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walk on byударения
общ. переносный смысл, "проходить мимо" (быть равнодушным artoffighters); проходить мимо (напр., "A professional photographer will buy on what he/she sees in the full specifications of the camera and what he/she sees and feels of the camera with his/her own eyes and hands. Marketing headlines will not influence the choice between "buy" and "walk on by". Aiduza); пройти мимо (кого-либо, чего-либо; deliberately walk past someone or something that you have decided not so stop for or pay attention to: "... and he just walked on by, not paying any attention to the man who just been crushed by the large lorry" Taras)
амер. игнорировать (someone – кого-либо или не замечать; in a figurative sense, it means to ignore someone Val_Ships); пройти мимо (someone); намеренно не замечая Val_Ships)