
   Английский Японский
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общ. に取って; に対する; ; ; ;
| file
комп., Майкр. ファイル
| a
| case
комп., Майкр. ケース
| in
общ. に於いて
| a
| higher court
 High Court
сокр. 高裁
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To [tu:] сокр.
общ. (unclass)
геогр. ; (と)
фамил. ; ; ; ; (もん)
to [tu:] сокр.
общ. ichi1 (e.g. "winning a game five to three", tsui); spec1 (direction, state)
exp uk to | exp uk [tu:] сокр.
общ. に取って; 迄も more emphatic than まで (an extent); に取りまして
exp to | exp [tu:] сокр.
общ. に対する
to ... [tu:] сокр.
общ. ichi1 (tsui)
prt uk to | prt uk [tu:] сокр.
общ. news2 nf46 spec1
exp to | exp [tu:] сокр.
общ. にかけて spec1
n-adv n-t suf minutes to | n-adv n-t suf [tu:] сокр.
общ. ichi1 (the hour, しとみ)
pref to ... | pref [tu:] сокр.
n to | n [tu:] сокр.
уст. news1 nf15 (measure of volume, approx. 18 litres)
 Английский тезаурус
TO [tu:] сокр.
воен. tactical observer; tactical order; takeoff; tank officer; technical officer; technical order; test operation; theater of operations; tracking officer; traffic officer; trainer operations; transfer order; transportation office; transportation officer; transportation order; travel order; turnout
инвест. telegraphic order
комп. tandem office
метеор. to... (place)
нефт.газ. toilet
сокр. take-off; Terrell Owens; Toronto; Central Imagery Tasking Office (NIMA; CITO Alex Lilo); tables of organization; Tactical Operations (Alex Lilo); Tactics Ogre (игра на PSX Alex Lilo); Take Over (internet relay chat Alex Lilo); tangible object (Alex Lilo); task organization (Alex Lilo); Taxation Office; technical organization (Alex Lilo); Telecommunication outlet (Амбарцумян); Telegraph Office; telephone operator (Alex Lilo); terminal objective (Alex Lilo); testing device; The Offspring (принятое сокращение названия музыкальной группы Alex Lilo); Theatre of Operations; Theatre Ontario (Alex Lilo); Thousand Oaks (Калифорния Alex Lilo); ticked off (Alex Lilo); time opening; timestamp ordering (Alex Lilo); title officer (Alex Lilo); Toaster Oven (название игрового форума Alex Lilo); Tocantins (Токантинс (река в Бразилии) Alex Lilo); Tocharian (linguistics Alex Lilo); toe (of bank; surveying Alex Lilo); top offer (Alex Lilo); top opened (can collectors Alex Lilo); Torino - Turin (Piemonte, Italy Alex Lilo); Torstai (Finnish: Thursday Alex Lilo); total order (Alex Lilo); tracking offset (Alex Lilo); Tractor Overseas (Ferguson tractors built under license in America Alex Lilo); Trade Option (Alex Lilo); Trade Order (Alex Lilo); telecommunications outlet (Alex Lilo); time out (Alex Lilo); Togo (Alex Lilo); Tonga top level domain (Alex Lilo); transmission owner power industry (Alex Lilo); travel orders (Alex Lilo); Traditional Orthography (Alex Lilo); Train Operator (NYC Transit Authority Alex Lilo); training officer (Alex Lilo); transfer orbit (Alex Lilo); transistor outline metal-can package (Alex Lilo); transport officer (Vosoni); transverse optical (Alex Lilo); traverse-optic (Alex Lilo); treat official (Alex Lilo); truncated octahedron (усеченный октаэдр Alex Lilo); turn over (Vosoni); turn-on (Alex Lilo); Tycoon Online (название сетевой игры Alex Lilo); Turn Over
сокр., авиац. take off; tool order; try out; Tech Ops; Technical Operations
сокр., авто. throttle opener
сокр., банк. telephone order
сокр., бизн. Technical Operation; Telephone Office; time of opening; Transport Office
сокр., бирж. Tech Ops SEVCON, Inc.
сокр., бр.англ. Travelling Office
сокр., воен. Table of Organization; Technical Order; Totally Obligated; table of organization
сокр., воен., ОМП. Task Order
сокр., землевед. topaz
сокр., инт. Totally Obtuse
сокр., Канада. Toronto, Ontario
сокр., косм. time-off; time zero; tryout
сокр., лаб. TracheOesophageal
сокр., науч. Total Outburst
сокр., нефт. Chad; temperature observation; turn off; turn out; tool open
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.ю. top of...
сокр., опт. transistor outline package
сокр., полит. Tonga; Togo
сокр., почв. torric soil moisture regime
сокр., прогр., ИТ. Tactical Ops
сокр., с/х., животн. total oestrogens
сокр., спорт., психол. task orientation
сокр., телеком. telecom outlet (MichaelBurov); telecommunications outlet (MichaelBurov)
сокр., трансп. Transportation Officer
сокр., фарм. tinctura opii
сокр., шотл.выр. Teritorijalna Obramba (Slovenian Civil Defence (Yugoslavia)); Training Objective
сокр., эк. total outlay; total outstanding
сокр., эл. time out; tap off; telecommunications operator; telecommunications output; terminal output; thermo-optic; timer overflow; timing offset; tin oxide; transmission only; transverse offset method; transverse optical phonon; trunk offering
сокр., эл., науч. Transistor Outline package
сокр., эл.тех. total outage; transistor outline
сокр., эн.сист. transmission owner (MichaelBurov)
тех. target of opportunity; telemetry oscillator; tractor drawn; transistor-outline package; transmitter oscillator; turbine operator; turnover
экол. threshold odor
To [tu:] сокр.
СМС. 2
сокр. observed temperature
сокр., нефт. tonalite
to [tu:] сокр.
нефт.газ. commence operations
сокр. notify (Changes must be notified to the chairman - AD Alexander Demidov)
сокр., разг. ter (sawwin_se)
сокр., с/х. stocked in the legs; go out of production
to. сокр.
сокр., землевед. take off
сокр., торг. turnover
сокр., хим. toluene
сокр., землевед. tourmaline
.to сокр.
ф.расш. Tonga
TO [tu:] сокр.
сокр. tar oil
сокр., авиац. theatre of operation; time off; total inlet temperature; total output; tooling order
сокр., воен., ПВО. tasking order
сокр., мед. old tuberculin; target organ; temperature oral; Theiler's Original; tincture of opium
To [tu:] сокр.
сокр., мед. total estrogens
to file
: 1 фраза в 1 тематике