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 Английский тезаурус
cp сокр.
сокр. cockerel plasma
сокр., воен. chaplain
сокр., эк. charges prepaid
cp. сокр.
сокр. constant potential; code of practice
сокр., авто. candle power
CP сокр.
сокр. circulating pump; closing purchase; collar pricing; Civil Procedure
сокр., авиац. cadmium plating; car park; caution panel; caution placard; center pressure; center punch; change package; change point; check print; China Pacific; China Post; cleaning/painting; contamination prevention; combined power; combination pliers; computer program; concrete piercing; condensation product; cone point; consent panel; contour peening; control processing; controller program; cooperation part; core partition; corporate policy; cotter pin; cover plate; critical pressure; cross pointer; cauls plate; Canadian Airlines Int'l Ltd
сокр., авто. cloud point; center pillar; center post; centi poise; connecting post; coupe; crankshaft position
сокр., биол. chemical pure
сокр., воен. capabilities package; counter-piracy; Communication Problem; Contingency Planning
сокр., воен., авиац. calorific power
сокр., ком.хоз. communal property (igisheva)
сокр., криптогр. certificate policy
сокр., мед. Campilobacter pyloridis; cardiac pool; chloropurine; Clinical Pharmacology; closing pressure; cochlear potential; color perception; coronary perfusion; current problems; cystoscopy and panendoscopy; private certificate
сокр., мед., лат. cor pulmonale
сокр., мет. computer prediction
сокр., обр. College Preparation (for school subjects: Biology (CP) OstrichReal1979)
сокр., пласт.хир. cleft palate
сокр., редк. chairperson (igisheva)
сокр., фото. colour printing
сокр., хим. chemically pure reagent
сокр., ЦБ. closing price
сокр., эк. codes of practice
сокр., эл. cadmium plate; call progress; card puncher; cell projection; centralized processing; certificate processor; certified process; chain printer; characteristics of final product; character processor; charge-pumping technique; check parity; chempure; chemical polishing; chill plate; cipher; circuit package; clocked phase; cognitive psychology; coherent potential; collective protection; communication program; communication protocol; communications parameters; communications platform; compensation plate; compiler package; conducting polymer; conductive plastic; confocal parabolic (model); content provider; continuous phase; continuous pilot; conversational programming; coprocessor; copy protection; counterpoise; coupler; customer premises; custom processor; process capability index; center point (tap)
Cp сокр.
сокр. creeper; Prismatic
сокр., мед. pressure concentration; phosphate clearance
сокр., пласт. circuits per pattern
cP сокр.
сокр., авто. Centipoise
сокр., взрывч. centi-poises
cp сокр.
банк. cashpoint
полим. compare
с/х. clip
сокр. Controllable pitch (propeller); centipoises (Vosoni); close packed; coupon (Vosoni)
сокр., нефт. centipoises
эл.тех. candle power
cp. сокр.
горн. compound
сокр., землевед. centipoise; compare
λcp сокр.
сокр. Compton wavelength of proton
CP сокр.
воен. control point
воен., сокр. Canadian patrol; central point; central procurement; checkpoint; chemical protective; collision probability; command paymaster; command pilot; communications personnel; component parts; conceptual phase; concrete-piercing; constrained procedure; contact party; control post; control procedures; control program; cross and point; Counterproliferation
инвест., сокр. commercial paper
межд.перевозки., сокр. carriage paid
метеор., сокр. cold dry polar continental air of the high antarctic plateau
сокр. call processor; connection point; central processor; clock pulse; Command Processor; country programme; Carnivorous Plant; Character Pointer (Vosoni); common prayer; contingency plan; Contention Period (DCF, MAC); Control Point (IBM, SNA); Coordination Point (ISO 9646-3, TTCN); chrome-plated (A Hun); child minding (cyberleninka.ru dimock); collecting post; combustion potential; commercial purity; compressing pressure; computers; cosmic-ray produced; precision investment casting
сокр., авиац. capacity planner; capacity planning; Certification Plan; cockpit printer; computer programming; condition process; contracts procedure; corrosion prevention; critical part
сокр., авто. canister purge (GM); crankshaft position sensor (Ford)
сокр., автомат. chain pull; continuous path; circular pitch
сокр., амер. copilot
сокр., анат. cribriform plate (решётчатая пластинка, lamina cribrosa doc090)
сокр., атом.эн. control plug (MichaelBurov); coated particle (MichaelBurov)
сокр., афр. Conservative Party
сокр., бакт. Clostridium perfringens (igisheva)
сокр., банк. customer profitability (Customer profitability (CP) is the difference between the revenues earned from and the costs associated with the customer relationship in a specified period. WAD Alexander Demidov)
сокр., бизн. candlepower; capacity of production; capital stock; captain; cash price; cellulose propionate plastics; charges paid; chief paymaster; chloramphenicol; cold punched; comprehensive policy; computer; condition precedent; contracting parties; counter purchase; custom of the port
сокр., бирж. C P
сокр., бур. casing pressure (pressure on the annulus between tubing and casing; measured at the surface)
сокр., вод. Cultural Practices
сокр., воен. Command Post; command post; contact point; counterproliferation; cost and performances; control panel; Clock Pulse
сокр., воен., ОМП. check point; Construction phase; construction package
сокр., горн. centre of pressure; coal port
сокр., ж/д. Canadian Pacific Railway
сокр., здрав. cold plasma (ННатальЯ)
сокр., землевед. calculated point; Campbell Plateau; Central Pacific; chalcopyrite; channel precipitation; circulation patterns; classical percolation; coefficient of prediction; combination plan; comprehensive plan; compromise programming; computational procedure; concentration polarization; condensate pumps; condensation production; conditional probability; cone penetrometer; continental polar; control processor; cooling ponds; cost and performance; cost plan; cover point; critical path method; critical period; Cumberland Plateau; cumulative periodogram
сокр., зуб.импл. commercially pure (MichaelBurov)
сокр., инвест. Control Premium (ixtra)
сокр., ИТ. cross polarization; cyclic permuted; Color Printer; command processor; current pointer; current position
сокр., каб. consolidation point (MichaelBurov)
сокр., картогр. chosen point
сокр., комп. Computer player (компьютерные игры Oxiplegatz)
сокр., комп.сет. communication processor; current point
сокр., корп.упр. condition precedent Condition precedent (CP) refers to an event or state of affairs that is required before something else will occur. In contract law, a condition precedent is an event which must occur, unless its non-occurrence is excused, before performance under a contract becomes due, i.e., before any contractual duty arises.[1] For instance, in the sentence "Jack will only go to heaven after he has died," the death of Jack is a condition precedent to Jack going to heaven (although it is also possible in this example for the occurrence of other conditions precedent to be needed before Jack goes to heaven: it is not stated that Jack will necessarily go to heaven if he dies). In estate and trust law, it is a provision in a will or trust that prevents the vesting of a gift or bequest until something occurs or fails to occur, e.g. the attainment of a certain age or the predecease of another person. For comparison, a condition subsequent brings a duty to an end whereas a condition precedent initiates a duty (WK) (Alexander Demidov)
сокр., косм. chamber pressure; chemical propulsion; chlorinated paraffin; co-pilot; coastal patrol; communications processor; containerless processing; cushioning pad
сокр., лаб. Compliance Program
сокр., логист. chemical pallet (Karabas); Contracts and Procurement (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сокр., Макаров. cesspool; circular polarization; conductive plastics; conductive polymer; continuous processor; cost of the propellant
сокр., мат. continuous parameter; common part; correspondence principle; conditional proof; constrained problem
сокр., маш. controllable pitch
сокр., мед. chronic prostatitis (Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis or chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is a pelvic pain condition in men, and should be distinguished from other forms of prostatitis such as chronic bacterial prostatitis and acute bacterial prostatitis. This condition was formerly known as prostatodynia (painful prostate) (WK) Alexander Demidov); chronic pancreatitis (Andrey Truhachev); Capsid Protein; Cardiac Performance; Certified Prosthetist; Clinical Pharmacy (periodical); chronic pyelonephritis (Andrey Truhachev); cold pressor test (холодовой прессорный тест Dimpassy); chemo-port (vlad-and-slav); costophrenic
сокр., мед.-биол. Corynebacterium parvum
сокр., межд.перевозки. carriage раid (Yuriy83)
сокр., метеор. construction plan
сокр., назв.орг. FAO/World Bank Cooperative Programme
сокр., нефт. casing point; compaction; casing pressure (andrushin); circulating pressure; calibration pit; cam pump; capillary pressure; cardinal point; casing pipe; casing programm; cathodic potential; cationic polymer; cement plug; cement pulsation; centrifugal pump; chain pipe; chain proved; change power; characterization parameter; charge paid; charter party; chemical polish; chemical pulp; chert pseudomorph; chloroprene; circuit protector; circulation perforators; Circum Pacific; clinopyroxene; coil protect; coincident peak; cold production; commercial papers; compensator protector; completion sequence; composite peak; compression pressure; computer processing; conference paper; conference proceedings; contractile pulse; contracting party; conventional pin mount; coproporphyrin; core compressibility; corporate planning; correlation point; crack propagation; cresolphthalein; critical path; critical point; cross plot; crosslinked polymer; crowfoot port; crystallization point; Curie point; current paper
сокр., нефт.газ. cloud point (MichaelBurov); corrosion protection (MichaelBurov); cathode protection (MichaelBurov)
сокр., нефт.газ., касп. Controls and Power (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал. connecting pipeline; Contracting and Procurement (Sakhalin Energy); cathodic protection (electrical protection of metals against corrosion)
сокр., нефтепром. cementing program (eugeene1979)
сокр., обр. Corporal Punishment
сокр., полим. calorific power; cathode polarization; cellulose paper; cellulose propionate; center of pressure; chemically pure; constant potential; constant pressure; continuous polymerization; calendered plate; Canadian Patent; close-packed; cross-polarization
сокр., полиц. Commissioner of Police (OstrichReal1979)
сокр., пор.мет. cold pressing (igisheva); cold-pressed (igisheva)
сокр., почв. coastal plain
сокр., почт. Carrier Route Presort rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line; Colis Postaux (international mail category - see IMM)
сокр., прогр. communication profile (ssn); cloud provider (ssn); code page (ssn); codepage (ssn); cross-platform (кроссплатформенный Glinnet.org)
сокр., редк. commercial proposal (igisheva)
сокр., рел., христ. Church Planting (ivk)
сокр., с/х. cost price; crude protein
сокр., скваж. conductor pipe (Surface Casing)
сокр., сл. corporal punishment (телесные наказания NightHunter)
сокр., СМИ. Construction Permit
сокр., собак. Canine Parvovirus
сокр., спорт. Clipping Point; creatine phosphate
сокр., стр.мт. Chrome Polished (покрытие Liudmila_83)
сокр., текст. combed peeler
сокр., телеком. collision presence
сокр., тех. comparator (aap1)
сокр., торг. Change Proposal; Committee on Preference
сокр., угол. capital punishment (igisheva)
сокр., ф.расш. Copy Protected
сокр., фарма. Chinese Pharmacopoeia (OKokhonova)
сокр., физ. circularly polarized
сокр., физ., науч. Coulomb Potential
сокр., физиол. Cartilage Plate
сокр., физиол., мед. Cerebral Palsy; Chronic Pain
сокр., фин. ceiling price; clearing participant
сокр., хим., науч. Creatine Phosphate
сокр., холод. coefficient of performance
сокр., шотл.выр. Camp; Career Program (USA); Circulaire Pivot (Circular pivot (France)); Civil aircraft marking (Bolivia)
сокр., эл. candlepower
сокр., юр. Child Pornography; conditions precedent (в юридических текстах Leonid Dzhepko)
сокр., яхт. Prismatic Coefficient
Союз-Апол., сокр. crew panel
тех., сокр. molecular heat at constant pressure; cable party; cable sensor; call on positive; candidate prototype; card punch; center tap; ceramic package; character point; charging pump; clock phase; closed-packed crystals; coating permeability; cold pipe; combined parity; command pulse; communications programs; concrete pipe; condensate pump; console processor; constant pitch; constant power; containment purge; control parameter; control plane; control procedure; coolant pump; cooling pond; copy-protected; corrosion product; cost of propellant; critical power; cyclopentane
физиол., сокр. Chest pain
экол., сокр. cloud picture
эл., сокр. Chip place; Capability performance; Process capability
энерг., сокр. Commission papers; construction project
Gruzovik, сокр., полит. Communist Party
Gruzovik, сокр., эк. central procurement; contract price
Cp сокр.
сокр. pressure coefficient (bonly); gas heat capacity at constant pressure; sonic compaction correction factor; propeller power coefficient
сокр., нефт. rock pore compressibility; specific heat at constant pressure; compaction correction factor; composite prism; coupling
тепл. see heat capacity at constant pressure (cntd.ru Mixer)
тех. cassiopeum; lutecium
энерг., сокр. coefficient of performance of heat pump plant; gas specific heat; pitot tube correction factor
cP сокр.
сокр. centipoise (MichaelBurov)
Cp. сокр.
сокр., землевед. chemically pure
сокр., фин. coupon
CP. сокр.
сокр., лат. Clarissima Puella ("most illustrious maiden"); Congregatio Passionis (Passionists)
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