
Термины, содержащие Computer | все формы | только в заданной форме
патент.accessori per computercomputer accessories
комп., Майкр.account computercomputer account (An account that is on a local system or domain)
комп., Майкр.account per l'uso del computerComputer Use Time Account (An e-mail address and password that authorizes you to add computer use time to your computer)
патент.affitto di apparecchi e strumenti per l’elaborazione dei dati, di computer e di relative unità perifericherental of data processing apparatus and instruments, computers, and peripheral equipment therefor
патент.affitto di computer e aggiornamento di softwarecomputer rental and updating of computer software
общ.affitto di computerscomputer rental
патент.affitto di unità periferiche per computerrental of computer peripheral devices
комп., Майкр.amministratore del computercomputer administrator (The person in charge of managing a Windows computer. The administrator is responsible for installing software, assigning passwords, and managing files)
ИТ.animazione con computercomputer animation
патент.apparecchi e strumenti per computercomputer apparatus and instruments
патент.apparecchi elettronici che fanno uso di computer per scopi educativielectronic apparatus utilizing computers for educational purposes
патент.apparecchi elettronici per computerelectronic apparatus for use with computers
патент.apparecchi elettronici per computer e giochielectronic computer and games apparatus
патент.apparecchi per giochi per computercomputer game apparatus
патент.apparecchi per giochi per computer con memoriacomputer game equipment containing memory devices
патент.apparecchiature per l’elaborazione di dati e computerdata-processing equipment and computers
обр.apprendimento tramite computercomputer based learning
ИТ.architettura del computercomputer architecture
патент.assistenza e pianificazione operativa di soluzioni ai problemi di computerapplication support services and planning of computer solutions
патент.assistenza telefonica per computercomputer help-line services
ИТ., полит.Associazione dei produttori di computer europeiEuropean Computer Manufacturers' Association
ИТ.Associazione europea dei fabbricanti di computerEuropean Computer Manufacturers' Association
патент.attrezzatura per giochi di computer contenenti un dispositivo di memoria, ovvero dischi e/o nastricomputer game equipment containing memory devices, namely, disks and/or tapes
патент.attrezzatura per giochi di computer venduta come un unico articolo per giocare ad un gioco di societàcomputer game equipment sold as a unit for playing a parlour type game
обр.дан.back-end computerback-end processor
обр.дан.back-end computerback-end computer
комп., Майкр.barra dell'app per computer desktopdesktop app bar (The workspace at the bottom of the application that displays alerts and notifications)
пром.carta da listing per computerpaper for computer print-outs
патент.carta per computercomputer paper
патент.carte codificate e magnetiche da utilizzarsi con computerencoded or magnetic cards for use with computers
патент.cartucce di giochi per computercomputer game cartridges
патент.cartucce per computercomputer cartridges
общ.centro per la visualizzazione assistita dal computercomputer assisted review station
комп., Майкр.chiamata computercomputer call (A function that allows a user to call a computer)
патент.chip per computercomputer chips
общ.comando, controllo, comunicazioni, computer, intelligence, sorveglianza e ricognizioneCommand, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
ИТ.comando di macchine a controllo numerico mediante computercomputerised numerical control
ИТ.comando di macchine a controllo numerico mediante computercomputer numerical control
ИТ.Complex Instruction Set Computer Architettura tradizionale di elaborazione con set di istruzi onida cui deriva RISC-Reduced Instruction Set Computer:nuovo orientamento per realizzare un'architettura di elabora zione con set ridotto di istruzioni più semplici possibiliComplex Instruction Set Computer
комп., Майкр.computer a 32 bit32 bit machine (A computer that works with data in groups of 32 bits at a time. The Apple Macintosh II and higher models are 32-bit machines, in terms of both the word size of their microprocessors and the size of the data buses, as are computers based on the Intel 80386 and higher-level microprocessors)
связь., ИТ.computer ai lati delle straderoadside computer
комп., Майкр.computer analogicoanalog computer (A computer that measures data varying continuously in value, such as speed or temperature)
комп., Майкр.computer chiamatocallee (A computer that is called by another)
комп., Майкр.computer clientclient computer (A computer or program that connects to or requests the services of another computer or program)
комп., Майкр.computer client primarioprimary client computer (A client computer on which synchronization takes place)
комп., Майкр.computer client secondariosecondary client computer (A client computer on which synchronization does not take place)
комп., Майкр.computer con accesso condivisoshared access computer (A computer in a public environment that is accessed by several different users on a daily basis)
комп., Майкр.Computer con avvertimentiWarning Computers (The label in the row of the Results pane that displays the number of instances where a computer has unresolved alerts with a severity level of Warning)
комп., Майкр.computer con carta prepagataprepaid computer (A computer running Windows for Prepaid Computers)
ИТ.computer con componenti biologicicomputer built with biological components
ИТ.computer con insieme di istruzioni complessocomplex instruction set computer
ИТ.computer con insieme di istruzioni ridottereduced instructions set computer
комп., Майкр.computer con SQL ServerSQL Server computer (A computer running Microsoft SQL Server with a configured database)
комп., Майкр.computer conformecompliant computer (A computer that meets the NAP health requirements of a network. Only NAP-enabled computers can be compliant)
обр.дан.computer da tavolodesktop
ИТ., обр.дан.computer da tavolodesktop computer
ИТ.computer da tavolo desktop integratointegrated desktop computer
ИТ.computer da tenere in grembo,del formato di un blocco di appuntilaptop computer
ИТ.computer da tenere in grembo,del formato di un blocco di appuntilaptop
связь., ИТ.computer del centro di controllocontrol center computer
ИТ., трансп.computer del comando del gasthrottle computer
ИТ., трансп., авиац.computer del direttore di voloflight director computer
ИТ.computer della sesta generazionesixth-generation computer
ИТ., трансп.computer dell'autogasautothrottle computer
ИТ., трансп., авиац.computer di autostabilizzazione di imbardataautostabilization yaw computer
ИТ., трансп., авиац.computer di autostabilizzazione di imbardataA/S yaw computer
связь., ИТ.computer di bordoon-board computer
комп., Майкр.computer di casahome computer (A personal computer designed and priced for use in the home)
комп., Майкр.computer di controllohub computer (The computer that manages the OneCare settings for all computers in a OneCare circle)
ИТ., трансп., экол.computer di controllo delle emissioniemission control computer
комп., Майкр.computer di destinazionetarget computer (The computer that will be distributed to customers on which you install Windows. You can either run Windows Setup on the destination computer or copy a master installation onto a destination computer)
комп., Майкр.computer di destinazionedestination computer (The computer that will be distributed to customers on which you install Windows. You can either run Windows Setup on the destination computer or copy a master installation onto a destination computer)
ИТ., трансп., авиац.computer di gestione di voloflight management computer
общ.Computer di misura della saturazionesaturation meter
ИТ.computer di orizzontalitàlevelling computer
ИТ.computer di quinta generazionefifth generation computer
комп., Майкр.computer di riferimentoreference computer (In a Microsoft deployment scenario, the computer that contains the master image)
трансп.computer di rotta e distanzacourse and distance computer
комп., Майкр.computer di sequenziazionesequencing computer (The computer used to perform sequencing and create a sequenced application package)
ИТ., трансп.computer di spintathrust computer
ИТ.computer di tipo verticalefloor standing cabinet
ИТ.computer di tipo verticalefloor standing chassis
ИТ., трансп.computer di trimpitch trim computer
ИТ., трансп.computer di trimpitch trim compensator
комп., Майкр.computer di un gruppo homehomegroup computer (A computer that belongs to a homegroup)
ИТ., трансп., авиац.computer di voloflight computer
патент.computer e apparecchi per l’elaborazione daticomputers and data-processing apparatus
патент.computer e hardwarecomputers and computer hardware
патент.computer e programmi per computercomputers and computer programs
связь., ИТ., англ.Computer Emergency Response TeamComputer Emergency Response Team
комп., Майкр.computer esternoforeign computer (A computer that uses another message queuing system but, through a connector application, can exchange messages with computers that run Message Queuing)
комп., Майкр.computer fisicophysical machine (A hardware-based computer, as opposed to a software-based virtual machine)
комп., Майкр.computer fisicophysical computer (A hardware-based computer, as opposed to a software-based virtual machine)
комп., Майкр.Computer gestitiManaged Computers (The default host group, which contains all host groups managed by Virtual Machine Manager)
комп., Майкр.computer gestitomanaged computer (A computer that has been discovered, on which a SCE agent is installed, and which is monitored and managed by SCE)
комп., Майкр.computer gestito senza agenteagentless managed computer (A computer without an agent that is monitored by a management server or a proxy agent)
комп., Майкр.computer gestito tramite agenteagent-managed computer (A computer that has an agent installed on it and that reports to a management group)
ИТ.computer graficainfography
ИТ., обр.дан.computer graficaelectronic imaging
ИТ.computer graficacomputer graphics
ИТ.computer graphicscomputer graphics
комп., Майкр.computer hosthost machine (A physical computer that is running virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, on which virtual machines can be deployed)
комп., Майкр.computer hosthost computer (A computer that acts as a source of information or signals. The host computer provides services, such as news, mail, or data, to computers that connect to it. The term can refer to almost any kind of computer, from a centralized mainframe that is a host to its terminals, to a server that is host to its clients, to a desktop PC that is host to its devices, such as printers and scanners)
комп., Майкр.computer in abbonamentosubscription computing (An approach in which telephone and internet service providers offer PCs to their customers, who then have the ability to pay for them over time through their monthly bill)
комп., Майкр.computer in abbonamentosubscription computer (The computer offered to a customer by a solution provider where the customer chooses from a range of packaged services, including a computer, genuine Windows software, and broadband Internet services, which are included in one bill. Computer time is purchased for a specified, regular time period (for example, on a monthly or quarterly basis))
комп., Майкр.Computer in modalità manutenzioneMaintenance Mode Computer (The title of a column or data field for a Computer Groups view that specifies the number of computers in a computer group that are in maintenance mode and were changed from managed to unmanaged computers)
комп., Майкр.computer ISA ServerISA Server computer (A computer with ISA Server installed)
ИТ., трансп.computer lateralelateral coupler
ИТ., трансп.computer lateralelateral computer
ИТ., трансп.computer laterale del p.a./d.v.AP/FD lateral computer
ИТ., трансп.computer laterale del pilota automatico/direttore di voloAP/FD lateral computer
комп., Майкр.computer localelocal machine (The computer that you are currently logged on to as a user. More generally, a local computer is a computer that you can access directly without using a communications line or a communications device, such as a network adapter or a modem)
комп., Майкр.computer localelocal computer (The computer that you are currently logged on to as a user. More generally, a local computer is a computer that you can access directly without using a communications line or a communications device, such as a network adapter or a modem)
ИТ., трансп.computer longitudinaleall-weather landing longitudinal computer
ИТ., трансп.computer longitudinaleAWL longitudinal computer
ИТ., трансп.computer longitudinale del p.a./d.v.AP/FD longitudinal computer
ИТ.computer mainframemainframe computer
ИТ.computer mainframemainframe
комп., Майкр.computer monoprocessoreuni-processor (A computer with a single processor)
комп., Майкр.computer multihomedmultihomed computer (A computer that has multiple network adapters or that has been configured with multiple IP addresses for a single network adapter)
связь., ИТ.computer multimedialemultimedia computer
комп., Майкр.computer multiprocessoremultiprocessor computer (A computer that contains two or more connected and roughly equal processors that can each carry out one or more processes (programs or sets of instructions) in tandem)
комп., Майкр.computer non conformenoncompliant computer (A computer that does not meet the NAP health requirements that are defined for a network)
ИТ., мед.-биол.computer organicobiocomputer
ИТ.computer palmarepalmtop
ИТ.computer palmarepersonal digital assistant
ИТ.computer palmareelectronic notepad
общ.computer palmarehand held computer
комп., Майкр.computer portatileportable computer (Any computer designed to be moved easily)
ИТ.computer portatileportable
обр.дан.computer portatilelaptop computer
обр.дан.computer portatilebriefcase computer
обр.дан.computer portatilelaptop
комп., Майкр.computer portatileportable computer (Any computer designed to be moved easily)
патент.computer portatiliportable computers
трансп., авиац.computer preavvisatore di stallostall warning computer
общ.computer principalehost computer
комп., Майкр.computer pubblicopublic computer (A computer in a public environment that is accessed by several different users on a daily basis)
комп., Майкр.computer remotoremote computer (A computer that you can access only by using a communications line or a communications device, such as a network card or a modem, and a remote access software (such as Remote Desktop Connection))
стат.computer self-administered questionnairecomputerized self administered questionnaire
стат.computer self-administered questionnairecomputerised self administered questionnaire
ИТ.computer tascabilepocket PC
ИТ.computer tascabilepocket computer
ИТ.computer tascabilepalmtop computer
комп., Майкр.computer tecnicotechnician computer (The computer on which you install the Windows OEM Preinstallation Kit (Windows OPK) or Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK), and where you create answer files, build configuration sets, and build custom Windows PE images. Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) is the primary tool used to create and modify answer files and configuration sets. The technician computer typically contains your distribution share, a folder structure that contains the source files necessary to install your Windows installation)
комп., Майкр.Computer Telephony Integrationcomputer telephony integration (The practice of using a computer to control one or more telephone and communications functions)
ИТ.computer verticalefloor standing machine
патент.comunicazione di informazioni mediante computercommunication of information by computer
патент.comunicazione di informazioni o di dati tramite telex, telefono, fax, computer, posta elettronica o mediante altri mezzi o supporti elettronicicommunication of information or data by telex, telephone, facsimile, computer, electronic mail or by other electronic means or media
ИТ.comunicazione interpersonale assistita da computercomputer assisted human communication
патент.comunicazione tramite computercommunication by computer
патент.comunicazione tramite computer e terminali di computer e/o tra computer e terminali di computercommunications by and/or between computers and computer terminals
патент.comunicazione tramite terminali di computercommunication by computer terminals
стат.comunicazioni, computers, ecc.communications,computer,etc.
патент.comunicazioni tramite computercommunications by computer
общ.comunicazioni tramite terminali di computerscommunications by computer terminals
общ.conferenze via computercomputer conferencing systems
патент.consulenza in materia di computerconsultancy in the field of computers
общ.consulenza in materia di computerconsultancy in the field of computer hardware
комп., Майкр.contatore del tempo di uso del computercomputer use time counter (The object at the top of the screen that counts down how much computer use time is remaining on your prepaid computer)
комп., Майкр.corso su computercomputer-based training (The use of computers and specially developed tutorial programs for teaching. CBT uses color, graphics, and other attention-getting aids to help maintain interest, and it has both simple and sophisticated applications)
комп., Майкр.corso su computerCBT (The use of computers and specially developed tutorial programs for teaching. CBT uses color, graphics, and other attention-getting aids to help maintain interest, and it has both simple and sophisticated applications)
тех.cromatografo a gas gestito da computercomputer-controlled gas chromatograph
комп., Майкр.data di scadenza dell'uso del computerusage expiration date (The date and time at which a purchased block of unlimited computer usage time terminates)
стат.data-entry assistito dal computercomputer assisted data input
стат.data-entry assistito dal computercomputer assisted data entry
комп., Майкр.dettagli computercomputer details (A list of computer properties that are configured to display and provide information about a specific computer)
ИТ., труд.прав.dialogo controllato dal computercomputer-controlled dialogue
патент.dischetti per computercomputer disks
патент.dischi e nastri per computercomputer discs and tapes
патент.dischi per computer preregistratipre-recorded computer discs
патент.disegno assistito da computercomputer-aided design
связь.disegno con il computercomputer graphics
патент.disegno e affitto di hardware informatico, software informatico, sistemi informatici, reti informatiche, unità periferiche per computer e parti ed accessori per computerdesign and rental of computer hardware, software, computer systems, computer networks, computer peripheral devices and parts and fittings for computers
патент.dispositivi di controllo per computercomputer controllers
патент.dispositivi di memoria per apparecchi per computer gamememory devices for computer game equipment
ИТ.dispositivo di raffreddamento per computernotebook cooler
ИТ.dispositivo di raffreddamento per computerlaptop cooler
патент.drive di disco per computercomputer disk drives
патент.elaboratori elettronici, apparecchi per l’elaborazione di dati, apparecchiature per elaboratori elettronici, modem e unità periferiche per computercomputers, data processing apparatus, computer equipment, computer modems and peripherals
патент.elaboratori elettronici e unità periferiche per computercomputers and computer peripherals
ИТ., науч.elaborazione mediante computer di modelli numericinumerical computer modelling
комп., Майкр.elenco Computer gestitiManaged Computers list (A list of computers matching the Managed Computer rule for an Agent Manager)
ИТ., естеств.науки., пром.fabbricazione aiutata dal computercomputer-assisted manufacturing
ИТ., естеств.науки., пром.fabbricazione aiutata dal computercomputer-aided manufacturing
ИТ.formazione linguistica assistita da computercomputer-assisted language training
юр., ИТ.furto di dati memorizzati al computercomputer hacking
общ.gestione assistita dal computer delle petizioni parlamentaricomputer-aided management of parliamentary petitions
эл.gestione dell'energia assistida dal computercomputer controlled energy management
патент.giochi per computer compresi in questa classecomputer games included in this class
патент.giochi per computer e videogiochicomputer and video games
патент.giochi per computer tascabilihand-held computer games
радио.grafica mediante il computercomputer graphics in television
ИТ.grafica realizzata al computercomputer graphics
комп., Майкр.gruppo di computercomputer group (A collection of computers with some attribute in common. Computer groups are defined by computer grouping rules for similar event management)
комп., Майкр.gruppo di computer gestito da Gateway Desktop remotoRD Gateway-managed computer group (A list of network resources (computers) on an internal corporate or private network that users can access through an RD Gateway server. You can configure RD Gateway-managed computer groups by using RD Gateway Manager after installation of the RD Gateway role service)
патент.hardware e unità periferiche per computercomputer hardware and computer peripherals
патент.hardware informatico e unità periferiche per computercomputer hardware and peripheral devices
патент.hardware, software e programmi per computercomputer hardware, software and programs
ИТ., обр.дан.home computerhome computer
ИТ., обр.дан.home computerhobby computer
ИТ., англ.host computerhost computer
комп., Майкр.ID computercomputer ID (A number that uniquely identifies a particular computer)
радио.immagine bidimensionale generata da computer2-D computer generated image
радио.immagine bidimensionale generata da computertwo-dimensional computer-generated image
радио.immagine generata da computer a dimensione 2 1/22 1/2-D computer generated image
радио.immagine generata da un computerelectronic picture
радио.immagine generata da un computercomputer-generated image
комп., Майкр.immagine produttore computerfactory image (The original Windows operating system image file or the OEM custom Windows operating system image)
радио.immagine tridimensionale generata da computer3-D computer-generated image
радио.immagine tridimensionale generata da computerthree-dimensional computer-generated image
патент.impianti ed apparecchi per il trattamento dell’informazione, computer, personal computer, terminali per computer, periferici, accessori per computer, componenti e memorie per computer, apparecchi per l’elaborazione di testiinformation-processing installations and apparatus, computers, personal computers, computer terminals, computer peripheral devices, computer accessories, computer parts and computer memories, text-processing
комп., Майкр.individuazione dei computercomputer discovery (A process to discover computers on the network)
ИТ.Ingegneria del software assistita dal computercomputer-aided software engineering
здрав.ingegneria delle sostanze assistita da computercomputer-assisted engineering of substances
ИТ.Ingegnerizzazione del software tramite computercomputer-aided software engineering
связь., ИТ.integrazione tra computer e telefoniacomputer telephony integration
патент.interfaccia e unità periferiche per computerinterfaces and peripheral devices for computers
ИТ.interfaccia grafica per computercomputer graphics interface
стат.intervista assistita da computercomputer assisted interviewing
обр., ИТ.Istruzione aiutata da computercomputer-aided instruction
обр., ИТ.Istruzione aiutata da computercomputer-assisted instruction
обр., ИТ.istruzione assistita da computercomputer-aided education
обр., ИТ.istruzione assistita dal computercomputer assisted training
патент.locazione di computer, sistemi informatici, programmi per computer e softwareleasing, hire and rental of computers, computer systems, computer programs and computer software
патент.manuali di istruzioni per computercomputer user manuals
патент.manuali per computercomputer manuals
патент.manuali per computer, carta per stampati per computercomputer manuals, computer printout paper
здрав.manutenzione computer-assistita degli ospedalicomputer-aided hospital maintenance
патент.materiali impressi riguardanti ai computerprinted materials concerning computers
патент.memorie a semiconduttori per computersemi-conductor memories for computers
ИТ.microsagomatura controllata da computercomputer controlled micro-shaping
комп., Майкр.modalità produttore computerfactory mode (A mode of running Sysprep that postpones the first-run experience and enables OEM and corporations to install additional drivers and applications, incorporate build-to-order customer information, and test the Windows installation. To run Sysprep in factory mode, use the command line b>Sysprep -factory/b>)
ИТ., естеств.науки.modellistica molecolare assistita da computercomputer-aided molecular design
ИТ.modellizzazione al computercomputer modelling
ИТ.modellizzazione al computercomputational modelling
патент.modem per computercomputer modems
патент.monitor per computercomputer monitors
комп., Майкр."Mostra come ""Non al computer"" dopo un'attesa di"Show me as away when my computer is idle for this time period: (The option in the Options dialog box, on the Rules tab, that changes the user's status to Away after the computer has been idle for the selected time period)
патент.nastri inchiostranti per macchine da scrivere, nastri inchiostranti per stampanti per computer, nastri inchiostranti per calcolatrici, apparecchi per il trattamento del testo einking ribbons for typing machines, inking ribbons for computer printers, inking ribbons for calculators, word-processing machines and for cash registers
общ.nastri inchiostratori per stampanti di computersinking ribbons for computer printers
патент.noleggio del corredo per il trattamento dell’informazione e di computerrental of data processing equipment and computers
патент.noleggio di computercomputer rental
патент.noleggio di computer e di softwarerental of computers and software
патент.noleggio di computer e noleggio di tempi di accesso a un centro di base datirental and leasing of computers and leasing of access time to a computer database
патент.noleggio e leasing di computerrental and leasing of computers
комп., Майкр.nome completo del computerfull computer name (A fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The full computer name is a concatenation of the computer name (for example, client1) and the primary DNS suffix of the computer (for example, reskit.com))
комп., Майкр.nome computercomputer name (A unique name with as many as 15 characters that identifies a computer to the network)
комп., Майкр.Non al computerAway (An item on the user's Status menu. A user can select this status to indicate that they are not actively using their computer)
комп., Майкр.Non al computerAppear Away (An item on the user's My Status menu that can be selected while signed in to make it appear to other users that he or she is currently away)
землевед.ologramma generato da computercomputer-generated hologram
окруж.ottimizzazione assistita dal computercomputer assisted optimisation
обр., связь., ИТ.padronanza del computercomputer literacy
обр., ИТ.Patente europea del computerEuropean Computer Driving Licence
комп., Майкр.PC, personal computerPC (A microcomputer designed for use by one person at a time. Personal computers do not need to share the processing, disk, and printer resources of another computer)
патент.periferici per computercomputer peripheral equipment
ИТ., англ.personal computerpersonal computer
патент.personal computerpersonal computers
ИТ.personal computer inferenziale sequenzialepersonal sequential inference machine
ИТ., тех., англ.Personal Computer Memory Card International AssociationPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association
стат.personal computerspersonal computers
стат.personal-computerspersonal computers
стат.personal computers per 1000 abitantipersonal computers
ИТ., обр.дан.pocket computerpocket computer
ИТ., обр.дан.pocket computerpalmtop computer
ИТ., обр.дан.pocket computerpalmtop
ИТ.problema dell'anno 2000 nei computerYear 2000 Computer problem
патент.prodotti di sicurezza per computercomputer security products
ИТ., пром.produzione assistita dal computercomputer-assisted production
текст.produzione con l’ausilio del computermanufacture with computer auxiliary
патент.progettazione di computer per terzidesign of computers for others
ИТ.progettazione di sigarette assistita dal computercomputer aided cigarette design
ИТ.programma di ECG su computerECG computer programme
общ.programma per computercomputer programme
патент.programmazione di computer e servizi di consulenza informaticacomputer programming and computer consultancy services
патент.programmazione per computercomputer programming
патент.programmazione per computer ed analisi di sistemicomputer programming and computer system analysis
патент.programmazione per computer per terzicomputer programming for others
общ.programmazione per computerscomputer programming
патент.programmazione per l’elaborazione elettronica di dati, programmazione, sviluppo e perizie tecniche in materia di computerprogramming for electronic data processing, computer programming, development and engineering
патент.programmi codificati per computerencoded programs for computers
патент.programmi codificati per computer e per apparecchi per l’elaborazione di datiencoded programs for computers and for data processing apparatus
патент.programmi di giochi per computer, cartucce e cassettevideo game programs, cartridges and cassettes
патент.programmi di giochi per computer, cartucce e cassettecomputer game programs, cartridges, and cassettes
патент.programmi di software per computercomputer software programs
патент.programmi registrati per computercomputer programs recorded
патент.programmi per computercomputer programs
патент.programmi per computer distribuiti on-line su Internet e World Wide Webcomputer programs distributed on-line over the Internet and Web
патент.programmi per computer e banche daticomputer programs and data bases
патент.programmi per computer e dati registrati in forma accessibile per computercomputer programs and data recorded in computer accessible form
патент.programmi per computer e linguaggi di programmazionecomputer programmes and programming languages
патент.programmi per computer gamecomputer game programs
патент.programmi per computer, giochi per computercomputer programs, computer games
патент.programmi per computer in forma stampatacomputer programs in printed form
патент.programmi per computer per giochicomputer programs for playing games
патент.programmi per computer per l’utilizzo di Internet e Worldwide Webcomputer programs for using the internet and the worldwide
патент.programmi per computer registrati su supporti di registrazionecomputer programs being recorded on data carriers
патент.programmi pre-registrati per computerpre-recorded computer programs
патент.programmi stampati per computerprinted computer programs
связь., ИТ.pubblicazione assistita dal computerelectronic publishing
связь., ИТ.pubblicazione assistita dal computercomputer-assisted publishing
связь., ИТ.pubblicazione assistita dal computerdesktop publishing
связь., ИТ.pubblicazione assistita dal computercomputer-aided publishing
патент.raccoglitori per stampati di computercomputer printout binders
комп., Майкр.rapporto di generazione del computercomputer build report (A report generated by OEMs for each OA 3.0 manufactured computer which is then sent to Microsoft for processing. This report includes the hardware hash value and Product Key ID)
комп., Майкр.rapporto di generazione del computerCBR (A report generated by OEMs for each OA 3.0 manufactured computer which is then sent to Microsoft for processing. This report includes the hardware hash value and Product Key ID)
общ.Reattore controllato con computercomputer-controlled reactor
ИТ.registrazione su computer dei datientering computer data
комп., Майкр.regola di raggruppamento dei computercomputer grouping rule (A rule that combines computers with common attributes into a group to be similarly managed and monitored)
комп., Майкр.restrizioni per il computercomputer restrictions (Settings that limit operating system functionality; including, privacy and security)
комп., Майкр.rete computer-to-computercomputer-to-computer network (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
ИТ.rete di computer eterogeneaheterogeneous computer network
ИТ.ricerca di informazioni assistita da computercomputer-assisted information retrieval
фин., бизн., орг.пр.scambi tramite computercomputer trading
фин.scambi tramite computerprogram trading
патент.schede di interfaccia per computercomputer interface boards
патент.servizi di comunicazione mediante computerservices for communication by computer
патент.servizi di comunicazione tra computercommunication services between computers
патент.servizi di consulenza e informazione in materia di computeradvice, consultancy and provision of information relating to computers
патент.servizi di consulenza in materia di computercomputer consultancy services
патент.servizi di consulenza relativi a sistemi informatici, reti informatiche, hardware informatico, software informatico e unità periferiche per computerconsultancy and advisory services, all relating to computer systems, computer networks, computer hardware, software and computer peripheral devices
патент.Servizi di consulenza riguardanti i computer e software informaticiconsulting services relating to computers and computer software
патент.servizi di disegno assistito da computercomputer-aided design services
патент.servizi di disegno e di programmazione di computercomputer design and programming services
патент.servizi di installazione e manutenzione di computercomputer installation and maintenance services
патент.servizi di intercomunicazione tra computercomputer inter-communication services
патент.servizi di noleggio di computercomputer rental services
патент.servizi di progettazione e di disegno industriale assistiti da computercomputer-aided engineering design and drawing services
патент.servizi di programmazione per computercomputer programming services
патент.servizi di programmazione per computer e servizi in materia di softwarecomputer programming and software services
патент.servizi di time sharing per l’utilizzo di computercomputer time-sharing services
патент.servizi per la trasmissione e la presentazione di informazioni mediante computer o strumenti elettroniciservices for the transmission and presentation of information by computer or by electronic means
комп., Майкр.servizio Browser di computerComputer Browser service (A service that maintains an up-to-date list of computers that share resources on your network and that supplies the list to programs that request it. The Computer Browser service is used to view a list of available network resources)
здрав.simulazione su computer di diagnosicomputer-based simulation in diagnosis
здрав.simulazione su computer di processi biomolecolaricomputer simulation of biomolecular processes
ИТ.single board computersingle-board computer
ИТ.Sistema di acquisizione dati tramite computercomputer-based data acquisition system
ИТ.sistema di computer della quinta generazioneFifth Generation Computer System
патент.sistemi operativi per computercomputer operating systems
комп., Майкр.Small Computer System Interfacesmall computer system interface (A standard high-speed parallel interface defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). A SCSI interface is used for connecting microcomputers to peripheral devices, such as hard disks and printers, and to other computers and local area networks (LANs))
ИТ.software per computercomputer software
патент.software per giochi per computer e videogiochicomputer and video game software
патент.software, programmi per computer, banche dati su supporti per dati compresi in questa classe, ovvero CD-ROM, dischi, videocassette, apparecchi e strumenti audiovisivi, audio/video e relative parti ed accessoricomputer software, computer programs, computer databases on data carriers included in this class, namely CD-ROMs, disks, videocassettes, audiovisual, audio/visual apparatus and instruments, their parts and accessories
ИТ.sposta il computerMove the computer
патент.stampanti per computerprinters for use with computers
общ.stampanti per computersprinters for use with computers
патент.stampati riguardanti i computer e i softwareprinted matter pertaining to computers and computer
ИТ., тех.tablet computertablet computer
ИТ., тех.tablet computertablet
патент.tastiere per computercomputer keyboards
ИТ., естеств.науки.tecnologia integrata da computercomputer integrated technology
патент.telecomunicazione di informazioni, programmi per computer e altri datitelecommunication of information, computer programs and other data
патент.telecomunicazioni, agenzie di stampa e agenzie di informazioni, comunicazioni tramite terminali di computertelecommunications, news agencies, communications by computer terminal
комп., Майкр.tempo di uso del computercomputer usage time (An amount of time that is used toward computer or software access)
патент.terminali di computercomputer terminals
ИТ.terminologia supportata da computercomputer-assisted terminology
патент.time sharing per l’utilizzo di computercomputer timesharing
фин.titolo emesso e registrato mediante computerbook entry security
мед.tomografia con computerCT-scanning
здрав.tomografia con computercomputer tomography
мед.tomografia con computercomputer-assisted tomography
мед.tomografia con computerCAT-scanning
ИТ., обществ.traduzione assistita dal computermachine-aided translation
ИТ., обществ.traduzione assistita dal computermachine-assisted translation
ИТ., обществ.traduzione assistita dal computercomputer-assisted translation
ИТ., обществ.traduzione assistita dal computercomputer-aided translation
патент.trasmissione del suono, delle immagini e dei dati via cavo, via satellite, tramite computer, su rete, tramite telefono e con qualsiasi altro mezzo di trasmissionesound, image and data transmission by cable, satellite, computer, computer networks, telephone lines and any other transmission media
патент.trasmissione di immagini mediante computercomputer-aided transmission of images
патент.trasmissione di messaggi, di dati e di immagini con l’aiuto di un computercomputer-aided transmission of messages, data and images
общ.trasmissione di messaggi e di immagini con l'aiuto di un computercomputer aided transmission of messages and images
патент.trasmissione di messaggi e di immagini mediante computercomputer-aided transmission of messages and images
патент.trasmissione di messaggi, informazioni e immagini con l’aiuto di un computercomputer-aided transmission of messages, information and images
патент.trasmissione di messaggi mediante computercomputer-aided transmission of messages
патент.trasmissione e comunicazione tramite computer o assistite da computerbroadcasting and communications by means of, or aided by, computer
юр., ИТ.truffa per mezzo del computerfraudulent misuse of a computer
юр., ИТ.truffa per mezzo del computercomputer fraud
патент.unità a nastri magnetici per computermagnetic tape units for computers
патент.unità periferiche elettroniche ed elettromeccaniche per computerelectronic and electromechanical peripheral apparatus, all for use with computers
патент.unità periferiche per computercomputer peripheral devices
патент.unità periferiche per computercomputer peripheral apparatus
общ.unità periferiche per computerscomputer peripheral devices
комп., Майкр.uso prepagato del computerpay-as-you-go computing (A model in which a solution provider offers a computer to the customer for a low initial payment, and the customer adds time to the computer by purchasing blocks of computer usage time. Once an agreed-upon amount of usage time is purchased, the customer has unlimited access to the computer and no longer needs to pay for computer usage time)
комп., Майкр.Utenti e computer di Active DirectoryActive Directory Users and Computers (An administrative tool used by an administrator to perform day-to-day Active Directory administration tasks. The tasks that can be performed with this tool include creating, deleting, modifying, moving, and setting permissions on objects stored in the directory. Examples of objects in Active Directory are organizational units, users, contacts, groups, computers, printers, and shared file objects)
связь.valutazione tecnica assistita dal computercomputer-aided technical review
связь., ИТ.videoconferenza mediante computer portatiledesktop video conferencing
патент.videogiochi per uso domestico, compresi quelli per personal computervideo game machines for domestic use including for personal computers
ИТ."virus" che contamina i computervirus program
ИТ."virus" che contamina i computercomputer virus
ИТ."virus" che contamina i computervirus
юр., ИТ.virus del computercomputer virus