
Einträge enthaltend lookout | alle Formen | exakt
Allg.A couple of mule deer are on the lookout for wolves and other predators in a meadow in Yellowstone National Park在黄石国家公园的牧场里,两头长耳鹿正警惕地观察狼和其他食肉动物的动静
Autoind.a sharp lookout for注意察看监视
Tech.anti-aircraft lookout对空监视
WKW.fire lookout火警瞭望
Fernmess.fire lookout观察哨位
Fernmess.fire lookout了望站
Tech.glazed lookout deck四面装玻璃的瞭望台
übertr.keep a good, sharp lookout for注意
übertr.keep a good, sharp lookout for戒备
übertr.keep a good, sharp lookout for小心提防
Autoind.keep a sharp lookout for注意察看监视
Allg.keep a sharp lookout for留心察看
Tech.location and lookout三注意测深
Tech.location and lookout三注意定位及瞭望
Bauw.lookout angle
Tech.lookout angle视角
Tech.lookout assist device瞭望辅助装置
Schiffb.lookout assist device船舶海上避碰装置
Tech.lookout bridge瞭望桥楼
Fernmess.lookout cabin了望亭
Fernmess.lookout cabin了望塔
Fernmess.lookout cupola了望亭
Fernmess.lookout cupola了望塔
Architek.lookout deck了望平台
Tech.lookout deck瞭望平台
Tech.lookout deck瞭望台
Fernmess.lookout dispatcher了望发报机
Fernmess.lookout fireman了望消防员
Tech.lookout floor瞭望层
Tech.lookout gallery监视廊
Architek.lookout gondola观光塔的了望舱
Tech.lookout gondola观光塔的瞭望舱
Autoind.lookout hatch视孔
Autoind.lookout hatch检视口
Fernmess.lookout house了望亭
Fernmess.lookout house了望塔
Fernmess.lookout observer值守员
Fernmess.lookout observer观测员
Fernmess.lookout patrol了望巡逻
Sport.lookout platform儿童游戏用瞭望台
Fernmess.lookout point了望站
Fernmess.lookout station值守员
Fernmess.lookout station观测员
Fernmess.lookout station了望站
Fernmess.lookout station观察哨位
Tech.lookout station瞭望台
Tech.lookout telegraph瞭望传信器
Tech.lookout tower瞭望塔
Architek.lookout tower了望塔
Tech.lookout tower望楼
Tech.lookout tower瞭望台
Tech.masthead lookout桅顶瞭望者
Allg.on the lookout for警戒
Allg.on the lookout for注意
Geol.Point Lookout地层名,美国纽约州波因特卢考特
Allg.take a good, sharp lookout for戒备
Allg.take a good, sharp lookout for注意
Allg.take a good, sharp lookout for小心提防