
Einträge für die Thematik Handel enthaltend 付款单 | alle Formen
仅在个别情况下卖方才接受承兑交单的付款条件Only in rare cases does the seller accept D/A terms
付款交单cash against documents
付款交单凭信托收据借单提货D/P Trust Receipt
付款交单汇票D/P bill
付款交单汇票documentary payment bill
依据交单条件不同,托收分为付款交单,承兑交单和凭信托收据借贷三种Collection according to different conditions of delivering documents falls into D/P, D/A and D/P, T/R
凭单付款be presented for payment
凭单付款payment against presentation of shipping documents
凭单付款payable against documents
凭单据付款cash against documents (C. (adj.) D.)
凭提示货运单据付款payment against presentation of shipping documents
即期汇票,付款交单sight draft, documents against payment
如你方保证及时付款,我们将按凭单付款方式发运货物If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis
如果买方在货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提单已交付买方或其代理人,卖方仍有权停止交货If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent
按付款交单方式向买主收取货款draw D/P against the buyer's purchase
按跟单信用证方式付款payment to be made under a documentary credit
装运单据必须在付款时交付The shipping documents are to be released against payment
规定凭银行跟单信用证付款The payment is to be made under a banker's documentary credit
货运单据到后付款payment on arrival of shipping documents
远期付款交单D/P after date
远期付款交单D/P after sight
银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill