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юр. связь. toegang
общ. toegang
ИТ. benaderen
комп., Майкр. toegang; toegang verkrijgen tot
мед. aanval; crisis
с/х. стр. eigen overgang
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иск. zinspreuk
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access ['ækses] сущ.
комп., Майкр. toegang m (The act of reading data from or writing data to memory)
с/х., стр. eigen overgang
access ['ækses] прил.
общ. toegang
ИТ. benaderen
комп., Майкр. toegang verkrijgen tot (To gain entry to memory in order to read or write data)
мед. aanval; crisis
связь. beschikbaarstelling
Access ['ækses] прил.
юр., связь. toegang
 Английский тезаурус
ACCESS ['ækses] сокр.
сокр., авиац. aircraft communication control and electronic signaling system; aircraft computerized equipment support system; automatic computer controller electronic scanning system
сокр., бирж. American Computerized Commodity Exchange System And Services
сокр., воен., ПВО. automatic computer-controlled environment synthesizer
сокр., ИТ. All Campus Computing Environment Support System
сокр., мед. American College of Cardiology Extended Study Services
ACCESS ['ækses] прил.
воен. automatic card control entrance security system
сокр. Accessible Community Care Emergency Support Service; Advanced Communications For Cumbria And Enabling Sustainable Services; American Council for Collaboration in English Studies and Society; American-Canadian Connection for Efficient Securities Settlement; Arab Community Center For Economic And Social Services; Association Of Christian Continuing Education Of Schools And Seminaries; accessory; Automated CONARC Command Echelon Standard System
сокр., ИТ. automatic computer-controlled electronic scanning system (ssn)
сокр., мед. Automated Cervical Cell Screening System
сокр., мор. Automatic Computer-Controlled Electronic Scanning System
сокр., обр. A Comprehensive Center For Exceptional Student Services; Abilene Child Centered Educational Support Services; Achieving Continuing Career Education For Success And Satisfaction; Acta Citc Canadian Educational Standards System; Adult Commuter Center Evening Student Services; Aids Counseling Community Education And Support Services; Animals For Community Care And Emotional Support Society; Applied Certification Courses For Education Of Special Students; Austin Collaborative Of Cultural And Educational Sites And Schools
сокр., физиол. A Case Control Etiology Sarcoidosis Study
сокр., эл. aircraft communication control electronic signaling system; automated computer-controlled editing sound system
тех. aircraft communications control end electronic signaling system; automated control and checking of electrical systems support
access ['ækses] прил.
воен., сокр. aces; acs
сокр. authorization
США. In counterintelligence and intelligence use, a. a way or means of approach to identify a target; or b. exploitable proximity to or ability to approach an individual, facility, or information that enables target to carry out the intended mission (JP 2-01.2)
Access ['ækses] сокр.
сокр., эл. Apollo computer controlled equipment for surface science
access. сокр.
сокр. accessory
ACCESS ['ækses] сокр.
сокр., авиац. automated control and checking for electrical system support
сокр., ИТ. automated computer controlled electronic scanning system
сокр., косм. assembly concept for construction of erectable space structures; automated control and checking of electrical system support
сокр., нефт. Allied Chemical Corporation's Energy Saving System
сокр., прогр. automatic computer controlled electronic scanning system (ssn)
access device
: 9 фраз в 4 тематиках
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