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общ. output; devotedness
комп., Майкр. performance; throughput
пром. стр. tear
с/х. output
фин. yield
эл. efficiency; return
ООН. нарк.жарг. yields
| y
общ. and
| cargos
фин. expenses
| derivados
мед. derivants
| de
общ. out of
| operaciones a plazo
 operaciones a plazo
с/х. futures trading
| cubiertas
недвиж. coverage
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к фразам
rendimiento m
общ. output performance; devotedness; pace
антенн. radiation efficiency of an antenna
гос., обр. ability
ИТ., тех. throughput
комп., Майкр. performance (The degree to which a product or service executes its specified function); throughput (The data transfer rate of a network, measured as the number of bits per second transmitted)
корп.упр. job performance; work performance
мет. metal removing efficiency; stock removing efficiency
патент. gain; profit
пром., стр. tear
с/х. output; produce; production; application rate; productivity
с/х., животн. offtake
сахар. rendement
текст. efficiency of weft insertion; useful effect
тех. capacity; rate; work load
упак. useful effort; working efficiency; output per hour; hourly output
фин. yield
эл. efficiency; return
энерг. energy efficiency
юр., труд.прав. performance
юр., эк., ИТ. speed
rendimientos m
ООН., нарк.жарг. yields
фин. investment income
rendimiento cal m
материаловед., стр. yield
 Испанский тезаурус
rendimiento m
общ. rdto. (spanishru)
rendimientos y cargos derivados: 1 фраза в 1 тематике
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