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CC [ˌsiːˈsiː] глаг.ударения
общ. цековский ((e.g. a house) Anglophile)
воен., жарг. ротный (company commander 4uzhoj)
cc [ˌsiːˈsiː] глаг.
общ. ставить в копию (ставить себя в копию = cc yourself. Is it possible to always cc yourself when sending emails from preVue?)
инт. поставить в копию (Inman)
разг. направлять копию (cc stands for carbon copy || формы: сс's, cc'ing, cc'd: I always cc my boss when I write a memo to my staff. || He cc'd me on his reply. || ‘Then I cc'd my local councillor (whom I have met a number of times over this matter).' VLZ_58)
CCS сокр.
общ. текущая стоимость поставок (The net income of that company after taking into account any change in expenses to a company. This typically will relate to the expenses that are directly related to the products that are produced by the company as well as some expenses that are related to selling those products. Read more: investorwords.com Alexander Demidov); служба компьютерной поддержки (компьютерного обеспечения)
авто. Испытание моторного масла методом "холодного" старта (Cold Crank(ing) Simulator. Метод проверки свойств моторных масел в условиях низких температур. ilyas_levashov)
банк. КСБР (corporate clearing system Acruxia)
бухг. система кредитного контроля (credit control system)
воен. ОКНШ
каб. проволока из плакированной медью стали (Copper Clad Steel Stella70)
кард. ПСС (MichaelBurov); проводящая система сердца (MichaelBurov)
комп., Майкр. облачные вычисления и хранилища данных (сокр. от "cloud computing and storage" Alex_Odeychuk)
комп.сет. унифицированная поддержка связи; унифицированный список команд
мор. система хранения груза (Valtranslation)
нефт.газ. Система кабельной связи (Johnny Bravo); Система связи при помощи каротажного кабеля (Johnny Bravo); актуальные расходы на складирование (Current Cost of Supply Greglug); Улавливание и консервация долговременное хранение СО2 (Carbon Capture and Sequestration Krutov Andrew)
огнеуп. определение прочности при холодном раздавливании (MichaelBurov); прочность при сжатии в холодном состоянии (MichaelBurov); прочность при раздавливании в холодном состоянии (MichaelBurov)
онк. светлоклеточная саркома (AnastasiaRI)
психол. Certified Clinical Supervisor – сертифицированный клинический супервизор (NMakarova)
связь. 100 вызовов в минуту (ед. измерения)
тех. УХУ (MichaelBurov); общий канал сигнализации (ROGER YOUNG); имитатор холодной прокрутки (двигателя; вид ротационного вискозиметра infolab.ru Karabas); технология УХУ (MichaelBurov); улавливание и хранение двуокиси углерода (MichaelBurov); улавливание и хранение углерода (MichaelBurov)
экол. улавливание и хранение CO2, улавливание и хранение углерода (MichaelBurov)
энерг. геологический секвестр углерода (MichaelBurov); CCS-технология (MichaelBurov); улавливание и хранение CO2 (MichaelBurov); улавливание и удержание CO2 (MichaelBurov)
SAP.тех. стандарт CCS
ccs сокр.
общ. кубиков (сокрaщение для куб.см или мл в медицине (вколоть столько-то кубиков), One cubic centimeter, or CC, is the same volume as one milliliter CCK)
 Английский тезаурус
CC [ˌsiːˈsiː] глаг.
conference call
общ. circular curve (Yakov)
воен., сокр. camp commandant; card code; career control; central control; chief clerk; chief comptroller; chief controller; chief counsel; circuit control; classification of characteristics; code check; code control; collecting center; color code; combat center; combat clothing; combat command; combat commander; combat control; combat correspondent; command coder; command computer; command conference; commercial consumables; communications center; communications central; communications complex; communications console; company commander; compass course; computation center; configuration control; confined to camp; confinement camp; control center; control circuit; control console; copied correctly; corps commander; corrected copy; correlation center; cost contract; counterclockwise; cushion craft; cyanogen chloride; Commander
инвест., сокр. cash credit; chamber of commerce; country check
сокр. counter-clockwise; Common Criteria; Computer Concepts (Company); Continuity Cell (ATM); credit card (Булавина); city council; city councillor; civil court; county council; county court; consumer complaint (претензия потребителя Baldrian); Chief Constable
сокр., авиац. camera cone; camp chair; canard configuration; category certification; center conductor; chain of command; change channel; character classification; characteristic check; charge contractor; chief controller; circuit closing; circuit control; closed-coupled; color code; combustion case (chamber); command console; communication centre; communication controller; competence center; composite command; computation center; configuration change; configuration comparision; configuration contract; configuration critical; conformity certificate; conformity check; connection center; control charts; control coolant; coordination center; cost center; counter clockwise; countermeasures computer; coupled control; critical component; cross connection; current comparator; category I certification; category II certification; category III certification; category IV certification; cargo compartment (Interex); club class (Interex); communication computer (Interex); compass coupler (Interex); confidence check (Interex)
сокр., авто. catalytic converter; climate control; cruise control; carbon canister; check control; Chrysler Corporation; closed center; clutch control; coast clutch; compressor clutch; concept car; converter clutch; coolant controlled; coupe convertible; cross-country
сокр., автомат. component connection; computer center
сокр., алюм. counter-current
сокр., амер. cashier's check
сокр., биол. commercial crossbreeding
сокр., бр.англ. Cadet Corps
сокр., вело. cross country
сокр., воен. component commander; Central Control; Circulation Control (wing design); control cell (qwarty); critical capability; command center; command control; Chief of Chaplains; Communications Controller; Concentration Camp; Construction Corps; command ship; core capability; conducting composition
сокр., ген. coefficient of coincidence
сокр., ж/д. Carborne Controller
сокр., здрав., мед. Carson City
сокр., инт. C Compiler
сокр., ист. Channel Command
сокр., ИТ. card column; connecting circuit; combination card; combinatorial circuit; command complete; condition code; carriage control; cross correlation; Cable Connector; Customer Care
сокр., кард. conducting channel (MichaelBurov)
сокр., картогр. country club
сокр., комп. Carbon Copy - a copy of a message, sent to somebody without adding his address to the list of primary recipients. (Vosoni)
сокр., комп.сет. central computer
сокр., комп.сет., ИТ. Carbon Copy
сокр., контр.кач. certification committee (Andrey Truhachev); correction for continuity
сокр., криптогр. common criteria
сокр., лаб. Cubic Centimeter
сокр., материаловед. carbon composite (igisheva)
сокр., мед. cardiac cycle; cathodal closure; chest clinic; chief complaint; circuit course; clinical course; comission certified; compound cathartic; consumption coagulopath; cord compression; coronary collaterals; costochondral; creatinine clearance; current complaints; Cardiac Catheterization; Cell Culture; Cronkhite-Canada (syndrome); creatinine clearance (клиренс креатинина Dimpassy)
сокр., мет. charging car (ipesochinskaya); coking chamber (ipesochinskaya); continuously cast; continuous caster; computer console; computer control
сокр., мол.биол. coiled-coil (Игорь_2006)
сокр., монах. Command and Conquer
сокр., науч. Correlation Coefficient
сокр., нефт. casing cemented
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.ю. spent caustic
сокр., нумизм. Carson City, Nevada
сокр., обр. Child Care; Community College (Vosoni)
сокр., онк., мед. Cancer Center
сокр., ООН. COPE
сокр., офиц. central committee (igisheva)
сокр., полим. combined carbon; conductive channel; cotton cloth
сокр., произв. communication (в значении связи с общественностью Eleanor Rigby)
сокр., рекл. commercial continuity; controlled circulation
сокр., с/х. contemporary comparison
сокр., связь. Cross Connect; channel coding
сокр., СМИ. Common Carrier
сокр., спорт. Cricket Club
сокр., стр. Construction Contractor (elenpolen)
сокр., страх. continuation clause
сокр., судостр. battle cruiser; tactical command ship
сокр., т.м. Clear Channel
сокр., тех. Call on Carry (Vosoni); cabin cruiser
сокр., трансп. Carrying Capacity
сокр., ф.расш. C++ language source code file (gcc); CC language source (CC Vosoni); CC language source code file (cc)
сокр., физиол. germinal center
сокр., форекс. currency conversion (igisheva)
сокр., фото. Centre Contact; Colour Compensating
сокр., хим. capillary chromatography
сокр., хроматогр. calibration curve (bajituka)
сокр., ЦБ. cold canvassing
сокр., шахм. correspondence chess (шахматы по переписке taviskaron)
сокр., шотл.выр. Charge Crueze (Shaped charge); Cirrocumulus; Civil aircraft marking (Chile); Composite Command (USAF); Corps Consulaire (France)
сокр., эк. customs charges
сокр., эк., фин. cost of capital
сокр., эл. call canceled; call collision; call connected; call on carry; capacitance-conductance method; capacitance coupling (cell); central console; central controller; ceramic capacitor; channel capacity; channel command; character code; charge carrier; charge code; charge collection; check character; Chinese character; chip carrier; chrominance channel; clock-in-chip; close combat; close-coupled; close coupling; closed captioning; cluster control; coexistence curve; coincident current; color center; color coding; color correction; combinational circuit; command computer; command control; common communicator; communications computer; compact cassette; comparison circuit; compensation capacitor; complex conductivity; compression and coding; computational complexity; confutation center; confuting center; computer communications; conceptual clustering; concurrency control; concurrent concession; conductive channel; conformal coating; connection confirmation; constituent code; continuity check; continuity criterion; conversational computer; convolutional code; coring circuit; country code; coupling coefficient; covert capability; credit card; cross-connect; crystal control; information technology security evaluation common criteria; common-collector (transistor connection); counter control
сокр., эл., науч. Coiled Coil
сокр., эл.тех. ceramic capacitor; connector circuit; continuity criterion
т.м., сокр. Captor
тех., сокр. cation conductivity; center-to-center; central console; centrifugal charging; chain command; channel capacity; circuit closing; classified contract; close coupling; clutter cancellation; code converter; coefficient of correlation; coincident current; color contrast; command console; common communicator; common-collector transistor connection; communications chief; communications computer; complex-conjugate; computer calculator; computer complex; computer-controlled; concentric cable; conducting channel; conductive coating; conductivity cell; confidence coefficient; conformal coating; cooling coil; coordinate converter; cost code; counter countermeasures; cross couple; cyclic check
физиол., сокр. Caucasian child
экол., сокр. critical concentration
cc [ˌsiːˈsiː] глаг.
общ. closed caption; circular curve (Yakov)
автомат. cotton-covered
Брит. critical comment (e.g. when sharing a photograph with an online community: "cc's appreciated", "cc please" Aiduza); critical comments (Aiduza)
горн. cubic contents
ЕБРР. carbon copies
ИТ. calculator
картогр. chronometer correction
комп., Майкр. Cc (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients); CC (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients); cc (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients)
нефт.газ. copies circulated (andrushin)
опт. cubic centimeters
полим. concave
сокр. concentrate and continue; C.C. Sabathia (baseball player Alex Lilo); cable channel (Alex Lilo); cable corder (machines used in testile and tire cord industry Alex Lilo); calculated cost (pension benefit calculations Alex Lilo); Call Connected (ITU-T Rec I 451 Alex Lilo); Calthorpe Clinic (Edgbaston, Birmingham Alex Lilo); Canadian Club (whiskey Alex Lilo); Canarian Coalition (Spain Alex Lilo); Cannibal Corpse (band Alex Lilo); Cannon Companion (Shadowrun Sourcebook Alex Lilo); Canterbury College (Gold Coast, Australia Alex Lilo); Capsule Corporation (Dragon Ball Alex Lilo); carabinieri (italian military police Alex Lilo); carbon copy; carl czerny (classical composer Alex Lilo); Carlton Cole (soccer player Alex Lilo); Carnivorous Carnival (Lemony Snicket Alex Lilo); carrier control (modem information Alex Lilo); Carroll College (Waukesha, Wisconsin Alex Lilo); Carson City, Nevada (mint mark on some old silver dollars Alex Lilo); Catholic Central High School (Redford, MI Alex Lilo); Causa Cognita (Latin: Known Cause; Codices and Manuscripts Alex Lilo); centicoulomb (electrical unit Alex Lilo); central controller (cisco wireless Alex Lilo); centro comercial (spanish Alex Lilo); Cesar Chavez (union activist Alex Lilo); Chaco (Argentina Province, airline code Alex Lilo); Chain Carrier (surveying Alex Lilo); Challenger Commission (America's Cup Alex Lilo); Change Channel (Maple Story Alex Lilo); Chaos Castle (gaming Alex Lilo); character code (itu-t Alex Lilo); Cheat City (gaming website Alex Lilo); Cheech and Chong (comedy duo Alex Lilo); Cheshire Cat (Blink 182 album Alex Lilo); Chet Chad (radio stations, British Columbia Alex Lilo); Chevy Chase (Maryland Alex Lilo); Chrono Cross (распространенное сокращенное название видео-игры Alex Lilo); Chrono Crusade (anime Alex Lilo); Circuit Client (digital networks Alex Lilo); cirrocumulus (об облачности Leonid Dzhepko); cite check (ing Alex Lilo); City Confidential (TV show Alex Lilo); Clan Chat (Runescape gaming Alex Lilo); Clark College (Vancouver, WA Alex Lilo); class commander (US military Alex Lilo); Clifford Chance LLP (UK law firm Alex Lilo); Clock Crew (Flash artists group Alex Lilo); Clone Commander (Star Wars Alex Lilo); Closed Corporation (South Africa Alex Lilo); Clow Card (Japanese Animé Alex Lilo); ClubCappo (Cappuccino Owners Club Alex Lilo); Coal Chamber (rock band Alex Lilo); code civil (french: civil code Alex Lilo); codice civile (italian: civil code Alex Lilo); cold cathode (UV emitting tubes Alex Lilo); color code (sprint Alex Lilo); Colorado College (Colorado Springs, CO Alex Lilo); Colorado Crush (AFL team Alex Lilo); Columbia College (part of Columbia University, New York Alex Lilo); Columbus Circle (New York City Alex Lilo); Columbus Crew (Columbus, Ohio major league soccer team Alex Lilo); Combatant Craft Crewmember Qualified (USN Alex Lilo); Comedy Central (название юмористического канала кабельного ТВ Alex Lilo); Command & Conquer (video game Alex Lilo); command caller (phone notification system Alex Lilo); Commander's Call (PHS-1 DMAT monthly meeting Alex Lilo); commercial (top-level domain introduced in 2000 Alex Lilo); Compassionate Conservatism (George W. Bush campaign Alex Lilo); Competent Communicator (Toastmasters Alex Lilo); Complications or Comorbidities (diagnosis related group descriptions Alex Lilo); component command (US DoD; NATO Alex Lilo); composite clock (SONET Alex Lilo); Computacenter (European IT services company Alex Lilo); computer crime (insurance Alex Lilo); Computers and Composition (an International Journal Alex Lilo); Conclave (online gaming community Alex Lilo); Concrete Curb (public works Alex Lilo); concurrent copy (disk storage management Alex Lilo); Conformation Certificate (UK dog shows Alex Lilo); Congestion Controlled (IPV6 Alex Lilo); Connecticut College (New London, CT Alex Lilo); Conseil des Communes (French: Council of European Municipalities Alex Lilo); constant curve (bending of windsurfing masts Alex Lilo); Constantly Consecrating (gaming, World of Warcraft Alex Lilo); Construction Confederation (London, UK Alex Lilo); contaminant category (land disposal restrictions Alex Lilo); Continental Counsellors (Institution of the Baha'i Faith Alex Lilo); Continuity Cell (ATMF Alex Lilo); Continuity-Check (ITU-T Alex Lilo); Continuous Commissioning (Texas Engineering Experiment Station Alex Lilo); conto corrente (italian: bank deposit Alex Lilo); coordinator council (Maquis Forces International Alex Lilo); Corner Card (philately Alex Lilo); Cornwall College (UK Alex Lilo); corrente continua (Spanish: direct current Alex Lilo); Corte de Constitucionalidad (Guatemala Central America Alex Lilo); Coupe Cabriolet (Peugeot 206 CC model Alex Lilo); courtesy copy (email; for those who never used carbon paper Alex Lilo); Covenant Christian (High School Alex Lilo); cow and calf (animal husbandry Alex Lilo); Creative Counseling (psychotherapy Alex Lilo); creatures community (game series Alex Lilo); crew certified (NASA Alex Lilo); crew currency (USCG Alex Lilo); Crimson Chin (Fairly Odd Parents TV show Alex Lilo); Cris Carter (NFL player Alex Lilo); critical characteristic (automotive Alex Lilo); Cross-Class (Dungeons & Dragons gaming Alex Lilo); Crystal Cathedral (Robert Schuller Center Alex Lilo); Cum Correctione (Latin: With Correction; ophthalmology Alex Lilo); curb cock (construction Alex Lilo); Curtice Cubic (MESFET model Alex Lilo); Cyber Chat (RPG chat server Alex Lilo); Cybercity (принятое сокращение датского интернет-провайдера Alex Lilo); digo civil (civil code Alex Lilo); n Comparativa (Spanish grammar Alex Lilo); a (Colombia social securty equivalent Alex Lilo); Cum Cibo with food; chief commissioner; civil commotions; co-ordinating committee; complimentary copy; consumable code; coordinating committee
сокр., авто. centimeter
сокр., землевед. chemical cracking; clearcut; concave; concentration; contents
сокр., мед. cubic centimeter
сокр., нефт. continuation clause; cubic centimeter
сокр., с/х., животн. cellular contents
сокр., тех. close circuit
тех. contamination control (Yakov)
физ. closed cup (igisheva)
cc. [ˌsiːˈsiː] сокр.
сокр. chapters; centuries (64$?)
сокр., делов. cubic centimeters
сокр., землевед. centuries
сокр., тех. cubic centimetres
сокр., эк. cubic centimetre
страх. Cubic capacity in feet
эк. copies (Seregaboss)
Cc [ˌsiːˈsiː] сокр.
сокр. cirro-cumulus; chalcosine
сокр., авиац. cross wind force coefficient
сокр., нефт. compaction constant
сокр., телеком. carbon copy
CCH [ˌsiːˈsiː] глаг.
воен., сокр. Close Combat (Heavy)
CCL [ˌsiːˈsiː] глаг.
воен., сокр. Close Combat (Light)
CCH [ˌsiːˈsiː] сокр.
сокр., воен. Close Combat
CC. [ˌsiːˈsiː] сокр.
сокр., лат. Consules ("consuls")
.CC глаг.
ИТ. text/plain
cc/ сокр.
сокр., мед. chief complaint
CCS сокр.
аэроп., авиац. Caracas, Venezuela
воен. cartographic conversion station; casualty clearing station; central computer station; central computer, ship; central control section; collective call sign; command control system; command, control, support; communications control system; computer command subsystem; confidential cover sheet; conformal countermeasures system; contaminant control system; control and computation system; control computer system; control coordination sets; current call sign
межд.перевозки. consolidated cargo container service
сокр. Certified Coding Specialist; Credit Card Status; Customer Care Specialist; Cadence Customer Support; Calculator And Computer Systems; p-chlorophenyl chlorobenzene sulfonic acid; communications construction squadron; contour control system; cross cutting system; control computer subsystem; controlled conditions system; coordinate control system; Cambridge Cybernetic Society (organization); Cancer Control Society; Care Commitment And Service; Cash Centre System; Center for Cybernetics Study; Central Certificate Service; Central Checkout System; Central Computing Services; Certified Chemoinformatics Specialist; Certified Construction Specifier; Championship Cup Series; Change Control System; Cold Cranking Simulator (a high shear viscometer used measure viscosity of crankcase ols at low temperature. A Hun); Collection Capabilities Statement (HUMINT); Combat Communications Squadron; COMINT Collection Subsystem 3 Combat Control Squadron; Command and Control Systems; Command and Coordination Set; Communication Control System; Communications Control Set; Communications-Computer Systems; Compact Cooling System; Computerized Charging System; Constellation Control Station; Corporate Cock Suckers; Correct Class Selection; Cost of Common Stock; Crap Coming Soon; Creative Communications Services; Creative Curriculum Software (Company); Customer And Community Satisfaction; Customer Care System; Cyprus Computer Society (Org, Zypern); Hundred Call Seconds per Hour; Optical Contact Sensor; commercial cane sugar; Cold Case Squad
сокр., авиац. cabin communication system (Interex); centralized cabin station (Interex); certification control system; command control subsystem; cabin configuration system; central computing software; change commitment schedule; change commitment summary; Communications Control System; classified control station; cockpit control system; command and control subsystem; command change schedule; commercial communication satellite; commitment committed change schedule; common core system; company communication system; complex control set; computer command sub system; computing control system; console communication system; continuous commercial service; counter communication system; cruise control subsystem
сокр., авто. coast clutch solenoid; Cold cranking viscosity (ASTM D5293 ВВладимир); controlled combustion system; Combined Charging System (одна из систем зарядки электромобилей Vicomte); carbon canister system; climate control seat; climate control sensor; computer-controlled combustion; computer-controlled suspension; crankcase storage; crankcase storage system; cruise control switch
сокр., автомат. collision control system; constant cutting speed; current controlled source
сокр., бизн. Commercial Crime Service (Alexander Oshis); civil communication section training program; cubic centimetres
сокр., бирж. Castle & Cooke, Inc.
сокр., воен. Command and Control System; command and control system; Computer and Communications System (qwarty); central control ship; commander's communication synchronization; container control site; core capability set
сокр., воен., ОМП. Central control system
сокр., воен., ПВО. communication-computer security; coordination center of the system
сокр., землевед. California Current System; Canadian Ceramic Society; carbonate-compensation surface; Center for Coastal Studies; climate, crop, and soil; co-cumulative spectrum
сокр., ист. Combined Chiefs of Staff
сокр., ИТ. Call Center Service; Common Channel Signaling; Component Control System; Continuous Composite Servo; clear confirmation signal; console communication services; Calculus of Communications System
сокр., каб. Copper Clad Steel (Stella70)
сокр., карате. cable carrier system
сокр., кард. cardiac conducting system (MichaelBurov); cardiac conduction system (MichaelBurov); cardionector (MichaelBurov); conducting system of heart (MichaelBurov); conducting system of the heart (MichaelBurov); heart conduction system (MichaelBurov); heart conductive system (MichaelBurov); heart's conduction system (MichaelBurov); HCS (MichaelBurov)
сокр., комп.сет. common channel signalling; common communication support
сокр., косм. command and communication ship; command and communication system; commercial communications satellite; contamination control system; counter communications system
сокр., логист. Consolidated Cargo Service; Consolidated Container Service
сокр., мед. Canadian Cancer Society; Canadian Cardiovascular Society; Cardiac Care System; Cell Cycle Specific; Chinese Cardiac Study; Chronic Compartment Syndrome; Clear Cell Sarcoma; Clinical Classifications Software (Previously CCHPR: Clinical Classifications For Health Policy Research); Clinical Cytometry Society; Cloudy Cornea Syndrome; Composite Cultured Skin; Concentration Camp Syndrome; Costoclavicular Syndrome; central cord syndrome (Игорь_2006); Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (Игорь_2006); chronic coronary syndrome (о масштабе Гера); Crippled Children Services
сокр., метеор. Carbon capture and storage (usually used with word "technology" Alex04)
сокр., мор. China Marine Classification (Himera); China Classification Society (классификационное общество Китая eugene02130)
сокр., мультимед. 100 call seconds
сокр., назв.орг. Codex Committee on Sugars
сокр., нефт. Cable Communication System (glenfoo); California Coordinate System; capture chlorine square; carbonate compensation surface; carrier current supply; cast carbon steel; cement compressive strength; central computing site; coal combination sonde; coastal zone colour scanner; cold cranking simulator; complete coring system; computer control system; continuous colour sequence; critical compression stress; critical condensate saturation; current cost of supplies
сокр., нефт.газ. carbon capture and storage (MichaelBurov); CCS technology (MichaelBurov)
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.ю. caustic soda
сокр., обр., науч. Campus Computing Sites
сокр., огнеуп. cold crushing strength (MichaelBurov); cold crushing test (MichaelBurov); gross compressive stress required to cause fracture (MichaelBurov)
сокр., педаг. covid compensatory services (BabaikaFromPechka)
сокр., полигр. Cannon Color System (gorbulenko)
сокр., почт. Carrier Cost System (includes CCCS and RCCS)
сокр., произв. cruise control system (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сокр., связь. common-channel signalling; cross connect system; cross-connect system; Communication Control Server
сокр., сист.без., ИТ. Coded Character Set
сокр., СМИ. clear colour screen
сокр., текст. computer color searching
сокр., телеком. cent call seconds; casual-clearing station; hundred call second
сокр., тех. carbon dioxide capture and storage (MichaelBurov); CO2 capture and storage (MichaelBurov); carbon capture storage
сокр., тлф. Hundred Call Seconds
сокр., торг. commodity chain stakeholder
сокр., ф.расш. Common Command Set; Common Communications Services; Common Communications Support; Cryptographic Checksum
сокр., фант. Card Captor Sakura
сокр., фарм. container closure system (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
сокр., фарма. Contamination Control Strategy (rebecapologini)
сокр., шотл.выр. Cabinet Committee on Security (India); Combat Control System; Command & Control Station; Control & Communications Subsystem; Course Corrected Shell; Crew Cooling System
сокр., экол. Carbon Capture and Sequestration (arturmoz)
сокр., эл. call connected signal; carrier color signal; center control system; changing character styles; CHILL compiling system; chip carrier socket; clock cycle start; closed circuit signaling; column code suppression; common CCS sender; computer communications system; computer conferencing system; condition code select; constant-carrier system; constant current source; constant current stressing; control command storage; control, configuration and status; control coordination system; copy control signal; correlation cancellation system; CPU control strobe; cross-connect switch; custom computer system; cascading style sheets; coordinated control system
Союз-Апол. cover closing sensor
тех. camera control system; Canstor Canadian storage; central control station; Chicago cyclotron spectrometer; collector-coupled structure; command and communications system; commitment control system; common channel signaling unit; common-channel signaling; component cooling system; composite color signal; computation and control system; condensate clean-up system; condensate cooling system; containment cooling system; continuous color sequence; contrast contour seeker; credit control system; customer calling service
энерг. carbon; contractor claims settlement
Игорь Миг, сокр. Combined Combustion System
CCs сокр.
сокр. concentration camps (igisheva)
сокр., землевед. coefficient of contrast of soils
.ccs сокр.
ф.расш. Color Calibration System (file name extension)
CCS: 80 фраз в 34 тематиках
Информационные технологии2
Компьютерные сети1
Косметика и косметология2
Медицинская техника1
Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы1
Нефть и газ4
Общая лексика5
Сахалин Р1
Средства массовой информации1
Физика высоких энергий3
Электронная почта6
Юридическая лексика1