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к фразам
из первых устударения
общ. first hand (miss_cum); firsthand (Irulea); horse's mouth (guiselle)
Игорь Миг in one's own words
воен., жарг. straight from the horse's mouth (tales straight from the horse’s mouth — истории из первых уст Alex_Odeychuk)
идиом. from someone's own lips (bookworm); straight from the horse's mouth (bookworm); out of the horse's mouth (kee46); straight from the horse's mouth (from the original or most reliable source: I know it's true, because I got it straight from the horse's mouth – Katie told me herself. kee46); hear something straight from the horse's mouth (Yeldar Azanbayev)
СМИ. primary source (название рубрики в газете 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, уст. first-hand
из первых уст: 12 фраз в 6 тематиках
Идиоматическое выражение, фразеологизм5
Общая лексика2
Разговорная лексика1