
   Русский Английский
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только после того , как
 только после того, как
общ. it is only after; not ... unless and until; not until; not ... unless and until; only after
| цены на
 цена на
общ. price of; price for
| модемы
ИТ. HART modem
| упали
общ. decline
| до
нефт.газ., тенгиз. upstream
35 | долларов
общ. dollar
| производители
общ. manufacturer
| ПК
тех. programmable controller
| стали
общ. steel
| продавать
общ. go off
| всё
| но
общ. but
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к фразам
только после того, какударения
общ. it is only after; not ... unless and until; not until ("Can I try it?" "Not until you've finished your dinner." ART Vancouver); not ... unless and until (с отрицанием: No payment shall be made unless and until the District verifies that all services for which payment is requested have been fully and satisfactorily performed. – Оплата производится лишь в случае, если... • The quantum meruit is inapplicable in such a case because of the implied contractual stipulation that no payment shall be made unless and until there is ... Alexander Demidov); only after (Born a free man in New York in 1807, he worked as a professional violinist. During a gig, Northup was captured and sold into slavery – this would become the basis of his memoir. Only after his family provided proof of his freedom was he legally freed. (thevintagenews.com) ART Vancouver)
мат. never ... until
только после того как
мат. it was not until the internal combustion engine had been well developed that propulsion of lighter-than-air aircraft became feasible
только после того , как цены на модемы упали до 35 долларов, производители ПК стали продавать всё: 1 фраза в 1 тематике
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