
   Chinesisch Englisch
Einträge zur Thematik Skifahren (1413 статей)
送交 dispatch
挂鞋钩 side hook
挂钩 hook
挂钩支持型帐篷 tent with hoop-like supports
挂钩支持型帐篷 tent with hoop-like support
适宜滑雪的山坡 coast
布置旗门 flag
调节扣 adjustable catch
各队准备区 team preparation area
处分期满 expiration of the penalty period
处罚措施 disciplinary measure
处女雪 virgin snow
分段与分组 sectioning and grouping
分组栏 grouping board
分组抽签 group draw
圆头雪杖 round head stick
圆周式路线 circular course
理想的飞行姿势 optimal flight position
缆索导轨 cable guide rail
缆绳固定装置 cable binding