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low-yield [ˌləʊ'jiːld, ˌloʊ-]ударения
общ. недородный (of crops, harvest); малопродуктивный (1Producing little; giving a low return: low-yield investment MORE EXAMPLE SENTENCES Any other decision would carry too great a risk and this England management used up all their high-risk, low-yield return last season. Such investment in low-yield instruments must be discontinued and Bulgarian business must be attracted to invest in various instruments in the interests of Bulgaria, he said. Indeed, in this low-yield environment, a bond fund with a flexible investment policy might be just the ticket. 1.1(Of a nuclear weapon) having a relatively low explosive force. EXAMPLE SENTENCES Destroying hard and buried targets, such as bunkers built beneath mountains or tunnels placed hundreds of feet below ground, is the main justification behind the bid to develop new low-yield, earth-penetrating nuclear weapons. Earlier this year the Senate voted to end the ban, provided the Pentagon and Department of Energy sought authorisation from Congress before researching development of low-yield nuclear weapons. I mean I think the most blatant message was the fact that they're going to have a strategy of preemption that might even include using low-yield nuclear weapons. OD Alexander Demidov)
автомат. с низким пределом текучести
банк. с низким доходом
воен. маломощный; малой мощности (Alex_Odeychuk)
воен., ОМП. малого класса мощности (Alex_Odeychuk)
микроэл. с низким процентом выхода годных
стр. малоурожайный
low yield
общ. малая эффективность (iwona); с низким доходом
банк. низкий доход по ценным бумагам
бирж. низкая доходность (dimock)
воен. малая мощность
тех. малый выход продуктов
low-yield: 59 фраз в 21 тематике
Банки и банковское дело2
Бухгалтерский учет кроме аудита1
Военный термин19
Горное дело2
Нефть и газ1
Общая лексика6
Оружие массового поражения2
Ракетная техника1
Сахалин Р1
Сельское хозяйство4