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ничего себе!ударения
общ. pooh, is that all!; strike me pink!; my hat! (возглас удивления); oo-er (Андрей Шагин); holy cow! (igisheva); my goodness (Inna Oslon); that's a shocker! (ad_notam); Bloody hell! (Brit. Рина Грант); isn't that something? (VPK)
Игорь Миг yikes!; cripes!; shizit!
амер. pumpkins! (Pumpkins! I can't believe she said yes to going out with me! Taras)
брит. woah, state! (ad_notam); state! (ad_notam)
идиом. oh boy!
ирон. I don't think!
клиш. look at that! (возглас изумления: Oh, my goodness! Look at that! youtube.com ART Vancouver)
разг. holy cow! / holy mackerel! (enslik); well I'll be! (enslik); Boy oh boy! (Andrey Truhachev); my word! (Tamerlane); no way! (enslik); look at you (SGints); my,oh,my! (My, oh, my, what a strange haircut! Val_Ships); holy moly! (an expression of great surprise or admiration ART Vancouver); good grief! (an exclamation of unpleasant surprise ART Vancouver); this is wild! (реакция на нестандартное поведение, напр. автомобиль едет по тротуару и газонам, и водитель не обращает внимания на возмущение пешеходов ART Vancouver); blow me down! (Taras); geez! (used to express amazement ART Vancouver); lumme (Горянина); wowzers! (выражение восторга, изумления: Wowzers… check out those icicles on the Vancouver lawn club! 😯 twitter.com ART Vancouver); my! (My, what big teeth you have! 4uzhoj)
разг., брит. flipping heck; flipping hell
сл. I'll be dipped (Jambi_Jack); this is wow! (Boris54); stone the crows! (British and Australian slang Самурай); thunderbird! (igisheva); snap (Баян)
сниж. holy shit! (enslik)
эвф. holy crackers and cheese! (a stunned reaction: A car just drove into the gas station and it just exploded! Holy crackers and cheese! ART Vancouver)
ничего себе
общ. I should say; well enough; so so; so-so; pretty good; pretty well; holy smoke! (alindra); wow (анатолий12); some (used ironically to express disapproval or disbelief.: Mr Power gave his stock reply. Some help! NOED Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг how is that for; shut the front door!
ирон. I like that (Anglophile)
посл. quite decent-looking (used as pred.; used as adv. mod. of manner); not bad (used as adv. mod. of manner)
разг. some kind of (Ooh, those were some kind of pills! wandervoegel); far out (Ivan Pisarev); quite decent-looking (о внешности); jeez (VLZ_58); incredible (VLZ_58)
сл. Boy howdy (Technical); shut up (выражение удивления, граничащего с недоверием vogeler); whoa (Franka_LV)
сниж. Oh my fucking God! (Andrey Truhachev)
шотл.выр. thank fuck (Excellent news. Often used sarcastically. Saddam captured? Thank fuck for that.(Urban Dictionary) КГА)
Gruzovik, разг. not bad; so-so
Ничего себе!
общ. Screw me dead (The phrase means the person feels taken by surprise. КГА); Great Scott! (Taras); stone the crows (Самурай); Hypers! (linton)
восклицание ничего себе!
сл. oh boy
ничего себе
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