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communication channel
ИТ. canal de transmisión
комп., Майкр. canal de comunicación (A medium for transferring information. Depending on its type, a communications channel can carry information (data, sound, and/or video) in either analog or digital form. A communications channel can be a physical link, such as the cable connecting two stations in a network, or it can consist of some electromagnetic transmission on one or more frequencies within a bandwidth in the electromagnetic spectrum, as in radio and television, or in optical, microwave, or voice-grade communication)
лин. circuito de telecomunicación
связь., ИТ. canal de comunicaciones; línea de comunicaciones
communications channel
комп., Майкр. canal de comunicación (A medium for transferring information. Depending on its type, a communications channel can carry information (data, sound, and/or video) in either analog or digital form. A communications channel can be a physical link, such as the cable connecting two stations in a network, or it can consist of some electromagnetic transmission on one or more frequencies within a bandwidth in the electromagnetic spectrum, as in radio and television, or in optical, microwave, or voice-grade communication)
communication channel: 15 фраз в 8 тематиках
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Информационные технологии3
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