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pip [pɪp] сущ.
общ. Kern m; Tombakstern m
бот. Samen m; Samenkorn n; Samenkern m
микроэл. Zacke f (auf dem Schirmbild)
пром., стр., мет. Zentriernocken m
с/х. Pips m
тех. Zacke f
эл. Pumpspitze f; visuelles Signal
PIP =peripheral interface program [pɪp] сущ.
общ. Interfaceprogramm n
 Английский тезаурус
PIP [pɪp] сокр.
сокр., пед. Paediatric Investigation Plan (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
pip. сокр.
сокр., ркт. predicted impact point
PIP [pɪp] сокр.
воен. parallel image processing; precise installation position; predicted impact point; predicted intercept point; preliminary information pamphlet; probabilistic information processing; product improvement proposal; program integration plan; project implementation plan; project initiation period; projected impact point
инвест. performance indexed paper
сокр. Past International President; Peace Is Patriotic; People In Power; Percent Identity Plot; Performance Improvement Plan; Pointers In Person; Pretty In Pink; Public Involvement Plan; Packet Interface Port; Pain In The Posterior; Paper Impact Printing; Parent Involvement Program; Parents In Partnership; Participant Instrumentation Package; Partners In Parks; Partners In Prevention; Peak Input Power; Penalty Interest Payments; People Improving Processes; Performance Improvement Potential; Performance Improvement Program; Performance Incentive Points; Periodic Investment Plan; Permanent Inspection Point; Productivity Improvement Project (verner_rt); Personal Information Processing; Personal Information Processor; Personal Insulin Pump; Personal Interaction Panel; Personal Interest Partners; Personal Interest Plan; Pervy Insane Pornographer; Pesticide Initiative Programme; Pharmaceutical Interface Product; Pilot Point, Alaska USA; Plant It Project; Player Incentive Program; Plug In Panel; Plug-In Protocol (ZOC); Poetry In Progress; Political Influence Point; Politically Incorrect Party; Poly Implants Protheses; Pool In Pool; Postel's Internet Protocol; Pre-Impulsing Pulse; Prescription Information Package; Presence Information Panel; Present Illness Program; Pretentious Insane Pornographer; Price Interest Percentage; Pride In Performance; Primary Intervention Program; Priority Investment Program (sai_Alex); Process Improvement Project; Product Improvement Package; Product Improvement Packages; Programmable In Put; Programmable Interconnection Point; Programming In Pictures (Vosoni); Project For Innovative Poetry; project implementation process (zelechowski); Proximal Inter Phalanx; public investment program (Lavrov); Public Involvement Project; Purchasing Invoice Problem
сокр., авиац. pack inlet pressure; partner interface processes; programmable interface processor; project integration plan; prove in plan; Phraseology Improvement Program
сокр., авто. profile ignition pickup; profile ignition pickup signal
сокр., автомат. probability information processing; product introduction process
сокр., анат. proximal interphalangeal (Игорь_2006)
сокр., банк. profits on islamic products (MichaelBurov)
сокр., бизн. Product Improvement Plan; Product Improvement Program; programmed interconnection process; pure integer programming
сокр., биотех. Procollagen Type I C-peptide (Altuntash); protein interaction platform (Altuntash)
сокр., бирж. Personal Investment Plan; Price Interest Point; price improvement period (aht)
сокр., бр.англ. Pricing In Proportion (2006, postage fees increased for oversize items)
сокр., воен. Precision Instrumentation Package
сокр., воен., авиац. payload integration plan
сокр., воен., ОМП. personal improvement program; Process Improvement Plan
сокр., землевед. particulate inorganic phosphorus; Phillips Imperial Petroleum Ltd.; photo interpretive program; probabilistic information processing system; push-in pressuremeter
сокр., инт. Put In Place
сокр., ИТ. program initialization parameters; Peripheral Interchange Program; Programmable Input Processor; picture-in-a-picture; procedure interrupt positive
сокр., констр. pour-in-place (igisheva)
сокр., косм. payload implementation plan; predicted interception point; predicted intercepter point; product-improvement program; pulse-interval processor
сокр., лаб. Project Investigator Patient
сокр., мед. Poly Implant Prothè (французская компания iwona); se (iwona); Product Information Page (bigmaxus); Paralytic Infantile Paralysis; Population Information Program; Prolactin-inducible Protein; Psychosis, Intermittent Hyponatremia, Polydipsia (syndrome); proximal interphalangeal (joint); peak inspiratory pressure (пиковое давление на вдохе Dimpassy); Physician Information Pack (ННатальЯ); Proximal Interphalangeal (finger joint doktortranslator)
сокр., назв.комп. Phillips Imperial Petroleum, Ltd.
сокр., нефт. permanent internal polarization; Petroleum Incentives Program (Act); phase induced polarization; pipe inspection program; polyisoprene; production-injection packer; pump-in pressure
сокр., нефт.газ. pump intake pressure (Yerkwantai)
сокр., нефт.газ., касп. performance improvement plan (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал. pipe-in-pipe; push-in pipe (joint)
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.ю. process industry practices
сокр., пед. Paediatric Investigation Plan (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
сокр., печ.плат. pin-in-paste (Метран)
сокр., пласт. polyterephthalate
сокр., полим. Polymer Impregnation and Pyrolysis (bonly)
сокр., прогр., ИТ. Partner Interface Process; Picture In A Picture
сокр., пром. products in process (es Ася Кудрявцева)
сокр., связь. Pix-in-Pix
сокр., СМИ. Picture in Picture; Picture In Picture
сокр., спорт. Players In Progress
сокр., стом. pressure indicator paste (MichaelBurov)
сокр., страх. personal injury protection
сокр., текст. professional indemnity policy
сокр., телеком. picture-in-picture
сокр., торг. Product Improvement Proposal/Program; Product Information Package (bigmaxus)
сокр., трансп. Project Implementation Plan
сокр., ф.расш. Pattern and Information Processing; Problem Isolation Procedure; Programmable Interconnect Point
сокр., физиол. Peak Inspiratory Pressure
сокр., физиол., мед. Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
сокр., футб. Pittsburgh Pirates
сокр., хим. phosphatidylinositol phosphate
сокр., шотл.выр. Pilot Indoctrination Programme; Platform Integration Pilot (UK); Product Improvement Phase / Programme; Pulse Interval Processor
сокр., эк. performance improvement planning
сокр., эл. packet interface processor; parabolic index profile; path independent protocol; pattern information processing; persistent internal polarization; pin-in-line package; plasma-initiated polymerization; polyimide precursor; polysilicon-insulator-polysilicon (structure); positioning in progress; problem identification program; problem input preparation; process-induced particle; processor interface process; program initialization parameter; programmable integrated processor; pulse input proportional; product improvement program
сокр., юр. Partners In Protection; Personal Injury Protection
тех. payload integration plan; peak impact pressure; performance indicator program; petroleum incentive program; position indication probe; precise instrument pointing; production injection packer; programmable in-line package; programmable interconnection pattern; programmed interconnection pattern
эл. Process-induced particles
энерг. plant intake piping; pressure-injected piping
: 31 фраза в 13 тематиках
Австралийское выражение2
Британское выражение не написание1
Естественные науки1
Измерительные приборы1
Информационные технологии1
Общая лексика8
Сельское хозяйство4