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Einträge zur Thematik Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (7423 статей)
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Академія харчування та дієтології bojana
American Academy of Paediatrics Американська академія педіатрії bojana
National Centre for Health Research Національний центр досліджень охорони здоров'я bojana
'Nam Vietnam Val_Sh­ips
-ish almost or approximately Val_Sh­ips
463L system A material handling system that consists of military and civilian aircraft cargo restraint rail systems, aircraft pallets, nets, tie down, coupling devices, facilities, handling equipment, procedures, and other components designed to efficiently accomplish the air logistics and aerial delivery mission
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement Alex_O­deychuk
R-Calif. Republican representative from California 'More
commander’s required delivery date The original date relative to C-day, specified by the combatant commander for arrival of forces or cargo at the destination
A Commitment To Paul's Plan CPP
A Covered Entity CE
a lodgment area A designated area in a hostile or potentially hostile operational area that, when seized and held, ensures the continuous air landing of troops and materiel and provides the maneuver space necessary for projected operations
a lodgment area A designated location in an operational area used as a base for supply and evacuation by air
Absent Voters List AVL
acad academy
Academic Improvement And Achievement Act AIAA
Acadia National Park ANP
Accelerated Licensure Evaluation And Review Techniques ALERT
acceptability The joint operation plan review criterion for assessing whether the contemplated course of action is proportional, worth the cost, consistent with the law of war; and is militarily and politically supportable
Accepted, But Unusable ABU