
Термины по тематике Хирургия, содержащие 注意 | все формы
三叉神经半月节甘油注射术glycerol injection of gasserian ganglion
交叉灌注cross perfusion
充注型阴道模具inflatable vaginal stent
充注式乳房假体inflatable breast prosthesis
再灌注损伤reperfusion injury
冠状动脉"无再灌注"现象coronary "no reperfusion" phenomenon
冠状动脉灌注coronary perfusion
冠状窦逆行灌注coronary sinus retrograde perfusion
加压灌注enhancing perfusion
动脉灌注管路arterial perfusion line
原位多器官灌注in situ multiple organ perfusion
器官灌注organ perfusion
持续低温灌注continuous hypothermical perfusion
持续低温灌注continuous hypothermal perfusion
搏动灌注pulsatile perfusion
正常灌注压突破normal perfusion pressure breakthrough
灌注充分adequacy of perfusion
灌注压perfusion pressure
灌注后综合征postperfusion syndrome
灌注损伤perfusion injury
灌注机perfusion unit
灌注肺perfusion lung
灌注过多综合征luxury perfusion syndrome
焦痂下抗生素灌注治疗subeschar antibiotic infusion therapy
硬化剂注人疗法sclerosing agent injection therapy
离体灌注ex vivo perfusion
细胞输注cell infusion
肾周围注气造影perirenal insufflation
脑灌注cerebral perfusion
腹膜后注气造影retroperitoneal pneumography
膀胱灌注irrigation of bladder
膀胱灌注instillation of bladder
血液流注blood perfusion
输注移植infused graft
逆行性心脏停搏液灌注retrograde perfusion of cardioplegic solution
重力灌注gravity perfusion
隔离灌注isolated organ perfusion
非搏动灌注non-pulsatile perfusion
顺行性心脏停搏液灌注antegrade perfusion of cardioplegic solution
颈动脉一颈静脉灌注carotid-jugular perfusion