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хим. cis-
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юр. atto
общ. in promozione
связь. facente funzione

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cis- сокр.
хим. cis- (Prefix denoting an isomer having certain groups of atoms on the same side of the plane)
 Английский тезаурус
Cis ['sɪs] сокр.
сокр., нефт. Cisco
CIS ['sɪs] сокр.
воен. central installation supply; change information sheet; close-in support; combat identification system; combat information system; command information system; communications and information system; control indicator set; cost inspection service
нефт.газ., сокр. corporate information system
обр. Cities in Schools
сокр. characteristic isochromat spectroscopy; chemical interorbital shuttle; Client Information System; Common Information System; Computer Information System; Construction Industry Scheme; Corporate Information System; Customer Information System; Customs Information System; Can It Sam; Canadian Intelligence Service; Cancer Information Service; Card Information Structure / Space (PCMCIA); Cargo Information Service; Case Information Study; Catholic Information Society; Center for International Studies; Center for Internet Security (Victor Parno); Center for Theoretical Studies; Central Information Service; Central Instructor School; Central Intelligence Services; Centre for Intercultural Studies (Anglophile); Character Information Sheet; Chartered Institute of Secretaries; Chase Information Systems; Chemical Information Systems, Inc.; Chief, Intelligence and Security (Canadian); Chinese International Shipping; Chromosome Insertion Sequence; Client Information Sheet (business SnowWhite); Collaborative Information System; Combat Instruction Set; Command Information System (Mil., USA); Committee For Internal Security; Common Implementation Strategy (ВВладимир); Communicating In Spanish; Communication Information Systems; Communications Intercept System; Communications Interface Shelter; Component Information System; Compuserve Information Systems (Netzwerk); Computer Integrated Surgery; Computer Internet Server; Confederacy of Independent Systems; Conference of Internationally-Minded Schools; Congressional Information Service; Constant Idle System; Consumer Information Statement; Conversion Indexing Sorting; Country Intelligence Study; Court Information System; Criminal Investigation Section; Criminally Insane Snipers; Critical Information Shortfall; collective investment scheme (институт коллективного инвестирования, тж. схема коллективного инвестирования irene_ya)
сокр., авиац. The Commonwealth Of Independent States; compressor inlet sensor (Interex); cabin interphone system; configuration item state; customer integrated system; customer introduction system; center for information services; central integration site; change impact summary; Chinese industrial standards; close in support; cockpit interface simulation; competitive intelligence system; component identification sheet; controlled indoor storage; configuration item specification; Contractor's information submittal; control indicator; cooperative identification surveillance; cost information system; crew information system; customer introduction/recorder system; cycles in service
сокр., авто. continuous injection system (Bosch); cylinder identification sensor
сокр., ауд. computer information systems
сокр., бр.англ. Centre for International Studies
сокр., воен. Commonwealth of Independent States; Contact Image Sensor; Criminal Investigative Service; Combat Intelligence System; communication and information systems; common item support; communications interface shelter
сокр., воен., ПВО. communication information system; counter intelligence summary; current intelligence staff
сокр., выст. collective investment schemes
сокр., землевед. cadastral information system; Canadian Institute of Survey; cartographic information system; cells-in-series model; coastal information system; communication and instrumentation system; computer intensive statistics
сокр., ИТ. Card Information Structure; Computer Information Systems; Card Identification Structure; commonwealth of independent states (Bricker); complex instruction set
сокр., комп. continuous ink system (MichaelBurov); continuous ink supply system (MichaelBurov); continuous flow system (MichaelBurov); continuous ink flow system (MichaelBurov); automatic ink refill system (MichaelBurov); bulk feed ink system (MichaelBurov); off-axis ink delivery system (MichaelBurov); CIS system (MichaelBurov); continuous ink supply (MichaelBurov)
сокр., комп.сет. communication interface system; CompuServe Information Service; corporate information system (The Corporate Information System (CIS) provides access to central administrative functions, eg student admissions and registrations, research costings, etc. - АД Alexander Demidov)
сокр., комп.сет., ИТ. Compuserve Information Service
сокр., косм. commonality information system; computer interface system; coronagraphic imaging system; crop information system; cryogenic inertia sensor
сокр., лаб. Central Inhibitory State; Cytokine-Inducing Substance
сокр., логист. Computer Integrated System
сокр., мед. Cancer Information System; Carcinoma In Situ; Clinical Immunology Society; Clinical Information System; carcinoma in situ; Clinically Isolated Syndrome (дебют рассеянного склероза sidotatv); clinical improvement scale (ННатальЯ); Center for International Occupational Safety; Chemical Information System
сокр., мед.тех. cardiac imaging system (harser)
сокр., мор. charterers' inspectors' satisfaction (обычно to ~; сокращение в чартер-партиях Ying)
сокр., НАТО. Communications and Information Systems
сокр., нефт. Canadian Institute of Surveying; center of inertia system; center-of-inertia system; cesium ion source; chemical inventory system; computer interpretation system; corporate identify system; customer instrument service
сокр., обр. Communities in Schools
сокр., обр., науч. Canadian Interuniversity Sport; Computer And Information Science
сокр., опт. compensated imaging system
сокр., полупр. CMOS imaging sensor
сокр., почт. Criminal Investigation System (2003 USPS)
сокр., СМИ. compact image sensor
сокр., т.м. Com Internet Services
сокр., телеком. contact-type image sensor
сокр., фин. Central Information System; collective investment scheme; Country Information System
сокр., шотл.выр. Chartered Industries of Singapore; Combined Influence Sweep; Command Intelligence System; Communication & Information System
сокр., эк. corporate identification system
сокр., эл. conductor-insulator-semiconductor (structure); CCD imaging sensor; CDMA interconnect subsystem; Center for Integrated System; center for the information sciences; certification insuring system; character instruction set; Chinese industrial standard; circuit inspection system; classroom information system; closed ion source (system); clustering interconnect schemes; code independent system; coded image space; collision induced scattering; color image sensor; communication and information system; communication and instruction system; communications interface station; competitive information system; compound interferometer system; CompuServe information system; computerized information service; computer-oriented information system; conductor-thin insulator-semiconductor (structure); conference information server; constant-initial-energy spectrum; constant initial state; constant-initial-state spectroscopy; contact type image sensor; corporate identity system; corporate information services; coupled impedance synthesis; cryogenic inertial sensor; current information selection; customer interactive system; complete instruction set
сокр., эн.сист. customer information system (MichaelBurov)
тех. chemical injection system; communications and instrumentation system; constant idle speed system; containment internal structure; containment isolation signal; containment isolation system; continuous fuel injection system; coolant injection system
энерг. computerized information system; concrete integrated container; contract information sheet
cis ['sɪs] сокр.
биол. central inhibitory state
картогр. cistern
сокр., нефт. cubic inches per second
CIs ['sɪs] сокр.
сокр. confidence intervals (igisheva)
cis: 63 фразы в 11 тематиках
Общая лексика3
Пищевая промышленность6
Сельское хозяйство1
Фармация и фармакология2