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Einträge zur Thematik Abkürzung (849340 статей)
∂P differentiable programming Alex_O­deychuk
difference channel
delta channel
АATTA Arab Association of Travel and Tourists Agencies
ВСDMS Bologna-CERN-Dubna-München-Saclay
В-ISDN broadband integrated service digital network
В-lymphocyte Bm-Iy memory
В.A. Bachelor of Arts
В.A.I. Book Association of Ireland
В/P bill payable
В/P bills payable
В/P blueprint
—DNA minus strand DNA
—RNA minus strand RNA
IAI ИИА iwona
КТ-LSIM computed tomography lung subtraction iodine mapping ННатал­ьЯ
М.F. Machine finished
М.F. Litho paper. machine finished lithographic paper
VADS “Vulcan" air defense system
“red” B/L red bill of lading