
Термины по тематике Судостроение, содержащие | все формы
不可转让的nonnegotiable bill of lading
不清洁的unclean B/L
不能供的not available
不记名blank B/L
仲裁程序中出的索赔清单statement of claim in arbitration proceedings
你方能不能再前一点交货呢?Could you possible effect shipment more promptly?
依法请仲裁legally filling the award
信息information cue
倒签antidated bill of lading
免交成费royalty free
全船舱室完整性completeness of all cabins to be delivery
单付现款cash against bill of lading
发运代理人forwarder's bill of lading
发运代理人的forwarder's bill of lading
吊钩升高度hook height
出问题put a question to
向…提出present a proposal to…
喷油前角commencement of fuel injection
回声echoic prompt
墨西哥华纳港Tijuana Harbor, Mexico
备运货物cargo received for shipment B/L
如果你们答应前一个月交货,我们就同意开信用证We will open a L/C if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier.
如果贵方能前交货,我们才可接受贵方价格We may accept your price only if you can make an earlier shipment.
对…提供render support to…
已经装船的货物loaded bill of lading
已经装船货物on board B/L
已经装船货物shipped B/L
已经装船货物loaded bill of lading
已装船货物单.shipped B/L
您能出一个贵方认为合适的价格吗?Could you give me your idea of an appropriate price for this commodity?
我们的价格不能降到贵方出的水平I'm afraid we can't reduce our price to the level you have indicated.
灯玻璃罩hand lantern glass globe
电灯electric portable lamp
托盘升机pallet elevator
托盘货通知pallet-cargo delivery notice
托盘货物pallet-cargo bill of lading
出 建议make proposal for
出 550 美元的索赔file a claim to the amount of US $ 550
出意见tender one's advice
出报价submit the offer
出申报file declaration
出索赔期限time limit for filling claims
出问题供讨论raise a question for discussion
前排气advance of admission
前排气advance of release
前进气advance of admission
升式气流干燥器air lift drier
升式气流干燥机air lift drier
单上加盖或添上的批注条款superimposed condition in bill of lading
单上的数量B/L quantity
单上的质量B/L mass
单上的重量B/L weight
单上附加条款superimposed condition in bill of lading
单持有人holder of B/L
单摘要summary of B/L
单条款clause of B/L
单的持有人holder of B/L
单的背书和转让endorsement and transfer of B/L
单附加条款additional clause on B/L
成方式in royalty
成条件royalty conditions
成费按制成品数量计算royalty on finished product
成费按制成品数量计算royalty on finished products
成费按生产的制动马力数计算royalty on produced BHP
请仲裁institute arbitration processing
高产量increase of production
高价格lift prices
高出口商品的竞争能力raise the competitiveness of exports
高劳动生产率raise labor-productivity
高定额advanced norm
高润滑性能的添油性添加剂oiliness additive
高生产效率raise productive efficiency
高船舶设计质量boost ship design quality
高造船质量boost shipbuilding quality
救生艇降落和升试验handling test of lifeboat
单货物cargo without bill of lading
最低单费minimum charge of B/L
根据租船合同签发的bill of lading issued under charter party
每年最小成费yearly minimum royalty
比预定日期ahead of the original target date
气动升搅拌机air lift agitator
河运inland waterway bill of lading
河运river bill of lading
波利尼西亚帕皮Papeete Harbor, Polynesia
海运marine B/L
清洁已装船海运clean on board ocean B/L
电解electrolytic winning
直达straight B/L
磁电火花magnetospark advance
租船charter-party bill of lading
租船合同charter-party bill of lading
空白台头bill of lading to order
简式simple form bill of lading
联合运输through bill of lading
联合运输through B/L
联运Thro' B/L
船东供设备owner furnished equipment
船东供造船设备owner furnished shipbuilding equipment
蓄电池手accumulator-powered hand lamp
螺旋升阀screw lift valve
装在甲板上的货物on-deck bill of lading
角度前量angular advance
许可证成费royalty of license
输人inward bill of lading
运费后付的collect B/L
进口货imports bill of lading
集装箱货通知container delivery notice
非常抱歉,我们不能前交货I'm very sorry, we can't advance the time of delivery.