额outstanding amount
偿还贷款总额total outstanding loans
兑现的可转让存款证outstanding negotiable certificate of deposit
兑现票据outstanding bill
决事件pending issue
决申索组合outstanding claim portfolio
净化的污水raw sewage
分发款项undistributed money
到价out of the money
到期汇票bill undue
化作本金的利息uncapitalized interest
发货订单unfilled order
吸纳亏损unabsorbed loss
填妥的报税表incomplete return
完全清付债款unsatisfied debt
完工程uncompleted construct
完工程construction in progress
完成的合约unsettled position
完税后交货delivered duty unpaid
定用途的结余款项uncommitted balance
实现损失unrealized loss
实现收人unearned revenue
尽义务unfulfilled obligation
履行的义务unfulfilled obligation
履行的义务outstanding obligation
平仓uncovered position
平仓合约open contract
平仓合约净额net open position
平仓合约数量open interest
成交的买卖unsettled position
承兑的银行本票cashier's order outstanding
拨用的补助金unspent grant
指定用途的盈余free surplus
支用的结余款项unexpended balance
收回金额amount outstanding
来人息future earnings
来开支future expenses
来的市场作价者potential market maker
来的市场庄家potential market maker
来股息future dividend
标价的工程量表unpriced bill of quantities
注销承担额undischarged commitment
清偿债项outstanding borrowing
清偿的债务outstanding obligation
清账户open account
清账款outstanding balance
清账项outstanding account
满期保费组合unearned premium portfolio
用余额unspent balance
用资产dormant assets
登记股份unregistered share
知收件人unknown recipients
知的主机unknown host
确定的索赔unasserted claim
经划线的支票uncrossed cheque
经算定债权unliquidated debt
经算定损害赔偿unliquidated damages
经背书的支票unendorsed cheque
结算账户unsettled account
缴股款的股份nil-paid share
能交货failure to deliver
能回收的金额amounts not recovered
能收回的金额amount not recovered
能预见现场条件unforeseen site conditions
能预见的地质条件unforeseen grounds conditions
能预见的工作unforeseen work
能预见的现场条件unforeseen site conditions
获免税的开支unallowed expenditure
获解除破产的破产人undischarged bankrupt
被应用程序使用的文件closed file
认领股息注销dividend forfeited
赎回物品unredeemed goods
过期风险的额外款额additional amount for unexpired risk
通过检验fail the test
通过的检验failed test
预见的条件unexpected condition
领存款unclaimed deposit
本票上记载付款地的、出票人的营业场所为付款地Where the place of payment is not specified on a promissory note, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment
美联储不应当为了刺激累计总需求而做出会导致来通货膨胀的承诺The Federal Reserve should not make a credible commitment to future inflation as a means of stimulating aggregate demand
话音识别及有关技术虽已发展多年、 但因受硬件和软件的限制、 以往并普及Voice recognition and related technologies have been around for years but were uncommon because of hardware and software limitations
该字符串被识别为有效的日期时间The string was not recognized as a valid date time
该服务器上的计算机账户并禁用The computer account for the server was not disabled
过期付款overdue payment
逾期收的账项arrears of revenue
逾期收税款arrears of revenue