
Einträge für die Thematik Internationaler Handel enthaltend | alle Formen
上年度的决赔款责任loss portfolio of the preceding year
不改变之确认信用证unconfirmed irrevocable credit
世界银行清偿借款的平均费用cost of the Bank's average outstanding borrowings
世界银行清偿的债务outstanding obligations of the Bank
偿还借款重新筹集的资金refinancing of outstanding borrowings
事前预定其金额的损害赔偿unliquidated damages
交易所定价的股票unlisted stock
出售为有效subject to being unsold
出售为有效的报价offer subject to being unsold
售为有效报价offer subject to being unsold
以我货售出为准subject to unsold
保险金额定的保单unvalued policy
信用状用余额unused balance of letter of credit
信用状用部分unused portion of letter of credit
信用证用余额unused balance of letter of credit
信用证用部分unused portion of letter of credit
关栈内付税货物in bond
关税duty unpaid
关税手续消价目duty unpointed
决定没有股利,红股pass a dividend
分出满期责任portfolio ceded
到期付票据overdue bill
副本尚兑付second unpaid
偿还总额的百分比percentage of total outstanding amount
占已生效和生效的开发信贷总额的百分比percent of total effective and noneffective development credit
可取消的银行确认的信用状revocable, unconfirmed banker credit
付款的发票unpaid invoice
完成的合同pending contract
定局ad hoc sub judice lis est
打开的市场untapped market
履行期到前的终止合同termination before performance is due
履行期到前的违约breach of contract before performance is due
已拨付但尚到偿还期disbursed and not yet due for repayment
已获收所得constructive receipt (of income)
已订交换货品goods on order
已订交货物goods on order
应付付债券利息accrued bond interest
应付付债券息accrued interest on bonds
应付付利息accrued interest payable
应付付利息accrued interest
应付付票据bills payable
应付付票据bill payable
应付付股利dividends payable
应付付股利accrued cumulative dividends
应付付证券息accrued interest on notes payable
应付付费用accrued expense
应收收利息interest receivable
应收收票据bills receivable
应收收票据bill receivable
应收收账户利息accrued interest receivable
应收收账款accounts receivable
应收收账款account receivable
应装装空水脚dead freight
应计付款项accrued payables
应计收项目accrued receivables
延期交定货open order
承担满期责任portfolio assumed
指比重达 0.5 的轻量金属light metal
提出有关制造资料,供来研究发展的参考offering information on manufacturers, gained in research and development work
撤销到期的合同cancellation of future performance
支付付保费的支票tender a check for the unearned premium
有权收回到期责任option to withdraw portfolio
丁债权与债务unsettled credit and debt
上市的证券undigested security
上市股票unlisted stock
上市证券unlisted securities
lose a bid
了储备货币结存的清理consolidation of outstanding reserve currency balances
了国际储备的清理consolidation of outstanding international resources
了责任到期满为止running off of a portfolio
交付no delivery
交付定货的积压back of unfilled orders
交付的物品undelivered article
交股本uncalled capital
交货failure to deliver the goods
交货的订货总额backlog order
交货订单unfilled orders
交货部分以15型替代substitute type No. 15 for the portion undelivered
付到期负债matured liabilities unpaid
付差额unpaid balance
付股利unpaid dividend
付股息unpaid dividend
付费用unpaid expense
付费用outstanding expenses
付资费函件unpaid correspondence
付赔款unpaid claims
付邮资postage unpaid
作成拒付、拒绝承兑证明failure to protest
保留公积unreserved surplus
保留岁出unencumbered appropriation
保留盈余unreserved surplus
保险的损失loss not covered
保险的货物uncovered goods
结算借款余额outstanding balance of borrowed money
偿债务debt outstanding
偿债权unliquidated claims
日本银行持有的偿公债outstanding government securities (held by the Bank of Japan)
偿对外公共债务external public debt outstanding
偿本金principal outstanding
投资信托基金偿本金outstanding principal (of investment trust fund)
偿本金面额principal outstanding at face value
偿贷款outstanding loan
偿贷款总额outstanding loan portfolio
偿资本outstanding capital
偿还债务outstanding obligations
偿还提款outstanding drawing
催缴股本uncalled capital
催缴股款uncalled subscriptions
允许no allowance
充分利用的人力underutilized manpower
克尽职责want of due diligence
兑即付payable on demand
兑支票unpaid check
兑现支票outstanding check
公开的委托人undisclosed principal
已付赔款loss outstanding (paid)
决的损失outstanding losses
决赔款outstanding loss
决赔款outstanding losses
决赔款outstanding claims
决赔款losses outstanding
决赔款准备金reserve for outstanding losses
决赔款准备金outstanding loss reserve
决问题pending question
出质资产unpledged assets
分利润net profit undivided
分利润税即未分派利润应付的税tax on undistributed profit
分利益税即未分派剎益应付税tax on undistributed profit
分拨经费unallotted apportionments
分摊的核定款项unassessed authorization
分派的利润undivided profit
分盈利undistributed profits
分配之预算unallotted apportionments
分配余额unappropriated balance
分配利润unappropriated profits
分配利润税undistributed profits tax
分配剩余数unappropriated estimated surplus
分配的拨款unallotted appropriation
分配的指规数undistributed IPF
分配盈余unappropriated surplus
分配盈利undivided surplus
分配盈利undivided profit
分配计剩余额unappropriated estimated surplus
分配费用unabsorbed expenses
分配运费freight not allocated
分配额unallotted apportionments
列入综合报表的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiary
列入载货清单货物unmanifested cargo
列出not specified
列名机器及其配件machinery & parts
列名货品海关用语not otherwise provided for
列名货品not elsewhere specified (n. e. s.)
列名货物unencumbered articles
列名货物unenumerated articles
列项目not otherwise provided for
到期保险unexpired insurance
到期保险费unearned premium
到期保险费insurance premium unexpired
到期债务unmatured debts
到货no delivery
到货on order
到货goods afloat
到货floating cargo
加入综合报表的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiary
加工商品non-processed commodities
加工的货物rough cargo (goods)
加权平均数unweighted average
动用资金unused fund
包装的条板箱unpacked crate
包装货unpacked cargo
卖出的undisposed of
卖出货物unsold goods
卸货goods afloat
卸货物goods afloat
参与交易之代理商佣金sleeping commission
参与管理主权absentee ownership
参与管理的合伙人dormant partners
参与管理的合伙人dormant partner
参加海运公会的航运业者non-conference operator
参加海运同盟的航运业者non-conference operator
参加经济活动人口inactive population
参加经济活动人口economically inactive population
发抵押债券公司债unissued mortgage bonds
发生争议uncontested registration
发股本unissued stock
发股本unissued capital stock
发行股票unissued stock
发觉损失undiscovered loss
发觉的损失undiscovered loss
取工资unclaimed wages
取红利unclaimed dividend
取股利unclaimed dividend
合并的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiary
吸收成本unabsorbed costs
吸收负荷unabsorbed burden
吸收费用unabsorbed expenses
售出的证券undigested security
售时有效要约发价offer subject to being unsold
在场物主absentee owner
在证券交易所登记的股票counter share
处理的undisposed of
完成交易incomplete transaction
完成合同uncompleted contract
完成契约uncompleted contract
完成定单back of unfilled orders
完税买方货栈交货价格ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty unpaid
完税货物转口许可单bill of sufferance
完结交易open trade
定期限的契约open-end contract
定用途的盈余unapplied surplus
定的sub judice
定租船契约open charter
定级船舶unclassed ship
定运费open freight
实现利润unrealized profits
实现持有资产损益unrealized holding gain or loss
实现收益unrealized revenue
实现资产增价准备reserve for unrealized increment in assets value
审核的财务报表unaudited financial statements
履行合同failure to perform
履行failure to act
履行义务failure to perform an obligation
履行付款义务failure to pay the price
履行分期付款义务failure to pay an installment
履行合同failure of performance
履行合同罚款penalty for nonperformance of contract
开放港non-open port
得标商人unsuccessful bidder
得标商会unsuccessful bidder
折旧价值undepreciated value
折旧成本undepreciated cost
抵到达站前short of destination
抵押资产unpledged assets
抵押资产unmortgaged assets
指拨盈余unappropriated retained earning
授权的代理人agent without authority
提利润undrawn profit
提取利益undrawn profit
提取的汇出汇款remittance and drafts outstanding
提示票据failure to present
提货failure to take delivery
提进 口货物科目undeliverable import goods a/c
提进口货物科目undeliverable import goods a/c
摊折扣unamortized discount
摊销债券折价bond discount unamortized
摊销溢价unamortized premium
摊销贴水净额net unamortized discounts
摊销费用unamortized expenses
撤销前有效good-till-cancelled GTC
支付分期付款failure to pay an installment
支付货款failure to pay the price
支配现金unapplied cash
支配盈余uncommitted surplus
支配经费unencumbered appropriation
支配费用unapplied expenses
收代付款collection receivable for customers
收保费uncollected premium
收保险费uncollected premium
收回成本unrecovered cost
收应收款collection receivable for customers
收股本capital uncalled
收股款unpaid capital
收证件凭单uncollected vouchers
收资本capital uncalled
改良不动产unimproved real estate
明白表明募股之计划书red-herring prospectus
来各期偿付本金和利息的折现值discounted present value of the future flow of repayments of principal and interest
来权future claims
来的债务还本付息额future service payments
来的冲击future shock
来的政府因素值future values of government factor
来经济增长的前景prospects for future growth
来资源resources for the future
核准债券non-assented bond
注明任何日期not dated (at all)
注明日期的支票undated check
注明日期的背书undated endorsement
注明货种及卸货港的租船合同open charter
消耗成本unexpired cost
消耗费用unexpired expense
清余额unpaid balance
清余额balance outstanding
清债务open debt
清偿债bonds outstanding
清偿债务unliquidated claims
清理债券unliquidated debts
清理债务unliquidated debts
清算的损失unliquidated damages
清账open account
清账目unliquidated account
满期业务转入portfolio entry
满期业务转出portfolio withdrawal
满期业务转移transfer of portfolio
满期业务转移portfolio transfer
满期保费portfolio premium
满期保险费unexpired premium
满期保险费unearned premium
满期责任准备金unearned premium reserve
满期限unexpired term
满载集装箱less than a container load
满载集装箱less than container load
用余额unused outstanding balance
用余额outstanding balance
申报的价值undeclared value
登记借款off-record loans
知的积累unknown accumulation
确认不可撤销信用状unconfirmed irrevocable credit
确认不可撤销信用证unconfirmed irrevocable credit
确认信用状unconfirmed letter of credit
确认信用状unconfirmed credit
符合同规定履行义务defective performance
签字本unsigned copy
经付款之债务负担unliquidated obligation
经付款的债务unliquidated obligation
经加工的货物rough cargo
经宣告的撤销avoidance without declaration
经捆扎的货物loose cargo
经申报的货物undeclared cargo
经确定的货物unascertained goods
经背书支票unendorsed check
经要求之余额unclaimed balance
经证明的资产负债表uncertified balance sheet
结余额outstanding balance
结清期货合同open position
结清权益未冲销的合同open interest
结账款outstanding account
缴余额remaining balance
缴股本unpaid-up capital
缴股本capital uncalled
缴足股数partly paid of share
能交付fail to deliver
能接收fail to receive
被封锁港non-blockaded port
解决的索赔案件outstanding claims
认缴款项账户项下付款payment on account of pending subscription
认缴股本pending subscription
认缴股本pending subscriptions
认股本账unsubscribed capital stock account
认购股本账户unsubscribed capital stock account
调整借项unadjusted debits
调整贷项unadjusted credits
购买货物non-purchased goods
购商誉法unpurchased goodwill method
达账outstanding entry
过时保险unexpired insurance
通知no advice
领的工资unclaimed wages
领的股息unclaimed dividend
领的货物unclaimed goods
本汇票之副本second of exchange, being unpaid
次副本尚兑付second unpaid
法院尚作出判决pending action
票期bill undue
税则上列各货品的征税条款dragnet clause
第一号及第二号first and second unpaid
船名详的保险单floating policy
装运包装的货物ship goods unpacked
认缴资本业已贷出尚到期款项之保值金maintenance of value of capital subscriptions outstanding on loans, not yet due
货港定租船合同open charter
运费carriage forward
运到的货物goods to arrive
退回付价金的货物return of the goods for non-pay-ment
递延分配费用deferred unapplied expenses
逾期公布的股利passed dividend
金额确定保单和确定保单valued policy and unvalued policy
集装箱交付报告undelivery container report