
Термины по тематике Техника, содержащие 交点 | все формы | только в указанном порядке
一致曲线上交点upper Concordia intercept
一致曲线下交点down Concordia intercept
一般交点理论general intersection theory
交点交会法分析径向三角测量analytical three-point resection radial triangulation
交点交会法分析径向三角测量analytic three-point resection radial triangulation
三点交会分析径向三角测量analytical tree-point resection radial triangulation
三点交会分析径向三角测量analytic tree-point resection radial triangulation
三点交会法【测】method by intersection of three-directions
三点后方交会法trilinear survey
三点后方交会法three-point resection
三点法交会three-point intersection
不兼容交叉点incompatible crosspoints
不同坡度的交汇点grade-separated junction
两矿脉交叉点vein intersection
中点交叉midpoint crossing
主要交通站点数key count
meeting point
intersection point
交会测点pivot point layout
交会测点法point intersection
交会点pivotal point
交会点intersect point
交会点intersection station
交叉冲突点crossway conflicts
交叉冲突点crossing conflicts
交叉点mis-tie at intersection
交叉点intersection junction
交叉点point of junction
交叉点intersection point
交叉点cross-over point
交叉点出口intersection exit (道路)
交叉点分散separation of intersecting points
交叉点放样setting-out of cross-point
交叉点继电器crosspoint relay
交叉点继电器矩阵crosspoint relay matrix
交合点merge point
交换点exchange site
交换点intersection point
交易地点loco (商品市场术语)
交替像点alternate picture dot
交汇点intersection point
交汇点point of junction
交汇点merging conflict
交汇点intersecting point
交流电源点阵alternative current power supply network
交点point cross point
交点cross-over point
交点位移方向direction of displacement of interesting point
交点位置position of interesting point
交点周期node cycle
交点因素node factor
交点node cycle
交点nodical year
交点draconitic year
教堂的十字形耳堂交点广场crossing square
交点draconic month
交点线node line
交点西退regression of the nodes
交点里程crossing station
交点高度intersection height
交织点weaving point
交船地点delivery point
交货delivery station
交货delivery point
交货地点exchange locality
交货地点delivered site
交货终点delivery terminal
交通冲突点point of conflict
交通吸引点traffic attractor
交通始发点traffic generator
交通枢纽点traffic terminal point
交通枢纽点transport node
交通枢纽点communication nodal point
交通汇集点trip end
交通点模型point model for traffic
交通站点旅客咨询调查transportation terminal questionnaire (method)
交通终点traffic destination
交通结点transportation junction
交通要害点strategic point
交通调查点traffic-census point
交通起点traffic origin
交错点焊staggered spot-welding
交零点crossing zero
以市中心区为终点的交通downtown terminal traffic
低阻交点low-resistive interesting point
侵蚀交叉点erosional nick-point
像点交错picture-dot interlacing
光线交点轨迹ray intercept curve
切线交点point of intersection of tangents
交点auxiliary intersection point
交点method of auxiliary intersection point
十字交叉点Latin cross
交点north bound node
交点黄经longitude of ascending
单点交叉口控制isolated intersection control
卫星升交点赤经right ascension of satellite ascending node
卫星轨道升交点ascending mode of satellite orbit
卫星轨道降交点descending node of satellite orbit
交点negative interesting point
交点anti-nodal point
后方交会点resection station
后方交会点resection point
后方交会点resected station
启运点交货价free on board shipping point
商业区交通终点站shopping terminal
国际交通终点站international terminal
圬工墙的斜交点skewed junction of masonry walls
地震断裂交汇点junction point of seismic fault
坐标网交点grid intersection
外推交点对应时间extrapolated intersection time
多交叉点braided intersection
对角线交叉点intersection point of diagonals
射线交点ray intersection point
射线交点ray intersection
彩色条点交叉图案信号发生器colour bar dot crosshatch generator
彩色条点交叉图案信号发生器color bar dot crosshatch generator
拐点正交切线法inflection-tangent-intersection method
指定边境地点交货delivery at frontier (价)
挖填交点cut-and-fill location
散点交会定位法location by forward intersection
斜交升交点赤经oblique ascension
断层交叉点intersection of faults
断层交叉点位置location of fault intersection
交点wing point
交点side point
月球交点lunar node
杆件的交点point of intersection of members
某点正交厚度orthogonal thickness at given point
栅格交点grid intersection
交点positive interesting point
交点orthogonal point
正交投影点rectangular projection point
正交投影点orthogonal projection point
正交线寻址点矩阵crossbar addressed dot matrix
水平交错点horizontally interlaced dot
水道交叉地点stream crossing site
江河交叉点river junction
沟道交接点ditch junction
河流交汇点river confluence
河道交叉点river junction
河道交叉点river confluence
测线交点坐标line cross point coordinates
测线交点桩号line cross point stake number
测线切割线交点误差error between flight line and cross line
测角交会点intersection point with angle measurements
点交hand-over item by item
电缆交接点cable distribution point
目的地买方指定地点交货价franco rendu
直接定交点定线locating by direct locating intersection point
直线切割线交点误差曲线cross-over point error curve of line and cross line
交点cross point
交点junction point
交点point of intersection
交点intersecting point
交点cross-over point
交点噪声cross point noise
相位交点phase crossover
穹棱交点groined point
空间三点交会法three-point intersection in space
空间双点后方交会double resection in space
立体交叉点cross-over point
终点交通terminal traffic
联剖交点性质property of intersecting point in combined profiling method
肋的相交点rib intersection
交点imaging intersection point
交点imaginary intersection point
交点apparent intersection
行点交织line and dot interlace
角度交会法放点setting-out by intersecting angle coordinate
角焊接面的交点toe of fillet
起讫点交通表origin-destination table
起运地点交货价格free on board shipping point
轨道交点orbital node
轨道交会点rail center
转向主销轴线与路面的交叉点knuckle-pin center
辐射交会点point of radial intersection
铁路的辙叉交点theoretical point of frog
铁路的辙叉交点theoretic point of frog
选点正交orthogonal for finite sum
道路交叉点intersect ion
道路交叉点road junct ion
道路交叉点road junction
道路连接点交通流量分配率node-link relationship
铁路交叉点railway junction
铁路交叉点railway crossing
铁路交叉点railroad crossing
交点southbound node
交点dragon's tail
交点黄经longitude of descending node
隅角交点corner batt
交点zero cross
交点检测器zero crossing detector
簧片的静止交点static contact point
高阻交点high resistive interesting point
黄道交点ecliptic node
黄道与白道交点lunar node