
Термины по тематике Полиграфия, содержащие of | все формы | только в заданной форме
angle of halftone screen lines网线角度
art and copy preparation; preparation of copy原稿准备
back bone; back of a book; book back书背
back bone; back of a book; book back; backstrip; saddle; spine书脊
back cover; bottom page ; bottom of the page; cover back; fourth cover; lower cover; reverse cover封底
back margin of paper书页的里边
biting of the acid酸腐蚀
body of book; body of work正文
body size ; face size ; size of type; type size ; word size字号
bronzing of ink金粉墨
cover of varnished cloth漆布面
depth of copy display版面显示高度
depth of plate版面腐蚀深度
dimension of composition排版尺寸
dimension of image图像尺寸
dressed forme; dressing; impose; imposing; imposition; loading; locking-up; lockup; mounting of forme; justify ; plate; plating; plate up装版
exposure time; time of exposure曝光时间
head of the page天头
height of shank; height of type; height to shoulder字身高度
horizontal setting of types ; horizontal typesetting横排
layout of printed sheet; face版面
matching of inks ; mix printing ink调墨
nm-of-press color printing报纸彩印
number of runs ; number to be printed印数
offsetting of ink油墨黏脏
oil of turpentine; terebinth; turpentine松节油
out of register走版
out of register套色不准
be out of register没有配准
out of register对版不准
be out of register对得不齐
over-absorption of ink吸墨过多
plate change; change of plate; changing plate; plate changing换版
printing of line engraving线雕刻版画印刷
printing of mezzotints铜版画印刷
printing of wood-cut木刻版
reel of paper; roll web; traveling set off web; web; paper roll卷筒纸
sequence of colors印刷色序
set-width of body; set of letter; set of type; width of the letter; width of the type字宽
set-width; set-width of letter字体宽度
standard size of series AA系列标准幅面
standard size of series BB系列标准幅面
stone of lithography石版印版
tinning of electrotype镀锡电铸版
tope of the page天头
underabsorption of ink吸墨不足
vertical setting of types ; vertical typesetting竖排