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electronic countermeasures [ɪ,lek'trɔnɪk ,kauntə'meʒəz]
общ. 干扰敌人雷达信号用设备; 电子干扰对抗措施
ИТ. 电子对抗
косм. 电子干扰措施
эл. 电子干扰
electronic countermeasure
воен., ПВО. 电子干扰; 电子对抗措施
тех. 电子对抗; 电子干扰措施
 Английский тезаурус
electronic countermeasures [ɪ,lek'trɔnɪk ,kauntə'meʒəz]
авиац., Канада. The division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to prevent or reduce an enemy’s effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum. ECMs include a electronic jamming; and b electronic deception.
воен., логист. That division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to prevent or reduce an enemy's effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum through the use of electromagnetic energy. There are three subdivisions of electronic countermeasures: electronic jamming, electronic deception and electronic neutralization. (UKR/NATO)
electronic countermeasures ECMs [ɪ,lek'trɔnɪk ,kauntə'meʒəz]
воен., логист. Portion of the electronic warfare including the actions undertaken in the electromagnetic spectrum to prevent it from being used efficiently or to reduce its efficient use by hostile forces. ECMs are divided into three categories: electronic jamming, deception, and suppression. FRA
electronic countermeasures: 130 фраз в 9 тематиках
Информационные технологии4
Компьютерные сети1
Общая лексика3
Противовоздушная оборона35