
Термины по тематике Общая лексика, содержащие Being | все формы | только в заданной форме
aid granted through State resources is being misuseduna ayuda otorgada mediante fondos estatales se aplica de manera abusiva
all four texts being equally authenticcuyos cuatro textos son igualmente auténticos
to be counted as being presentser contado como presente
being hypochondriacpreocupación exagerada por la salud
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and MedicineConvenio relativo a los derechos humanos y la biomedicina
Council of Europe Convention on action against trafficking in human beingsConvenio del Consejo de Europa sobre la lucha contra la trata de seres humanos
fear of being discountedmiedo a la descalificación
for the time beingprovisionalmente
He is ashamed for being late every daySe siente avergonzado por llegar tarde todos los días
human beinghombre
I could not sleep for being hiccuping all nightNo pude dormir por estar hipando toda la noche
Incentive and exchange programme for persons responsible for combating trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of childrenPrograma STOP
to promote economic advancement and well-beingpromover la prosperidad económica y el bienestar
to recognize as being equivalentreconocer como equivalente
territory designated as being of military importancezona de importancia militar
thank you for being with usgracias por estar con nosotros
the item of the agenda being dealt withasunto del orden del día que se estuviere examinando
The system is being updatedEl sistema se está actualizando
trade in human beingstrata de personas
traffic in human beingstrata de personas
traffic in human beingstrata de seres humanos
trafficking in human beingstrata de personas
undertaking being awarded a contractempresa contratante del contrato
window tinting treatment, being surface coatingcoloración del vidrio por tratamiento de superficie
within one month of being called upon to do soen el plazo de un mes desde la presentación de la petición