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great workударения
нефт.газ., касп. хорошая работа (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сарк. молодцы (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter) ART Vancouver); молодец (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
Great Work
общ. Великое делание (В алхимии – процесс получения философского камня; в герметической традиции – духовное преобразование человека bel)
great work: 42 фразы в 9 тематиках
Общая лексика17
Переносный смысл1
Разговорная лексика4
Трудовое право1