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Термины по тематике Политика (12290 статей)
à utilisation manuelle hand operated
abandon des études dropout
abandon des études dropout (A student or trainee who, for various reasons (inaptitude, financial difficulties, personal and family problems), does not complete an organized period of education or training)
abandonner collectivement les fonctions resign as a body
abords surroundings
aborigène aborigine
aborigène aborigine (indigenous people)
Abou Dhabi Abu Dhabi
Abou Dhabi Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)
abréviations abbreviations
abris indispensables aux mouvements saisonniers des troupeaux shelters necessary for transhumance
abrogation abrogation
absence au sein de la Cour d'un juge absence from the Court of a judge
absence d'avis absence of an opinion
absence de guerre absence of war
absences au travail absence from work
absences au travail absence from work (absenteeism)
absentéisme absenteeism (The practice of a worker not to report for work for a period of one or more days (or shifts) when he [or she] has been assigned or scheduled for work)
abus abuse
abus abuse (fraud)