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зацепиться глаг.ударения
общ. catch (on); get caught (on); catch in (и т.п.); catch on (и т.п.); hitch; catch hold (of something Anglophile); catch on (и т.п.: My shirt ripped when it caught on a bramble. • Somehow, part of the truck caught on one of the bridge timbers and kept us from flying all the way down. 4uzhoj); gear; fasten (onto Andrey Truhachev); get a purchase on (intolerable); snag (за); be hooked (LaraLarka); gain a toehold (toehold = A relatively insignificant position from which further progress may be made. : ‘the initiative is helping companies to gain a toehold in the Gulf' Bullfinch)
Gruzovik catch on (pf of зацепляться)
идиом., разг. get one's foot in the door (за должность, работу и т.п.: A lot of young people are taking unpaid positions to get a foot in the door.) Nevtutor)
конт. go on (в знач. "основываться на": I don't know, but right now, it's all I have to go on. – Но пока что это все, за что можно зацепиться. 4uzhoj); get caught (в знач. "застрять": "The knob got caught in the net," Dell said. "I think the best thing I did there was just let it go." VLZ_58)
Макаров. catch up; snag on (за что-либо)
разг. get into it (Баян); gain a foothold (Andrey Truhachev); get a foothold (Andrey Truhachev)
тех. engage; mesh
Gruzovik, разг. catch hold of (pf of зацепляться)
зацепить глаг.
общ. nick (слегка ранить); get caught (Post Scriptum); tangle up (Riding a bike so close to a large truck is just stupid. Regardless of who is wrong, the cyclist will always lose, and ending up hamburger is not worth enforcing the cyclists' mantra of always having the right of way. That woman was so lucky she didn't get tangled up and crushed in that frame during the panic dismount. – ей крупно повезло, что её не зацепил и не подмял под себя грузовик, когда она стала в панике слезать с велосипеда ART Vancouver); hitch; hook; snag (on); graze (Although it is early in the investigation, it looks as though the cyclist collided or grazed a pedestrian, that caused her to lose her balance and fall into traffic, where she was struck by a transit bus. • 11-year-old girl grazed by bullet on Massachusetts Avenue: Buffalo police say the girl, who was identified as a city resident, was grazed on the leg after someone fired a shot into the air.  ART Vancouver); catch (on); grapnel (крюком, кошкой)
Gruzovik gear (pf of зацеплять); hook
вод.рес. anchor
ж/д. foul; lock in gear
Макаров. catch up; shave; snag
мат. link; lock
нефт. latch on
образн. touch a raw nerve (42admirer); put the hook in somebody (This was the first Phish album I ever bought and is the album that put the hook in me askandy)
перен. wire (AFilinovTranslation); strike a nerve (Ремедиос_П)
разг. grab (запасть в душу; He liked ‘West Side Story', we liked ‘West Side Story' a lot because that was like innovative, it grabbed us and it's really good Lily Snape)
судостр. grapple
тех. engage; mesh
уст. engrapple
Gruzovik, перен. sting (pf of зацеплять); get hold (pf of зацеплять; of); pick up (pf of зацеплять)
"зацепить" глаг.
Макаров., разг. hook on
разг. give a kick (об алкоголе Andrey Truhachev)
зацепило глаг.
амер. hooked on something (что-либо Technical)
зацепившийся прич.
уст. afoul (о корабельных снастях)
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