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Einträge zur Thematik Landwirtschaft (67558 статей)
"3 phase 1" "3 phase 1"
"3 phase 1" three phases in one method
"3 phase 1" tunnel system
"à l'étable" "at the pail"
"à usage vétérinaire" "for animal treatment only"
"Agriculture : horizon 2000" "Agriculture toward 2000"
"akvavit" aquavit
"aquavit" aquavit
"barn-spot" barn-spot
"barn-spot" barn=spot
"betteravier" sugar-beet grower
"bilan de santé" de la PAC réformée "Health Check" of the CAP reform
"bitter pit" bitter pit
"boysenberry" boysenberry
"breakfast sausages" breakfast sausages
"burgermeat" burger meat
"calendrier horticole" "closed season"
"calendrier horticole" "control period"
"calendrier horticole" "lockout period"
"chiffon" "chiffon"