
Einträge für die Thematik Wertpapiere enthaltend Application | alle Formen | exakt
accounts of application of fund资金使用账目
accounts of application of fund资金占用科目
advance booking application form预先登记申请表
advance booking application form排期申请表格股票上市
analysis of source and application of fund资金来源和使用分析
analysis statement of source and application of fund资金来源与运用报表分析
application acceptance by the securities regulatory commission证监会受理申请
application and allotment认股和配股
application and allotment account认股和配股账目
application and allotment book认购及配股登记簿
application and allotment to shares股份认购及分配
application approval by the securities regulatory commission证监会批准申请
application fee for changes to a licence更改执照的申请费用
application for and allotment to shares股份的认购和分配
application for re-registration重新登记申请
application for retirement of bill回购票据申请书
application for review重审申请
application for review of specified decision特别决定重审申请
application for shares认购股份申请
application for stay of execution of decision申请暂停执行的决定
application for transfer in entirety全部转让申请书
application for waiver of general offer requirement一般提案豁免申请
application for waiver of general offer requirement综合要约规定豁免的申请
application material申请材料
application money认购款
application money认购资金
application money for stocks股票订购金
application of funds资金的使用
application of funds statement资金使用账单
application procedures认购程序
application rights认购权
application to mergers and acquisitions申请并购
application to mergers and acquisitions适用于并购
capital for application申购资金
cost application成本运用
critical scrutiny of application for listing严格审查上市申请
determination of licence application审核执照申请
determination of licence application审批执照申请
Electronic Application Instruction for New Issue Shares电子认购新股指示
excess applications for rights shares申请额外供股
excess rights application申请额外股权
format of application document申请文件的格式
Guidance on the Vetting and Regulation of the Applications by Domestic Enterprises for Getting Listed on Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market境内企业申请到香港创业板上市审批与监管指引
killer application杀手软件应用高科技给人带来便利,有时也带来麻烦
killer application杀手应用
licensing application执照申请
listing application上市申请
multiple application重复申请
multiple application重复认购
multiple applications for shares股份认购重复申请
progress of application申请核准进展情况公司上市
progress report for new listing application上市申请进展报告
retrospective application追溯性运用
securities listing application证券发行申请
security listing application证券上市申请
sources and applications of fund statement资金报表的来源和使用
subscription application forms认股书
using false information in duplicate applications重复认购申请中使用虚假资料股票发行时
valuation of fund application资金使用估价