
   Испанский Английский
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общ. bureau
комп., Майкр. мекс. office location
метеор. desk
окруж. office
патент. board; business premises; agency; chancellery
| Federal
здрав. federal
| de
общ. out of
| Protección
здрав. protection
| de
общ. out of
| la
рыб. poke line
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к фразам
oficina f
общ. bureau
комп., Майкр., мекс. office location (A contact's office number)
метеор. desk
окруж. office Any room, set of rooms or building used for the administration of government service, business transactions or other work related activities
патент. board; business premises; agency; chancellery
полит. office
Oficina Federal de Protección de la: 1 фраза в 1 тематике
Юридическая лексика1