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общ. bemaze; disorient; misinform; mystify; lead somebody up the garden; lead somebody up the path; deceive; decoy; delude; fake out; misguide; mislead; put it across a person; put it across (someone); put it across; stall; wilder; intrigue; drag a red-herring across the path (Anglophile); draw a red-herring across the track (Anglophile); draw a red herring across the trail (Anglophile); string along (Anglophile); cajole (Aly19); play head games (fishborn); put on a false track (Азери); beguile; bluff; disorientate; pervert; draw amiss; throw dust into eyes; hood wink (MichaelBurov); hood-wink (MichaelBurov); confuse; befool; bejuggle; cog; counterfeit; gammon; humbug; jockey; paint; bamboozle; hocus; lead to confusion (AlexandraM); give the wrong idea (в знач. "давать/формировать неверное представление"; не для всех контекстов 4uzhoj); lead someone on (to persuade someone to believe something that is untrue All that time she'd been leading him on (= pretending she liked him), but she was only interested in his money. КГА)
Gruzovik lead astray
австрал., сл. lead up the garden path; pull a swiftie; put one over; suck in; take for a ride
амер. rip off (a false advertising campaign that ripped off consumers Val_Ships)
амер., сл. gum
бизн. circumvent; hoodwink
брит. discombobulate (coltuclu)
воен. foil
воен., тех. fool (напр., маскировочными мероприятиями)
груб., поясн. mindfuck
дип. delude (кого-либо)
защ.дан. befuddle
идиом. bo jook (Interex); fog (Andrey Truhachev); befog (Andrey Truhachev); lead down the garden path (george serebryakov)
ИТ. fool
Макаров. put it across (someone – кого-либо); sell a bill of goods; throw dust in someone's eyes (кого-либо); throw dust in the eyes of (someone – кого-либо); draw the wool over someone's eyes (кого-либо); delude (сознательно)
науч. illude (thefreedictionary.com olga69)
перен. obscure (Andrey Truhachev); make things as clear as mud (Andrey Truhachev); cover up tracks (Andrey Truhachev)
разг. lead on; flimflam; cod (VLZ_58)
редк. tip the traveller
руг. chicken shit
сл. cross someone's up
уст. amuse; sharp (кого-либо); put the change upon (Bobrovska)
уст., Макаров. baffle
юр. abuse
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общ. deceitful; sophisticated; misleading; deceptive (appearances are sometimes deceptive – внешность иногда обманчива); bum; delusive; obscurant; delusory; self deceiving; fallacious (Азери); catching; dissembling
Игорь Миг misguided; insidious
воен., тех. deceiving; deception
ИТ. fooling
Макаров. self-deceiving
мат., лог. seductive
патент. confusing; deceptive
разг. decepticon (Taras)
сл. all wet
юр. abusive; colourable; colorable
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общ. lead into error; set wrong; lead up the garden; draw the wool over eyes
идиом. pull the wool over someone's eyes
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общ. lead smb. into error
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воен. outruse (ложными действиями)
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