
Термины по тематике Техника, содержащие 方面 | все формы | только в указанном порядке
一本土壤方面的书的提纲outline of one's book on soils
三方偏方面tetragonal trapezohedron
三方双面锥trigonal bipyramid face
上行方面up side
不整齐小方石铺砌路面random paving
两面圆方砖釉面tile with round edge opposite
中央方形三面半圆形建筑中的歌唱班席位triconch choir
中央方形三面半圆形教堂triconch church
主垂面方位角azimuth of principal plane
主平面方向图principal plane pattern
二面圆方砖round edge opposite
井中一地面工作方式borehole-surface mode
人力方面的比率manpower ratios
人工控制地面沉降方法ground settlement method of artificial control
人类住区的环境方面environmental aspect of human settlement
人类住区的社会、经济方面socioeconomic aspects of human settlements
供应方面supply side
偏方四分面体trapezohedral tetartohedron
全面规划方案comprehensive planning programme
全面规划方案overall project
全面规划方案comprehensive planning program
六方偏方面hexagonal trapezohedron
六方偏方面体类hexagonal trapezohedral class
六方偏三角面体hexagonal scalenohedron
共面条件方程coplanarity condition equation
共面条件方程coplanar condition equation
决策方面的角色decisional roles
凹面方钢fluted bar iron
凹面方钢fluted bar
切面方程tangential equation
剖面方位orientation of profile
剖面磁方位magnetic azimuth of profile
勘探剖面精度分析方法analysis methods of exploratory profile
十字形建筑平面交叉的方形部分transept square
方面unilateral (的)
方面废止unilateral denunciation
方面承担义务的合同unilateral contract
方面承诺unilateral undertaking
单向加载三对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading three-pair sliding-face cubical ultrahigh pressure device
单向加载三对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading three-pair sliding-face cubic ultrahigh pressure device
单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubical ultrahigh pressure device
单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubic ultrahigh pressure device
单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压高温装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubical ultrahigh pressure and high temperature device
单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压高温装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubic ultrahigh pressure and high temperature device
厅式平面各室人口开向大厅的布置方式hall access type
参数平面方法parameter plane method
四方偏三八tetragonal trapezohedron
四方光面面砖square-cut plain tile
四方四面体tetragonal disphenoid
四边琢方石铺地面square-edged flooring
图根平面位置测量方法method for horizontal mapping control survey
土方纵剖面图mass profile
土石方横断面图earth work cross-section
新开挖土石方的土石方露明面high wall
在许多方面in a number of ways
地方侵蚀基准面local erosion base level
地球表面法线方向map vertical
地球表面法线方向geographical vertical
地球表面法线方向geographic vertical
地面井中工作方式surface-borehole mode
地面方向仪ground wind indicator
地面方向物terrestrial reference
地面方法ground method
均方回归平面mean square regression plane
填方地面filled-up ground
墙面凹凸不齐的砌砖方式scintled brickwork
方面numerous ways
方面适应性指标versatility index
多角方形平面拱顶polygonal domical vault
大地水准面法线方向map vertical
大地水准面法线方向geographical vertical
大地水准面法线方向geographic vertical
大型小方石路面large sett paving
安全方面safety aspect
宏观方面的经济管理体制system of macroeconomic management
对双方面都有约束力binding upon all parties
对有关各方面都有约束力binding upon all parties
小方石块路面small-sized sett paving
小方石拼花路面mosaic paving sett
小方石路面stone sett paving
小方石路面stone-sett pavement
小方石路面small sett paving
小方石路面下的砂垫层sand layer under a sett paving
小方石辐射形地面radial small stone sett paving
小方石辐射形路面radial small stone sett paving
小方石辐射形铺面radial small stone sett paving
小方石铺面pegtop paving
尖凿琢面方石ridged ashlar
尖凿琢面方石nigged ashlar
层面方向bedding angle
屋面披水方法roof flashing method
屋面方块钢板roofing square
屋面防雨方法roof flashing method
嵌花式小方石铺砌路面durax cube pavement
嵌花式小方石路面du rax pavement
嵌花式小方石路面durax-cube pavement
带圆角方断面钻探用钢材quarter octagon drill rods
带方形断面尾的锉escapement file
平方根面积仪square root planimeter
交通平面分离方式horizontal segregation
平面后方交会plane resection (法)
平面后方交会horizontal resection (法)
平面布置比较方案alternate layout
平面控制测量方法method of horizontal control survey
平面方位角grid azimuth
平面方向角grid bearing
平面方案schematic plan
平面简谐方程plane harmonic equation
开敞式平面布置方法open plan system
成层小方石路面coursed sett paving
抛面形方程parabolical cylindrical equation
抛面形方程parabolic cylindrical equation
按地面图阻滞的模拟方法retardant pattern simulation model
挖方与填方纵断面图mass profile
推荐平面布置方案proposed layout
斜方全面体晶系rhombical holohedral crystal system
斜方全面体晶系rhombic holohedral crystal system
斜方四面体rhombical disphenoid
斜方四面体rhombic disphenoid
斜方底面rhombical base
斜方底面rhombic base
斜面方钢chamfered square bar
斩面方石hammer dressed ashlar
方位稳定平面位置指示器azimuth-stabilized plan position indicator
方块料路面cube pavement
方块石铺砌路面square dressed pavement
方块铺面层sett paving
方形底层平面图square ground plan
方形截面box cross-section
方形截面square cross-section
方形截面box section
方形截面柱square column
方形斜向铺面diamond paving
方形斜向铺面缝diamond joint
方截面square section
方截面密封圈square section ring
方截面钢棒式道岔geordie turnout
方断面密封圈rectangular section ring
方木斜面叠接square splice (屋架拉杆)
方木斜面叠接squared splice
方格式块料路面checkered surface
方格式护面squared pitching
方格式路面checker work pavement
方格式路面checkered pavement
方格式铺面checker work pavement
方格形地面铺设grid floor covering
方格形地面铺设grid floor cover
方格形房屋立面grid facade
方框支架工作面timbered stope
方石块饰面square ashlar dressing
方石板饰面square ashlar dressing
方石路面cut-stone paving
方石路面ashlar paving
方石镶面ashlar facing
方砖块路面brick cube pavement
方钠粗面岩sodalite trachyte
方锥体或圆锥体表面surface of pyramid or cone (面积)
方面积喷灌器square-area sprinkler
有关航行方面的问题navigational aspects
有利方面positive aspect
本质方面an essential aspect
柔性路面设计方法flexible pavement design method
桥上用小方石铺路面bridge set paving
桥面铺砌小方石bridge paving sett
椭圆面方位角elliptical azimuth
椭圆面方位角elliptic azimuth
椭球面方位角spheroidal azimuth
横断面土方量的平衡balancing of cross-section
正面入口上方三角墙eastern pediment (古希腊建筑)
每天单方向断面最大客流量maximum passengers per day per direction
每小时单方向断面客流量section passengers per hour per direction
民事方面的共谋civil conspiracy
沥青膏浆表面防水处理方法mastic process
沿倾斜方向的工作面dip face
法向截面方位角normal section azimuth
测深断面的间距和方向spacing and direction of sounding profiles
涂面方法facing method
消费方面的耗费增加consumption diseconomies
消费方面的节约consumption economies
液体容器侧面清理方孔clean-out box
混合面固体方法mixed surface solid approach
玄武岩小方石路面basalt sett paving
球面四方形spherical quadrangle
球面四方形spheric quadrangle
球面方位角spherical bearing
球面方位角spheric bearing
球面方位角spheric azimuth
球面方差函数spheric variance function
琢面方石dressed ashlar
生态学方面的利益ecological benefit
生态学方面的利益ecologic benefit
电场平面内的方向特性electrical plane characteristic
电场平面内的方向特性electric plane characteristic
界面移动近似方程approximation equation of interface movement
界面管理方案interface management plan
疏浚的环境方面environmental aspects of dredging
相对方位平面位置指示器heading upward plan position indicator
矩形或方形断面实心条带和D型空心护舷rectangular or square section solid strip and D-hollow fender
磁场平面内的方向性magnetic plane characteristic
祭坛上方及后面雕画装饰altar screen
祭坛上方及后面雕画饰物altar piece
移动咸淡水界面近似方程approximation equation for migrating interface between salt and fresh water
稳定咸淡水界面近似方程approximation equation for steady interface between salt and fresh water
方面cubical plane
方面cubic plane
方面心排列face-central cubical array
方面心排列face-central cubic array
方面线圈cube-surface coil
立方平面cubical plane
立方平面cubic plane
端面不方正sides out of square
等面积方位投影azimuthal equivalent projection
粗凿麻面方石pointed ashlar
粗面方块rough block
粗面方块quarried block
经济方面的意见economic advice
综合性和多方面synthetical and many-sided
综合性和多方面synthetic and many-sided
编译方面compilation phase
美学方面aesthetic aspect
美观方面esthetic aspect
菲涅尔波面法线方程Fresnel's equation of wave normal
表面加工方法method of facing
表面反应速率方程surface rate equation
西方式房屋正面western facade
超平面方法hyperplane method
趋势面方程equation of trend surface
路面方料cube paving sett
迎面导航方式lead pursuit
通融有关方面accommodation party
配位多面体连接方式connection type of coordination polyhedron
铺路面方石cube paving sett
镶面方法facing system
长方形交叉梁系挑檐底面rectangular grid soffit
长方形会堂剖面图basilican cross-section
长方形会堂平面图basilican ground plan
长方形会堂断面图basilican cross-section
长方形剖面rectangular section
长方形剖面rectangular profile (图)
长方形面砖rectangular tile
长方形面积rectangular area
阶梯形断面方块码头stepped cross-sectional block wall
阶梯形断面方块码头stepped cross-section block wall
面估计方差section term of estimation variance
面向目标的方法object-oriented approach
面向目标的方法goal-oriented approach
面心立方体face-centered cube
面心立方堆积face-centered cubical packing
面心立方堆积face-centered cubic packing
面心立方晶格face-centered cubical lattice
面心立方格子face-centered cubical lattice
面心立方格子face-centered cubic lattice
面心立方的face-centered cubical
面心立方的face-centered cubic
面心立方结构face-centered cubical structure
面心立方铜金合金face-centered cubical copper-gold alloy
面心长方点阵centered rectangular lattice
面积仪方向导杆planimetrical arm
面积仪方向导杆planimetric arm
面积估计方差estimation variance of surface
风格方面stylistic phase
黝方粗面岩nosean trachyte