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Einträge zur Thematik Handel (5667 статей)
"clause bulgare" "Bulgarian" clause
"clause REIO" REIO clause
"clause REIO" regional integration clause
"coupures" par trimestres quarterly cutbacks
"effet frontière" border effect
"Europe et Amérique latine: un partenariat pour l'action" "Europe and Latin America: A Partnership for Action"
"helpdesk" pour la promotion des exportations Expanding Exports Helpdesk
"Les aspects industriels du commerce électronique" "The Industrial Aspects of Electronic Commerce"
"luncheon meat" luncheon meat
"mini-train" minipackage
"Objectif 1992" "Project 1992"
"paquet" législatif concernant les produits Goods Package
"premier arrivé, premier servi" first come, first served
"premier arrivé, premier servi" greyhound system
"SPG drogue" "drug GSP"
"SPG drogue" GSP special arrangements to combat drug production and trafficking
"SPG drogue" GSP special drugs regime
"teneur de marché" market maker
"vaincre la pauvreté grâce au commerce" trading away poverty
"vaincre la pauvreté grâce au commerce" trading out of poverty