
Термины по тематике Юридическая лексика, содержащие there is no | все формы | только в заданной форме | только в указанном порядке
there is no credible path forward in courtдело не имеет судебной перспективы (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
there is no forceлишено силы (что-либо; to something; об утверждении, доводе и т. п. / 11.01.2021 Евгений Тамарченко)
there is no half-way houseнужно определиться (There is no half-way house; either A were entitled to act on behalf of B in the extradition proceedings or they were not. It is obviously important that B is clear on this point. 4uzhoj)
there is no legal basis forотсутствуют правовые основания для (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
there is no property in a witnessсвидетель – это не объект вещного права (Alexander Demidov)
there is no property in a witnessсвидетель – это не вещь (This means that the fact that you have taken a statement from a witness and the witness is likely to be called to give evidence for the prosecution does not prevent the defence from taking a statement or precognition from that witness. As all lawyers know: "there is no property in a witness" meaning that neither side 'owns' a witness. gov.uk Alexander Demidov)
there is no room left for complaintнет никаких оснований для подачи жалобы
there is no scope forнет никакой возможности для (Leonid Dzhepko)