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n airborne warning and control systemAWACS
n vs yoji all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth生生流転
n vs yoji all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth生死輪廻
n vs yoji all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth生死流転
n vs yoji all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth転生輪廻
n vs yoji all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth輪廻転生
n vs yoji all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth流転輪廻
n vs yoji all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth流転生死
n vs yoji all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth生々流転
n and then some+α
n Automated Data Editing and Switching SystemADESS
n balance on goods and services貿易サービス収支
n cap and uniform制服制帽
chemical and biologicalCB (weapons)
n circle and cross○×
n circle and cross〇×
n vs yoji co-existence and co-prosperity共存共栄
n combined junior high and high school中高一貫校
n consumption of goods and services by young working adults who live at home, with their basic living expenses covered by their parents巣ごもり消費
n Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and FloraCITES
n difficult, dirty, and dangerous3K (work)
uk each and every一々 ichi1
Edo-era translation of Dutch and Chinese通詞
Edo-era translation of Dutch and Chinese通辞
Edo-era translation of Dutch and Chinese通事
n embargoes against Japan by America, Britain, China, and the Dutch starting in 1940ABCD包囲陣
n embargoes against Japan by America, Britain, China, and the Dutch starting in 1940ABCDライン
n Fiscal Investment and Loan Program財政投融資 news1 nf14 (ざいせいとうゆうし)
n flora and fauna動植物 news1 nf11 (どうしょくぶつ)
n General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeGATT
goods and services財とサービス
n inner plug for a bottle, prevents leaks and is often covered by a cap.中栓
n Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIEEE
iron mask that covers the chin and cheeks猿頰 (worn by samurai, さるぼお)
iron mask that covers the chin and cheeks猿頬 (worn by samurai)
n Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and PublishersJASRAC
n uk Lifestyles Of Health And SustainabilityLOHAS
n literary style from the Heian era onwards, often mainly in kana and written by women和文体
n Ministry of Economy, Trade and IndustryMETI
n morning and evening services朝夕の行
n National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNASA
n Nippon Telegraph and Telephone CorporationNTT
n noh mask with a slanted mouth, bulging eyes and large nostrils癋見
n noh mask with a slanted mouth, bulging eyes and large nostrilsべし見
n noh mask with a slanted mouth, bulging eyes and large nostrils圧面
noh mask with slightly protruding horns and frizzy hair生熟り (representing a woman on her way to becoming a hannya)
noh mask with slightly protruding horns and frizzy hair生成り (representing a woman on her way to becoming a hannya)
n noodles made from regular flour and horse chestnut flour橡麺
n noodles made from regular flour and horse chestnut flour栃麺
n Numerical Analysis and Prediction SystemNAPS
n official who arranges festival and rites祭官
n qin and se琴瑟 (two different kinds of Chinese zither)
n rectangular bugaku mask made of thick paper and white silk with facial features drawn on it造面
n rectangular bugaku mask made of thick paper and white silk with facial features drawn on it雑面
n rectangular bugaku mask made of thick paper and white silk with facial features drawn on it蔵面
n red and white reversible cap紅白帽
n research and developmentR&D
n review and prioritization of government programs事業仕訳
n review and prioritization of government programs事業仕分け
n right and wrong○× (answers)
n right and wrong〇× (answers)
n short take-off and landingSTOL
n soup of soumen noodles and various ingredients in a soy sauce broth入麺
n soup of soumen noodles and various ingredients in a soy sauce broth煮麺
supply and disposal services供給処理施設 (きょうきゅうしよりしせつ)
n symbol with an "x" and four dots
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oilタンタン麺
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oil坦々麺 ik
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oil坦坦麺 ik
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oil担担麺
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oil担々麺
n the five Ws and one H5W1H (who, what, when, where, why and how)
three bedrooms and a kitchen3K (in real estate)
n time of year when television and radio replace programs改編期 (usu. spring and fall)
transition of cut and embankment切土盛土の取付部
n unequal pressure between the mask air space and the vascular pressure within the blood vessels of the faceマスク・スクイズ
n unequal pressure between the mask air space and the vascular pressure within the blood vessels of the faceマスクスクイズ
n water and sewer services上下水道
n young men who are not competitive as in tradition male stereotypes, including in the avid pursuit of money and sex, and who may also be kind, co-operative and family-oriented草食系男子