
Термины по тематике Экономика, содержащие Background | все формы | только в заданной форме
background material背景材料
Background Notes美国国务院发行的背景注释
background papers背景文件
business background业务情况
business background企业背景
economic background经济背景
general background一般背景
If we want to win the competition, it is important to know the rival s' background如果我们想赢得这场竞争,重要的是要了解对手的背景
socioeconomic background社会经济背景
the background material背景材料
The firm in question is an importer and wholesaler here of silk, having a business background of some thirty years该商行是此地丝绸进口商和批发商,开业大约已有30年
They are exporters of cotton goods, having a business background of some 20 years他们是棉织品出口商,已经经营了约20年
We are looking for someone with a background of success in the electronics industry我们正寻求在电子行业有过成功经历的人