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к фразам
corporate governance
общ. sistema de gobierno institucional
бизн., орг.пр., фин. buen gobierno de la empresa; gobernanza empresarial; gobierno corporativo
МВФ. gobierno societario; gobierno empresarial; gobierno de las sociedades
полит. gobernabilidad de la empresa (management, administración)
эк. gobierno de empresa
corporate governance management
полит. gobernabilidad de la empresa (administración)
 Английский тезаурус
corporate governance
ИТ. The system by which enterprises are directed and controlled. The board of directors is responsible for the governance of their enterprise. It consists of the leadership and organizational structures and processes that ensure the enterprise sustains and extends strategies and objectives.
corporate governance
: 17 фраз в 4 тематиках
Международный валютный фонд13
Название организации1
Юридическая лексика1