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не вмешиватьсяударения
общ. ride; keep out; keep out of; stand by; stay away (from something – во что-либо Notburga); stay out of (I stay out of that kind of stuff. – Я в такое / в такие дела не вмешиваюсь. ART Vancouver); let be; let things rip (в ход событий); stand aloof (во что-либо); keep oneself aloof (She kept herself aloof from her husband's business. VLZ_58); stand down (ничего не предпринимать (напр., о полиции) MichaelBurov); keep out of the way (The parents keep out of the way. – Родители не вмешиваются. maria_white); stay away from (4uzhoj); let things rip; stay out of (something o-english.com); stay put (‘I'm on the horns of a dilemma. Shall I, I ask myself, go and see what I can accomplish in the way of running repairs on the lute, or would it be more prudent to stay put and let nature take its course, trusting to Time, the great healer, to do its stuff?' (P.G. Wodehouse) – не вмешиваться / не высовываться ART Vancouver); take a back seat
Игорь Миг stay out of the fray
клиш. take a hands-off approach (The company takes a hands-off approach when it comes to the hours an employee works. ART Vancouver)
Макаров. let something ride; let rip; take a hands-off approach; stand back; give someone his head; give line; give rein
разг. sit back ("In the past, we have sat back as parking lots were constructed all over the neighbourhood, but enough is enough," says Luisa Zanatta, a community representative on the city's transportation committee. ART Vancouver); let it ride (I had to assume that when she had been up against the situation often enough to know there was nothing she could do about it except to let it ride, then that would be what she would do. Just that. Let it ride. Let him lie out there on the ground until somebody came around with the physical equipment to handle him. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
сл. stay out (Tink); play the wall (Баян)
не вмешивайся!
общ. don't meddle!, stop meddling!; don't meddle!; stop meddling!
не вмешивайся
общ. keep out of it ('Anything I can do?' 'Yes, keep out of it.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
груб. you keep out of this (You keep out of this! – Не лезь не в своё дело! • Не вмешивайся! ART Vancouver)
не вмешивайтесь
общ. mind your own business
не вмешиваться: 113 фраз в 10 тематиках
Американское выражение не написание3
Общая лексика80
Переносный смысл1
Разговорная лексика4